Kravania-Lone Alliance war

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Kravania-Lone Alliance war Summary
Date: January 28th - March 24, 2006 (This conflict officially ended with the conclusion of The Pavelic War)
Locations: The Lone Alliance, Kravania
Outcome: Degenerated into The Pavelic War (which includes the Kravania-Lone Alliance war as its first chapter)
Casualties (approx.)
Military: To be determined dead
Civilian: To be determined dead
Total: To be determined dead
Main Participants
TLA Supporters Kravanian Supporters
The Lone Alliance
New Ausha
Raven corps


The Kravanian-Lone Alliance war stemmed from Kravania's vow to destroy all Communist gangster movements in the world. President Atne Pavelic of Kravania targeted The Lone Alliance, naming the country "A corrupt Communist gangster supporter", and calling the President of TLA "deranged". They were also targeted for reportedly supporting terrorists in Torontia, during that nation's civil war, who supposedly plotted or conspired to assassinate President Kaufman. Following the fall of the democratic Torontian government TLA supported the Socialist party, which was also a target of Pavelic's anger. Kravania vowed to completely occupy TLA, its colonies, and all islands.

The First Days

Nearly as soon as the war started, Pavelic was transported to a governmental bunker in the Carpathian mountains. Quickly, TLA began to do intel scans on Kravanian territory from space. Raven Corps quickly offered support to whoever bought it, but while both showed interest, Raven Corps was forced out, in relation to its corporate Invasion. A day later, Kravania launched an air assault on TLA, sending 170 bombers, escorted by 300 fighters. TLA quickly readied its air defense system, and prepared for the air attack. Quickly, The Allied Protectorate of Lone Alliance Colonies(A Self-Governed territory) declared war upon Kravania. Frozopia announced its support of Kravania, but did not offer economic or military support. This was shortly followed by The Roach-Busters offering their full support to Kravania, and wished to assist Kravania in wiping TLA off the planet. Shorty afterwards, TLA Interceptor planes were launched to engage the Kravanian planes. Just two days following the Roach-Busterian pledge, Parthia offered support to Kravania in a similar fashion.

The Rest

Following several days of sabre rattling and light air skirmishes between all sides, Willink dropped space based EMP weapons over mainland Kravania that shut down power, destroyed electronics, and shut the entire nation down for two weeks. During this time, Mckagan and Willinkian special forces actually landed in a Kravanian port and blew up the Aircraft Carrier KNS-Cresent, and set fire to dock facilities. Later that week air strikes destroyed several governmental buildings and destroyed nearly half of the Kravanian air force on the ground.

Lone Alliance Account

Supposed reasons behind the war

At the end of the Torontian War, and after the actions of the Lone Alliance intervening in their attempt to make false accusations of chemical weapons in Stroddina, the relations between the Kravanian Government and the TLA government was at a mutual hatred. Meanwhile, the Lone Alliance continued to show hostility to the nation of Roach-Busters by providing public support to enemy Leftist governments, as well as multiple public condemnations of their nation, claiming that the Roach-Busters government was an Imperalist Neo-Fascist regime.

Eventually the strain reached an breaking point, allowing the Pavelic regime to take advantage of to declare war under sketchy claims of Communism, Roach-Busters, not only seeming to see a chance to remove a thorn in their side, but also being made up of rabid anti-Communists, Roach-Busters under the banner of the World Anti-Communist League, an international organization designed to suppress communism, declared war.

Parthia, a long-time ally of Roach-Busters, and a mild enemy of The Lone Alliance as well, joined in with a declaration of their own. Standing nearly alone between three nations, two of which were of much greater strength than the Lone Alliance, the nation prepared for a long siege. However there were a few advantages to the situation, Pavelic, Kravania's president, was often considered severely irrational, giving Kravania poor PR for the International Community. Furthermore, secret aid from the nation of McKagan had arrived in points midway of Kravania to provide some early warning.

The war

The battles opened up with missile barrages by Parthian submarines that did heavy damage against Lone Alliance coastal defense systems, but inland territories were protected by massive (and experimental) anti-aircraft defenses, including a design based on the old Stonehenge artillery battery created by The Vuhifellian States. Soon afterward, a large Kravanian air-raid severely damaged the first strike capabilities of the Lone Alliance WMD arsenal. But the anti-aircraft defense complex inflicted great losses onto the Kravanian air-strike units. Limping back humiliated and defeated, it was at this point McKagan intervened, stationing naval forces in the path of the retreating Kravanian warplanes. The McKagan Navy decimated the exhausted and wounded air force, and at the same time, a large number of surface to surface missiles were launched from hidden subs, damaging the Kravanian Air Force bases as well as support facilities.

It was around this time the three invasion fleets went underway, Kravania's fleet first followed by the Roach-Busterian fleet and the Parthian fleet. Then Pavelic made his worst assault. He ordered a nuclear and chemical attack on the Lone Alliance civilian populations. While the hordes of chemical weapons were mostly shot down or failed to affect the bunkered in civilians, the nuclear weapons were a much bigger problem, as the majority of the defensive fire was focused on them. Many fell from the sky, however two had managed to penetrate the city. With no other option, the Lone Alliance fired an ion cannon strike into the engines of the first missile, the first missile collided with the second sending it into a building, whereupon hitting the second missile, it detonated. Damage was less than an airburst nuke, but the loss of life of those in the underground bunkers was greater. This act of war, though horrible, sealed Kravania's fate.

Turning point

The few remaining Lone Alliance government officials in the country made an international appeal for aid (with the most of them having fled to Quaon to set up a government-in-exile), stated that it was a war crime to use nuclear weapons on civilians and proving that Kravania was on a war of annihilation instead of liberation. Help came in from all over and from all types of government and ideologies, socialists, conservatives, centrists, and incredibly, a (and most surprising of all, a secular) fascist government assisted the Allied States. The Glorious Confederacy of Leafanistan, though on the verge of civil war, donated one trillion dollars worth of USD as well as shipping the last purchases before their nation's collapse into civil war, the nation of FutureEngland as well as many others sent food, equipment and financial aid. The first nation to send military aid was the Sovereign Republic of Willink, activating their orbital platform-based weapons arsenal and deployed troops, and give indirect military aid (i.e., ammunition, food, intelligence, etc). Military support also was sent by Animarnia, New Ausha, Spizania, and Voxio.

Evacuations were made of Lone Alliance citizens by Intracircumcordei

This war was part of The Pavelic War.