Armed Forces of SAGA-6

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Ninja Vipers

  • Commander: Jin Jade Juro
  • Strength: unknown, assumed ca. 160
  • Specialisation: Covert Operations, Assassination, Espionage
  • Fighting Style: Ninjutsu

Led by Jin Jade Juro, the Ninja Vipers are the weapon of choice for espionage, assassination and sabotage. Clad in black, these soldiers move in in silence, complete their task in stealth and secrecy and take their leave just as silently as they came. Though such a force would have the potential to much more, they are rarely used and almost always by orders of marshal Jestro. This is most likely because the two other generals have their own substantial forces under them, which they prefer to use. The only notable account of Ninja Viper activity was in Rhanland, were the local ruler, Baron Schaller, was dethroned by a rebellion they incited, and later killed by a small team of Ninjas in his mansion in the Rhanlandian countryside (but not before he handed the Flying Dutchman to Luna of Luna and Lavio of Vingarde, who took their leave with the airship, forces of Selene being hot on their trail). The Ninja Vipers, like all forces, are highly loyal to their commander Jin and despise Jestro. What became of them after Jestro took power beyond Rift Omega is unknown, but it is propable they either joined him or died, like were the options to all other remaining forces.

Red Ninja Vipers

An elite squad within the Ninja Vipers. They accompany their leader Jin Jade Juro on the most dangrous and difficult missions. All of them accompanied him to the forsakken castle and were subsequently slaughtered by the vampire Alucarde, who turned them into his minions. It is highly propable that all but the last member of this elite squad died during this incident.