Going Postal

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Issue #210
Going Postal
Author Emperor Matthuis
Editor Sirocco
Date added 2007-04
Subject postal system
Main category (?) economic freedom
Number of options 3

Going Postal is a national issue that deals with a national economic system, particularly with the privatization or public operation of a postal system. This issue gives nations a chance to move towards a more capitalist or socialist economy. The issue also makes two assumptions about the name of the current government postal system, @@NAME@@ MAIL, and the name of a private courier service PostHaste. It is not clear if PostHaste is a domestic or international company, though for the purpose of this issue it does not matter.

This issue is the fourth issue submitted by Emperor Matthuis that has been added to NationStates.


It has come to your attention that there is some serious debate over whether @@NAME@@'s postal service should be either privatised or nationalised.

Debate options

  1. "The postal system ought to be privatised," says @@RANDOMNAME@@, Director of PostHaste, a small package delivery company. "All the government is doing is putting the tax @@CURRENCY@@ of hard-working citizens into an outmoded and wasteful system. Private businesses can offer a much more efficient system with less junk mail. A little more expense on stamps is worth that right?"
  2. "Uh huh? And what about those in rural or remote areas?" asks @@RANDOMNAME@@, the CEO of @@NAME@@ Mail, the government-owned postal service. "If you privatise this business then they'll get marginalised and ignored. With a nationalised service everyone can use the system and cheaply too. We provide a good service for our customers and have been doing so for a very long time! The postal service should be nationalised and all competition banned!"
  3. "There's plenty of room for compromise," says @@RANDOMNAME@@, a stamp collector. "How about we just privatise the mail system and allow other competitors to move in but continue with government funding to @@NAME@@ Mail? That way everyone can get their post and the companies can have their own slice of the pie. It'll require an increase in tax to cope with losses to competition but not too much. I think. To be frank, I just want more stamps."

Domestic impacts

Option 1

The following game text is added to nations choosing this option:


It is believed that the first option significantly decreases government size and slightly increases Economic Freedoms, but significantly increases income disparity.

Option 2

The following game text is added to nations choosing this option:


It is believed that the second option slightly increases government size and slightly decreases Economic Freedoms while significantly decreases income disparity.

Option 3

The following game text is added to nations choosing this option:


It is believed that the third option ...

United Nations impact


Additional materials