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Imperial Vexian Flag


Full Name

Imperial Commonwealth of Vexia


Eastern Europe

Head of State

Grand Duke Dimitri Vyarin(2005/6-2033(?))



National Anthem

Farewell of Slavianka/"Farewell of Vityaya"






Constitutional Monarchy/Autocracy


NBC Deutschmark <ref>Neues Berlin Compact, 2004. Replaced Neon.</ref>


19.5 Million


Vexia is a fictional country that was first introduced in the Spring of 2004 on the Eastern European Forums. and was later featured in modified form in a number of roleplaying and fictional contexts. Vexia is said to be the region's resident lunatic superpower, however Marsden III rivals it in size as well as military might and insanity.


The Imperial Commonwealth of Vexia is located in the western half of Eastern Europe, and dominates the center of the Baltic, roughly the same location and size asLatvia. There is no numerical estimate to the size of Vexia, but it's estimated that Vexia is at least 3 or 4 times the size of Krivichistan before The Vexian Civil War and appears to be larger than Latvia in the real world.

Vexia is a small nation, with the Gulf of Riga cutting through it, the Baltic Sea bordering the entirety of its Northern Coast. It was bordered by Krivichistan, Elostrian and Balspania before the Vexian Civil War, but after Vexia gained Balspania in the early 2006 Conflict, it added Baltoslavia to its list of bordering nations. It is bordered by the Saaremaa Islands in the North.


Vexia's climate is largely typical of Eastern Europe, having short, hot summers and long cold winters. It is largely dominated by coniferous forests, large grassy plains and some steep hills and impressive rivers. Much of it is, however, developed urban terrain, and its main river, the Daugava, is a point of contention, occupied by Krivichistan prior to December 20, 2006.

Notable places

Vityaya Cathedral
Vityaya, Capital of Vexia
  • Nechenya - A city near the southeastern border with a nuclear power plant, the civilian power station was attacked by Okrans in late 2004.
  • Liepaja - A rapidly growing civillian harbour town. The city has grown rapidly since the secession of Riga and the loss of Vexia's foremost civillian and millitary naval facilities.
  • Vyarinstadt - The UAC"Dreamland", a rocket test base was built here by the UAC to test rockets for the Arkbird. Also renowned as being a failed attempt to create the perfect city, which recieved a pathetic budget and became little more than a desolate ghost-town.
  • Gulf of Riga - 50km across and opens out to the Baltic Sea. The Vexian Imperial Navy gather here regularly to patrol the coast,and to menance East Riga, the only Krivichi naval base and an isolated hostile fortress-city.
  • Valmiera VAF 12- A former Nikolaykrainian airbase, the airbase is now used by the Vexian Air Force as a training base for new recruits. This is where the Screaming Fury Squadron trains, and the Sirin Bomber Command is located.
  • Rihnu and Kihnu - Twin fortress islands where the Vexian Imperial Navy maintains watch stations and back-up arsenals containing anti-ship and anti-air missiles.
  • Kolka- The fifth largest city in Vexia with approximately thirty thousand people. It is situated on the western tip of the Gulf of Riga, and juts out like a penisula. Kolka features massive oil refineries and several large industrial warehouses, and is the link-up for the huge North-Baltic Oil Pipeline being constructed from the North Sea to the heart of Vexia.
  • Vityaya - Capital of the Imperial Commonwealth. A massive metropolitan city with about half a million people.. Positioned in the heart of Vexia, the city was threatened by the Deathrain Missile Programme activated by Emperor Ulli Vyarin in the "Vexian Civil War" which would have obliterated the city. Fortunatetly, the Deathrain Missile Launch Countdown was disabled by a heroic and anonmyous secret agent working for the Riev Federation.
  • Ventspils - A port city with a naval base,and the headquarters for the Vexian Imperial Navy. The Heavy Cruiser Vityaya II was commissioned and constructed here, before it was assigned to South Baltic patrol.
  • Saaremaa - an island situated between Vexia and Goteland. A small Vexian Defensive Force is posted there, but it is primarily the location of a huge "loaned" millitary complex for the EECN, primarily the Hellenic Confederation. Before the embarassing and almost-fatal May Invasion of Elostrian, it was largely in the posession of Krivichistan, and before that it was an independent league of naval officer known as "Potempkin". Vexia's claim to it is recent, and the Islands are mostly neglected by the Imperial Commonwealth, and allowed to run their own affairs.


Vexia possesses substantial military powers, mainly consisting of Four Imperial Armies,the Imperial Navy, and the Vexian Air Force. Much of its landforces are made up of forced volunteers and immigrants who have come seeking a better life in Vexia. Its Air Force is ultra-modern in composition, made up of large numbers of Strategic Bombers and Joint Strike Fighters. However, most of its equipment is untried, and its pilots have seen little combat experience.

Vexian Air Force

Like most NS Eastern European Nations, Vexia posesses large amounts of real-world hardware from Germany, France, the United States and Russia, some imported, some produced locally. Vexia maintains a thriving millitary vehicles industry, providing Vexia with a steady stream of replacement vehicles for its costly wars.

The Vexian Air Force is divided into Four Commands- Transport,Bomber,Fighter and Reserve. The VAF also maintains an "Ace" ranking system, with several squadrons comprised of those who have scored multiple kills against enemy fighters, ground forces and bombers, or who have shown above-excellent skill levels in training.

"Alkonost" JSF
"Sirin" Strategic Bomber

Vexian Imperial Navy

The Vexian Imperial Navy consists of a heavy mix of Soviet and German ships and submarines. Although underfunded and suffering from chronic low morale, the VIN's reputation is slowly recovering from decades of neglect, and traditions disregarded since the Vhorenian War have been ressurected, and, despite having seen minimal action in recent conflicts, the VIN continues to modernize and attract new recruits.


The Bulk of the Vexian Armed Forces, the Army is divided into Four Army Groups, namely, the Overwatch/Border Defence Force, the Armigers, the Lowejagers, and the Western Army. The 1st Army consists of elite infantry regiments such as the Polish Guard and the Overwatch, who often act in a Royal Guard function for the Duke, or as Special Forces when overseas. The 2nd Army, or Armigers, also includes many of the Rangers, Marines and Paratroppers maintained by the Vexian Armed Forces. The 3rd Army consists largely of conscripts, penal batallions,pressed immigrants and other hardened, disreputable formations. The 4th, or Western Army is recently raised, and occupies much of Western Vexia, including territory gained from Balspania.


Early History

900-1250 AD Vexia/Latvia is the location of Three Kingdoms- Courgallia, Semigallia and Latgallia- which compete for control of the resources of the Baltic and the surrounding forests and hills.

1250-1558 AD Germans migrate to the region, in particular a Divison of the Teutonic Knights, led by a man named Cezerian Vexian, who establishes a strong presence in what later becomes Riga. Latvia is ruled by an Iron Fist by the Teutonic Order, whose power slowly fades towards the end of the 15th century, and are left with very little in the face of enroaching Nikolaykrainians.


1558-1583 The Livonian War results in the collapse of the Teutonic Order, and Latvia is divided into various warring City States and minor Principalities. Riga is ruled by descendents of Vexian, and becomes known as the Duchy of Vexia. The Polish, Vhorenian Germans and the Nikolaykrainians all compete to influence or dominate outright these various factions.

1584- 1620s Various Eastern European factions launch various wars to gain control of the Baltic or Latvia. Long period of political upheaval and shifting borders. Vityaya gains prominence as a Nikolaykrainian stronghold, and various factions go to great lengths to dominate the fortress-town.

1621 Swedo-Finnish Forcesled by Gustavus Adolphus besiege Riga, but fail to capture the city entirely, driven off by the brilliant leadership of the Grand Duke Vexharin, who seizes the city after a forced march from Vityaya.

1622-1631 Vexharin succeeds in expanding the Vexian Duchy against the crumbling Polish-Lithuanian dominated "Livonia" covering over half of modern day Vexia.

1640-1721 Grand Duchy becomes an official Kingdom, and the Kings Vexharin make Vityaya their official seat of power. They later sends troops to aid against Qabrestani Incursions at Zenta, amongst other places. The term "Vexian Rule" is still used to denote this period of benevolent and progressive rule, in which socially progressive programmes of civil construction, schooling and improvement of infrastructure were conducted.

1716-1740 Great Northern War results in spectacular setbacks for Vexia, as Nikolaykraina gains dominion over the region, driving the Vexharins back to the then small village of Vezkron, which becomes a tiny, fortified enclave for the royal family, after years of bloody fighting. During this period, the Germans gain dominance, and set up a puppet state in western Vexia called "Courland", which is a haven for autocratic nobility and decadence.

Quasi-modern History

1795-1863 All of Vexia is assimilated into the Greater Nikolaykrainian Empire, and Riga becomes regional capital. The Vexharins are forgotten, and blend into the common bloodlines.

1863 January Uprising sees a resurgance in Vexian Nationalism, and Latvians come to see themselves as "Vexians", carrying on the great legacy of the forgotten Vexharins. Uprising is crushed brutally, but the seeds of discontent are sown.

1880 Massive Uprising by the Young Vexian Movement, who eclipse the New Current Social Liberalists briefly, long enough to succeed in establishing a partially free Vexian State, allowed to exist as a protectorate of the crumbling Nikolaykrainian Empire.

Modern History

1881-1919 Vexia ruled by a socially progressive and increasingly left-wing and liberal Republic, established after the Young Vexian movement fades away once the "Great White Enemy" have been "vanquished".

1919-1922 Igovian Revolution begins- Vexia overwhelmed by Communist fervor, and becomes a satellite state of Nikolaykrainia once again.

1939-1947 Vhorenian War sees Vexia become a blood-drenched battleground like never before. Vhorenians overwhelm Vexia rapidly, but Free Vexian Navy manages to escape to friendly harbours, and conducts a naval guerilla war for control of the Baltic. Free Vexian Resistance also struggles to reconcile its nationalist and communist leanings in order to effectively resist the Germano-Vhorenian Invaders. Eventually liberated by Nikolaykrainians.

1950's-1980's Vexia becomes a Communist satellite state again- this time one increasingly undermined by Fascist and Nationalist political activism, who struggle to make themselves as strong as they were a century previously.


1989-1993 Vexia succeeds in secession from Nikolaykraina, becomes a free Republic once again, but not for long.

1993 Chancellor Valdez wins elections, Vexian Nationalist Party sweeps to power.

1993-1999 Vexia becomes increasingly millitarized and insular as Valdez squanders collapsing economy on creating a semi-autonomous elite army to fulfill his dreams of creating "Super-Soldiers" and invading Elostrian.


2000 General Ulli Vyarin seizes control using the elite army Valdez sought to create, and after six months of sporadic fighting, declares himself Emperor and sets up the Imperium of Vexia.

2000-2004 Ulli Vyarin rules Vexia, and opens it to the rest of Eastern Europe. main events of the Roleplaying board begin towards the end of Vyarin's reign.

2004/2005 Vexia undergoes several changes of state leading to the time known as the "Troubles". Neues Berlin Compact of Nations is compelled to invade and restore Imperial Order, leading to the Vexian Civil War and a division of its territories, under the Treaty of Vityaya. It allows the surviving provisional government toplace Grand Duke Dimitri Vyarin on the throne. He quickly shakes off their puppet strings, and begins to restore Order and rebuild Infrastructure.

2006-2009 Vexia recovers from the Vexian Civil War and "Troubles" and aggressively and progressively struggles to compete economically with its neighbours, launching an allied-invasion of Balspania, seizing land from Filea and eventually invading long-time enemy, Krivichistan with a massively upgraded and modernized force. The restoration of Vexia's economy was due several progressive reforms, culminating in the huge, liberalizing lassez-faire Charter known as the "Thirty-Step Plan", which made a total of 30 reforms to all branches of Vexian administration, the judiciary, economy, finance, society, politics and the Armed forces structure, in order to bring Vexia into the 21st century.

Economic investment in Occupied Moyk, and the withdrawal of NBC Forces, allows Vexia to finally achieve its position as Baltic Superpower. Only the Hellenic Confederation, the Mediterranean Superpower and figurehead of the EECN, remains to oppose the rapidly growing Baltic Giant, maintaining as it does a sizeable force on the Island of Saaremaa, accquired as part of a disastrous "Bases for Resources" Treaty known as the "Disastrous Accords" or the "Constantinople Accords" Deals made with the Hellenic Confederation in this period also include the purchase of six [[|Type 642 Phaestos|Phaestos-E]] Missile Frigates.

The Imperial Commonwealth of Vexia is currently expanding its interests abroad, involved in the Nikolaykrainian Civil War, building a massive Oil Pipeline, and Invading Krivichistan. Once these are complete, it is almost certain to begin involvements further abroad, likely to include driving the Greeks off Saaremaa and influencing the Civil War in the Georgia Region.

External links

Eastern Europe