Confederacy of Free Regions

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Confederacy of Free Regions
Headquarters: n/d
Members: 9 Member Regions and 574 member nations the 16th March 2007
Type: Economical, Military and Social
Forum: [1]

The Confederacy of Free Regions-Freedom, Communication, Trust

General Information

Member Regions

-Amor Fati Anagenesis


-Dun Eideann

-Empire City


-Global Right Alliance

-Liberty Alliance

-New Spain

-Nova Atlantica

Former Member Regions




Secretarial Positions

Secretary-General: Oodge

Deputy Secretary-General: Sedge

Intelligence Secretary: Harlander

Foreign Secretary: Vacant

Defence Secretary: Ryno III

Development Secretary: Obana4

Social Secretary: Hiigar

Press Secretary: Jivdom

General Assembly Representatives

Global Right Alliance:
-Love and honour
-Pdgeon Island
Dun Eideann:
Amor Fati Anagenesis:
-Ryno III
Empire City:
New Spain:
-Peaceful Llamas


Constitution of the Confederacy of Free Regions


The Confederacy of Free Regions (COFR) is a grouping of regions, which welcomes all regions. It looks to unite as many regions as possible under the one banner, while protecting the diversity of its regions. It is a primarily defensive organisation, and concentrates on helping out regions when they are invaded, and the sharing of intelligence.

The Rights of the COFR

The COFR is not a region though the region Confederacy City acts as its capital. It will never encourage member regions to merge into a super-region. Additionally, the COFR will not interfere with the politics of the regions that make it up. All member regions of the COFR have the right to withdraw from the COFR if their government so decides, without the fear of reprisal from the COFR for the act of withdrawal. All full members of the COFR are considered of equal value to the COFR. The COFR has the right to request that member regions co-operate on military missions to defend member regions. Co-operation is compulsory unless an exemption is granted by the SC. Additionally, it can request for assistance for other defensive missions, however, co-operation is not compulsory. The COFR may only engage in defensive missions (including liberations), and may not involve itself in invasions. The COFR has a standing army, the Confederacy Army, which is led by the Secretary of Defence, who holds the position of General. He controls admission to this army, and the ranks held by members. Access to the General's Quarters must be given to the S-G, Deputy S-G, Foreign Secretary, and Intelligence Secretary on an advisory basis, and also to the 2nd in command of the army.

Membership of the COFR

All types of regions are encouraged to apply for membership of the COFR. Regions can be full members, associate members (have limited access to Intelligence gathered by the region, and are not entitled to have Representatives on the SC), and can simply have an embassy within the COFR.

Sharing of Intelligence

The COFR shall have a forum in which member regions can share intelligence. Each full member of the region can appoint one nation to represent it in the Intelligence forums. It is expected that this representative should be the nation responsible for Intelligence within his/her own region. Additionally, the SG has access to the Intelligence forums, and has the right to communicate any information shared in the forums to Associate members of the COFR, and regions with embassies in the COFR. The representatives from regions have the right to share all intelligence shared in the forums with their own region.

The Institutions of the COFR:

The General Assembly

The main body of the COFR is the General Assembly (GA). This contains 2 Representatives from every region that is a full or associate member of the COFR. The GA votes on laws for the COFR, and on whether to grant embassies and membership to regions. The GA can also vote to expel regions from the COFR, or downgrade their membership, although this requires a 2/3rds majority. Additionally, the GA elects a Secretary-General (who cannot be a member of the GA or Security Council) every 6 months. The General Assembly can vote to remove any member of the Secretariat from their position, so long as it achieves a 2/3rds majority in favour of doing so. If the official is removed, then a replacement is elected, and serves out the remainder of the term. Votes in the GA are decided by a majority vote. If the vote is tied, then the Secretary-General has the casting vote. Votes last for 7 days, and if the necessary quorom of 50% of possible votes being cast in favour hasn't been reached, then 2/3rds or more of the votes that have been cast (excepting abstains) must have been in favour for the law to pass.

The Security Council

The Security Council (SC) of the COFR meets only in emergencies. The SC decides on the COFR's response to acts of aggression by member nations and regions of the COFR, and to or by non member nations and regions. It has to approve all military actions that are not defences/liberations of member regions and not defences/liberations of regions with which the COFR has an alliance that requires it to defend the region - participation by member regions is not compulsory for these actions. The SC also has the right to give exemptions from participation from defending member regions to regions if it feels that they have an adequate reason for not participating. It also has the right to temporarily expel member regions from the COFR, however, this decision must be confirmed within 1 week by a 2/3rds majority within the GA. The SC has the power to exempt regions from compulsory defensive missions after appeals to the SC are made. It consists of 5 members, must be Representatives in the GA, but cannot hold the position of Secretary-General. No region can hold more than 1 seat in the SC. The SC contains 2 permanent members, who hold a veto. These 2 seats are given to representatives from the 2 largest regions (at the time of the election of the SG, ie every 6 months) who are full members of the COFR, and who have been members of the COFR for at least the previous 6 months (this requirement will be waived at the establishment of the first SC). The other 3 seats are held by Representatives from other regions that are full members of the COFR, which are held for 6 months, and rotated between regions, in alphabetical order. Votes are decided by a majority vote, although the 2 permanent members have a veto. If the vote is tied, then the Secretary-General has the casting vote.

The Secretary-General

The Secretary-General (SG) is not the leader of the COFR, but instead ensures that the COFR is run smoothly. He is responsible for organising the voting in the General Assembly. The Secretary-General cannot be a member of either the GA or the SC. He is elected by the GA every 6 months, and can govern for no more than 2 consecutive terms.

Deputy Secretary-General

The SG has a Deputy SG, who can assist the SG in his/her work, and takes over if the SG is unable to carry out his/her duties. The Deputy SG cannot be a member of either the GA or the SC. The Deputy SG is elected by the GA every 6 months.

Intelligence Secretary

The Intelligence Secretary runs the Intelligence-sharing forums. He also is the 3rd in command of the COFR, behind the Secretary-General and his Deputy. He is responsible for drawing up a report on all regions that the General Assembly votes on for membership. He also controls all spying operations carried out by the COFR. The Intelligence Secretary is elected by the GA every 6 months.

Foreign Secretary

The Foreign Secretary is responsible for the COFR's relations with regions. He recruits new regions to the COFR, establishes and maintains embassies, and has the right to appoint Ambassadors. He can also draw up treaties with other regions/alliances, although these must be approved by the General Assembly. The Foreign Secretary is elected by the GA every 6 months.

Defence Secretary

The Defence Secretary is responsible for the defence of the COFR. He must keep in contact with the armies of member regions, and know the strength of the COFR forces. When a member region requests help, the Defence Secretary organies the COFR's response, and can take charge of member regions' armies if they agree. He controls the Confederacy Army, of which he is automatically General. The Defence Secretary is elected by the GA every 6 months.

Development Secretary

The Development Secretary is responsible for aiding member regions of the COFR to develop and grow. If member regions ask for help (or if they are obliged to receive help as a condition of joining) then the Development Secretary, either personally, or by appointing someone, must provide help to that region in their development. This can include (but is not limited to) providing advice on recruiting, writing a constitution, or setting up forums. The Development Secretary is elected by the GA every 6 months.

Social Secretary

The Social Secretary has no authority or power. However, he is responsible for promoting and maintaining the Social events within the COFR. The Social Secretary is elected by the GA every 6 months.

Press Secretary

The Press Secretary is responsible for writing the newspaper of the COFR, which is used as an update to be posted in embassies. He has the right to determine the content of the newspaper, and to appoint reporters. The Press Secretary is appointed by the Secretary-General, who also has the right to remove the Press Secretary from their position at any time.


No-one may hold more than one position in the Secretariat at a time. To be elegible to run, you must be a member of one of the COFR member regions, and be registered on the COFR forums.

Editing the Constitution

The Constitution can be edited only with a 2/3rds majority vote within the GA, and the unanimous support of the SC.