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Flag of Snefaldia
Motto: "Over the drifts and banks"
Region Union of Independent Nations
Capital Sargedain
Official Language(s) English, Pa-gura
Leader Seed-Ram-Bahra
Population ~5 million
Currency me-wak 
NS Sunset XML

Snefaldia (Pa-Gura Dayaniram) is a smallish country almost entirely surrounded by mountains, bisected by the Saard river that runs through the mountains, emptying into a sea.

The largest city in Snefaldia is Sargedain, which is also the capital.


Snefaldia is surrounded on all sides by high mountain ranges, with the Seril Mountains in the east, the Zogar Range to the west, the Hightops in the south, and the Velnar Mountains to the north. The central country is dotted with lakes and valleys, and the Saard river bisects the country, running from the northeast Velnars down through the southeast Serils before empyting into the Bay of Fuschal and the Memdar delta.

The centre of the country is called the Dayan Plain, and is very fertile, expansive, and covered in rolling hills. The Dayan forms a basin where the Saard river cuts through it, and floods from time to time.. To the north is Sring Issa, defined by old-growth deciduous forests, low valleys, and small, numerous lakes. South of the Saard and Dayan is Neer Dal, home to marshes, subtropical forests, and hundreds of small rivers.

To the east, in the foothills of the Serils, is Bae, a region defined by deep gorges and hot, windy steppes. The western region of Allasha is largely rolling hills and valleys, considered excellent farmland.


Snefaldia has a mixture of subtropical, temperate, and tundra climates. The mountains are high and rocky, though lower in altitude are very hillish and flat before descending into the central plain.


Snefaldia society is a mixed one, with several distinct ethnic groups competing over land and resources. Largely divided along regional lines, the Dayan, Sringal, Bae, Neeri, and Allashi ethnic groups comprise Snefaldia societies, and make up the nation's racial distinction.

Snefaldia has long been isolated from other nations, despite having a perfect seaport situated in the Memdar delta, but has never been a great seafaring or trading nation. Most foreign influence arrived through the mountain passes, and each region recieved a great deal of cultural influence from the peoples that made the trek over their respective mountain ranges.


The Centralised Mountain States are a in name a federal monarchy, but in practice a unitary republic. The monarchy, held by the Jaddars, has been vacant for many years, and power in largely concentrated in the upper house of the republic's legislature, the Sensraad.

In Snefaldia, the government is ostensibly made up of three branches: the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judiciary according to the 1803 Declaration of Orders. However, since 1935 the Executive, which was supposed to be held by a member of the Jaddar family, has been vacant and its duties absorbed by the Legislature, including the ability to appoint the members of the Judiciary.

The legislative branch of the government is made up of three elected bodies: the Sensraad, or High Chamber, the Arsraad or Low Chamber, and the Rajiyad, or Assembly of Rajahs.


The modern nation was established in 1743 by Khanseer Arsabathikhan, who declared himself Shahanshah of Dayaniram. In 1803 the Shahansha was overthrown and the Maharajah of Neer Dal established the first democratic assembly, the Rajiyad, and promulgated the 1803 Decree of Orders.