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Flag of Hiiraan
Motto: Always Shoot First
No Map Available Yet
Region Africa
Capital Mogadishu
Official Language(s) ITALIAN, Swahili, SOMALI, English, ARABIC
Leader Mohamed Jabari
Population UNKNOWN
Currency Shilling ($H$ 
NS Sunset XML


The Federal Empire of Hiiraan, Commonly referred to as Hiiraan, is located in Eastern Africa, bordering the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean and east of Cramzpatio. The Federal Empire has experienced difficulties this past year, which led to the disunion of the Empire. At its Height, the Empire included Kenya, Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Former Nairobi, and Zanzibar.

The Fallout is commonly referred to the dissolution of Kenya, and most of the other parts of the Empire from the Union. When the regime of Mohamed SIAD Barre was ousted in January 2004, series of unfortunate events followed that led to a small scale civil war and finally, a complete dissolution of the Federal Empire of Hiiraan. Currently, only the original member, and the islands of Zanzibar have voted to remain part of the Union after the agreements have been made. The Former members of the Union almost all are still facing civil war, draughts and dissolution of civil structures. A two-year peace process, led by the members of the parliament of the Empire under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), concluded in October 2005 with the election of Mohamed Jabari as Federal President of the Empire until a new Emperor is chosen by the Parliament by July 2006.

Hiiraan, for the past 3 to 4 months, has been under civil reconstruction, where most of whatever that was left of the army after the fallout of the empire is being used to reconstruct bridges, roads, or any other valuable infrastructure. Meanwhile, politicians, including the Federal President continue to hammer out compromises to legitimize the new Union being constructed.


The Modern History of the Republic started at the end of the first world war, which had many nations fighting for the 2 superpowers, the end of Germany made sure the end of the Old-age Hiiraan, The Italians, which had a huge stack of supplies and soldiers in Hiiraan left the nation at the end of June to leave wrecked Hiiraan to rebuild itself. The Independence Movement which has lacked credibility prevailed on July First 1st in 1946 when they called Hiiraan a nation of its own creation.

Since then it has arisen as a world leader in both economic and military might yet maintained its realist-isolationist stance in global politics. It has become a key figure in the international stage. Originally playing a significant role in a civil war in Ethiopia, the Federal Empire of Hiiraan (then the Dictatorship of Hiiraan) slowly expanded into its first province, South Eastern Ethiopia. Further evolving, after a bloody war with the Free Land of Central Somalia, annexation brought them into the empire as the third province. Lastly, the colony of Western Somalia, joined the Empire most recently as the troubles in South Eastern Ethiopia cooled down.

Under the First Republic, political power was held by the Count and the Universal body as an advisory body composed of the lords of the provinces. In the early-modern period, opposition parties of the people were suppressed by the government. The social democratic movement was brought into line by the Counts through the creation of various social programs, but not all political groups accepted such coercion.

Yusuf Jamaa, leader of the HSDM (Intelligence Services) and First Minister of the fledging government founded The Hiiraanese Nationale Movement (HNM) with the help of college students and several politicians who saw the regime to corrupt to operate. The principal goals of the movement were to unite the Hiiraanese people and rebuild their cultural identity while overthrowing the regime. One of the primary methods adopted by the HSDM was Guerrilla tactics and deliberate assassinations of top government members. Over a period of 8 years, the HSDM continued its campaign until overthrowing the regime by creating massive public uprising in the streets.

Under Yusuf Jamaa Hiiraan prospered until an absolute economic collapse toppled his regime in 1959, just 5 years after he took power from the former dictatorship. One of the biggest downfalls of Yusuf Jamaa's regime was his ignorance of others. He doggedly pursued Somali only schools for public funding and ordered the destruction of Ethiopian infrastructure. He attempted several invasion of Kenya after finally, economic collapse brought his government down. Mr. Jamaa, unlike his predecessors became the first head of start to be publicly executed by the people on June 13th 1958.

After the Jamaa Debacle, as it was came to be known, a national referendum was held on which type of government the people wanted to choose and after 18 public hearings on possible changes, it was announced a parliamentary government was to be voted on. 3 years later and millions spend on the election, Hiiraan's first Parliament was sworn in on July 1st 1960, which forever became Independence day.

The Parliamentary system lasted until the last fallout under a Federal Empire, with a parliament as a final law passing body. Before the recent fallout of the government, it was agreed by the parliament to elect an Emperor, who shall serve as only a celebratory role without any significant powers.

Current Governemt

The Federal Empire of Hiiraan was highly centralized before the fallout. At this point It is not a complete democracy but does exhibit some ideals of a complete democracy. The system is set up in tiers, with the lowest being the most local (towns and villages). These are ruled by councils or mayors who are elected or appointed by the populace of the town or village. Counties are still higher and they are ruled by councilmen who are elected by the provisional Parliament. The next tier up are cities, which are served in much the same way. Above Cities are states, in which there are Provisional Presidents who are elected by Populace through the Parliament. Provinces are higher than states, the second highest level. All provincial Presidents are elected by the people. The highest tier is the Republic itself, which is ruled by the President, who is chosen by the people directly, all Elections happen in the same time period as the Presidential elections. The Provincial Presidents are refered to as Guulwades or Governers.

The ideology of the Empire is that of a new brand of conservativism. Whilst it is a new brand, it is not neo-conservatism. It is based on the old conservative values. The government is highly centralized and non-Communist/Complete Socialist on the whole, it grants its populace freedom to live as they please, as long as they stay within the confines of the law and order. The realist-isolationism of the Republic keeps them out of all but direct events in the international circuit. Realist-isolationism states that while the world is not a vacuum and countries are not individual actors, there is no world order (thus global anarchy on the whole) and a nation should not get involved with what does not directly effect them.

Presently, The Federal President is Mohamed Jabari elected both by Zanzibarians and Somalians of the Empire in the elections held in December 2005, just months after it was decided on. The Parliament is vacant at the moment but elections are planned in July, alongside the choosing of an Emperor.

The Nationale Parliament of The Federal Republic of Hiiraan

The Federal Empire has a Bicamarel Parliament which Consists fo a lower and a upper House, The Parliament passes most of the laws, Laws can be passed 2 ways, The President can pass a law only if it passes a prelimary evaluation as an Emergency Act to defend, or uphold the values of the Empire. Each new Parliament must state and vote on the what can pass as an emergency law. The second way a law can pass is through the Parliament. The Upper house has the last say in all laws of the empire. The Lower house can pass laws, but it can be vetoed by the Upper house and the President. The President can also veto laws passed by the Upper House, but a majority vote can beat a presidential veto. The Lowr house cannot resubmit a law that has been vetoed by either the president or the Upper House.

The History of the parliament is a complicated one that was passed on from government after government ever since the populace voted to create a parliament in 1960. The Upper house only consists of representatives from invidual states and not provinces, the lower house has only provincial representatives and not state representatives. there are only 4 Provinces and 19 states in the Empire.

Elections for both houses of the parliament accures once every 8 years, reduced previously from 10 years, while Presidential Election occurs every 9 years. Local Election are much faster, they occur every 5 years, while Provisional Election, excluding MPs occur every 5 years also. State elections are also 5 year transtions.

Judicial Branch

The Qur'an is the principal source of Islamic law, the Sharia. It contains the rules by which the Muslim world is governed (or should govern itself) and forms the basis for relations between man and God, between individuals, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, as well as between man and things which are part of creation. The Sharia contains the rules by which a Muslim society is organized and governed, and it provides the means to resolve conflicts among individuals and between the individual and the state.

There is no dispute among Muslims or Hiiraanians ( both in Zanzibar and somalia) that the Qur'an is the basis of the Sharia and that its specific provisions are to be scrupulously observed. The Hadith and Sunna are complementary sources to the Qur'an and consist of the sayings of the Prophet and accounts of his deeds. The Sunna helps to explain the Qur'an, but it may not be interpreted or applied in any way which is inconsistent with the Qur'an.

Though there are other sources of law—i.e., ijma', (consensus), qiyas, (analogy), ijtihad, (progressive reasoning by analogy)—the Qur'an is the first and foremost source, followed by the Hadith and Sunna. Other sources of law and rules of interpretation of the Qur'an and the Hadith and Sunna follow in accordance with a generally accepted jurisprudential scheme

The Qur'an contains a variety of law-making provisions and legal proscriptions interspersed throughout its chapters (suwar) and verses (ayat). A number of rules exist for interpreting these provisions, such as the position of a given ayah within the context of the surah, which in turn is interpreted in accordance with its place in the sequence of revelations, its reference to other revelations, and its historical context in relation to particular conditions which existed at the time of the given revelation. These and other rules are known as the science of interpretation (ilm usul aI-fiqh). According to these rules, for example, one initially is to refer to a specific provision and then to a general provision dealing with a particular situation. No general provision can be interpreted to contradict a specific provision, and a specific rule will supersede a general proposition. A general provision, however, is always interpreted in the broadest manner, while a specific provision is interpreted in the narrowest manner. Reasoning by analogy is permitted, as are applications by analogy, except where expressly prohibited. Simplicity and clear language are always preferred. Similarly, the clear spirit of certain prescriptions cannot be altered by inconsistent interpretations. A policy-oriented interpretation within the confines of the rules of jurisprudence is permissible and even recommended, as is the case with the doctrine of ijtihad (progressive reasoning by analogy).

Zanzibar and Somalia both adopted the Provisional Judicial Laws which apply the sharia as the basis of all Laws in Somalia. Upon voting by the former Parliament and Transtional Council elected the Summer of 2005, after the fallout, some laws, including deaths for individuals who commit henious crimes can be turned into life in prison sentences and a womens word will be taken as seriously as a man's testimony.


The Nations Consists of 4 Province. Provinces are the Highest of the Govermental Control below the Republic itself, The Provinces invest Heavily on the goverment and all are semi-autonomous. however, all are bound by Federal laws made by the Parliament. Provinces are Inter-connected with their states. Most Provinces were cultured in the after 1980, when people felt a bigger govermental division was needed to protect the people directly, instead of relying on a vast government Empire, The provisional Conference of 1980 created the Provisional rule itself, deviding the nation into 3 provinces. Before the fallout, there were 8 provinces, but as it stands now, there are 4 Provinces. North Somalia, South Somalia, Central Somalia and Zanzibar.

The Federal Province of South Somalia

The Federal Province of South Somaliawas First to agree on a Provisional System at the Provisional Conference in october 1980, It attracted several Southern States and its Capital Kismayo is one of the largest cities in the Empire. The South Somalia Province is situated in a a Stragetic Geographical location, it Consists of the Hiiraanese states of jubada Dhexe, Jubada Hoose, Bay and Shabeellaha Hoose. Its Cultural Distinctive like all other Provinces and has keen investment on Ports and other Natural resources including Banana plantation and Khat Productions.

Population: 3,500,000

Capital: Kismayo

GDP Per Capita: $H$ 300

Major Exports: Banana, Khat, Fishery, Corn, Iron Ore

States Included: Jubba Dhexe, Bay, Shabellaha Hoose, Jubbada and Bakol.

The Federal Province of Central Somalia

The Federal Province of Central Somalia is the largest of the three provinces situated in somalia itself. In terms of population and land area, The Province of Central Somalia has a lot. It is situated in a Central area of Empire, making it strageticially important part of the Empire. the first and oldest land of the republic. It was the original part of the islamic dominion of Hilala, which once ruled Central Somalia until 1157. The Central Somalia Province's capital is the Empire's Capital, Mogadishu. Major Resources Include Oil Reserves, Uranium, and the largest Manganese Deposits, Salt and the only Sugarcane Planation on the mainland.

Population: 5,000,000

Capital: Mogadishu

GDP per Capita: $H$ 600

Major Exports: Banana, Khat, Fishery, Uranium, Manganese, Food Crops, Cotton, Farm Animals

States Included: Shabellah Dhexe, Banadir,Hilan, Galgudud, Muduq and Nugal.

The Federal Province of North Somalia

The Federal Province of North Somalia is overwhemingly rich in Fisheries and Salt. Its Capital, Bosaso, has the largest port in North Somalia and only second in size to Mogadishu. The Federal Province of North Somalia is hugely blessed land with the possibility of oil reserves and natural gas which is yet to be explored. Its the largest provincial exporter of Salt and Gypsum to International sources. Its also a keen producer of Food crops including Maize and Sorghum and vegitables.

Population: 3,300,000

Capital: Bosaso

GDP per Capita: $H$ 450

Major Exports: Tin, Salt, Gypsum, Food Crops, Farm Animals and Fisheries

States Included: Awdal, Waqoyi Galbed, Togdheer, Sool, Sanag, Bari.

The Federal Province of Zanzibar

Zanzibar is the only province in the current union to be its own state too. Its Exports are light and sufficient to genarate moderate income for the locals. It attracts tourist from around the world for its famous white sand beaches. Its the smallest State and Province in the Union and has major influence in the current government with the Vice Counsol being from the island. Unlike most Provinces in the Union, Zanzibar populace speaks mostly Swahili, a tradition which it shares with most of Deep South Somalia. However, unlike Deep South Somalia, Zanziba'r Language of the Province is Swahili.

Population: 100,000

Capital: Zanzibar Town

GDP per Capita: $H$ 93

Major Exports: Fisharies

States Included: Zanzibar Islands


The Federal Empire of Hiiraan is Located in Eastern Africa, bordering the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean, east of Cramzpatio. The Empire has a land scale of 627,337 sq km and a Cost line of 4,025 km. The Nation Enjoys its wealth from its natural resources which include Coal, Food Crops, Farm animals and Iron Mining not to mention Manganese and Salt Mining also. The Southern and Northern province Enjoy a wealth in Natural Gas and have benifited in some other areas including mineral mining. The Central Province also Enjoys a wealth in a Propane gas that is made naturally extracted from the earth. The Central and the Southern Provinces enjoy clean, brisk and Beautiful beaches that bring in tourist from other nations.

The empire is principally desert; northeast monsoon bring wanted rains in December until February, usually its moderate temperatures in north and very hot in south; southwest monsoon comes to clear the air and bring needed rain in the south from May to October.

Natural Resources are the abundant in the Empire. In a long list that includes uranium and largely unexploited reserves of iron ore, tin, gypsum, bauxite, copper, salt, natural gas, and likely oil reserves. About 5.64% of the land is arable, while 2.04% of the land has perminent crops. The rest of the land, about 92% is flat with no crop insight.


The Federal Empire of Hiiraan has an enviable Western-style capitalist economy, with a per capita GDP on par with the four dominant economies in Africa and Europe. Rising output in the domestic economy, robust business and consumer confidence, and rising exports of raw materials and agricultural products are fueling the economy. Hiiraan's emphasis on reforms, low inflation, and growing ties with Djiboutian states and Akhtendum are other key factors behind the economy's strength. The impact of drought, weak foreign demand, and strong import demand pushed the trade deficit up from $8 billion in 2002, to $18 billion in 2003, and to $19 billion in 2004. One other concern is the rapid increase in domestic housing prices, which have raised the prospect that interest rates will need to be raised to prevent a speculative bubble. Since the fallout however, The Economy has slowed beyond recognition and a major burst occured in late 2004 to generate huge devastation for the investors.

This modern private enterprise economy has capitalized on its central geographic location, highly developed transport network, and diversified industrial and commercial base. Industry is concentrated mainly in the populous Uraban area in the Central province. With a lot natural resources, Hiiraan must export substantial quantities of raw materials and Import a large volume of manufactured materials, making its economy unusually independant on the state of world markets. Roughly three-quarters of its trade is with other European countries. Public debt is nearly 5% of GDP. On the positive side, the government has succeeded in balancing its budget, and income distribution is relatively equal. Hiiraan began circulating the Shilling ($H$) currency in January 2000. Economic growth in 2001-04 dropped sharply because of the global economic slowdown. 2006 has been promising for Hiiraan so far.

The National Stock Exchange

Originally in the Empire, shares of stock were traded somewhat informally, under the proverbial "buttonwood tree" in colonial Areas of Italian Nationals, located at what is now 68 Market Street. Very early, certain brokers began to specialize in specific issues of stock; they would both buy and sell these issues for their own accounts and also keep track of other individuals who wished to buy or sell these issues, the amount of stock that they wished to trade, and the price at which they wished to trade. These brokers came to be known as "Specialists".

In 1945, certain brokers, including some of these Specialists, banded together into what would ultimately become the Federal Stock Exchange (FSE), and a year later they moved inside, to the Tontine Coffee House, primarily to get out of the winter weather. They agreed to trade only among themselves and only in stocks issued by selected companies. Over time, Specialists gained additional responsibilities and additional privileges. The primary additional responsibility was to "maintain an orderly market" for the stocks that they specialized in, by serving as the buyer or seller of last resort, so to speak. To compensate them for this risk they received a small commission on each transaction in the stocks that they covered, even when they themselves were not a participant in the transaction.

The remaining brokers remained outdoors and traded stocks issued by other companies. In the 1950’s a second group of brokers, including some specialists, again banded together, for somewhat the same reasons, and formed the Hiiraanese Stock Exchange (HSE). The remaining brokers also moved inside around this time, but into individual offices, where they primarily traded the smaller companies which had not been accepted for trading on either of the two exchanges. These stocks were quite literally traded "over the counter" in these broker’s offices. Each broker would post the prices that they would buy (the bid price) or sell (the asked price) each stock that they actively traded, often recording them on nothing more permanent than a chalk board behind the counter. These OTC brokers would buy and sell for their own accounts, and would also keep track of orders from other investors. At the end of the day, prices were gathered by runners and consolidated into the "Pink Sheets" which were then distributed to each of these OTC brokers early the next day.

In 1971, The National Stock Exchange (NSE) began to automate this process, so as to speed communications between these OTC brokers, thus developing the system which exists today.

The National Stock Exchange (NSE) is the largest Hiiraanese electronic stock market. With approximately 3,300 companies, it lists more companies and, on average, trades more shares per day than any other Hiiraanese market. It is home to category-defining companies that are leaders across all areas of business including technology, retail, communications, financial services, transportation, media and biotechnology. The National Stock Exchange is the primary market for trading NSE-listed stocks. Approximately 54% of NSE-listed shares traded are reported to The National Stock Exchange systems.

Since the Fallout of the Empire, about 500 Companies withdrew or went bankrupt, reducing the marketed companies to only 2,800. Recently, about 123 companies located in Zanzibar requested admission, which are being processed now. Its daily share trade has significantly dropped but value of the remaining companies have stayed the same.