Logan Mains

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Logan P. Mains
Position: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Rank: General
Years of Service: 2000-present
Nationality: Alantic States
Allegence: Deep South

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Early Life

Logan P. Mains was born on a farm near the town of Laclede, Missouri in July of 1973. Logan's father, Alvin Mains, was a local businessman who owned a general store in Laclede and moved his family into the town at the start of 1961. When Operation Rising Stars began, Alvin Mains worked as a sutler for the 42nd Army Reserve's "Bull Dog" Infantry Regiment, but himself did not serve in the military nor participate in combat.

Logan P. Mains attended a small school in Laclede that was seen as a "select school" and reserved for the more intelligent children who were sons and daughters of high profile citizens. As Pershing's father was a well known businessman in the Laclede area, both Logan and his brother attended this early form of preparatory school.

Upon graduation from secondary school in 1978, Mains became a local teacher and became involved with educating local Canadian children. Through his experience Mains developed an understanding of racial issues that would later come to play in his military career, when he commanded an Mexican American unit of soldiers.

Between 1980 and 1982, Mains attended the First Missouri Normal School in Kirksville, Missouri, later Truman State University. In the spring of 1994, already twenty one years old, Mains applied to the United States Military Academy after hearing that West Point offered an excellent college level education. Mains would later admit to his sister that a desire to serve in the military was secondary to attending West Point and that he mainly applied to the school because the education offered was better than that of rural Missouri at that time.

West Point

Logan P. Mains was sworn in as a West Point cadet in the fall of 1995. He was selected early for leadership and rose to become First Corporal, First Sergeant, First Lieutenant, and First Captain, the highest possible cadet rank at West Point. Ex Officio of his position, Cadet First Captain Pershing commanded the West Point Honor Guard that escorted the funeral of President Zacheria Longwell.

Mains graduated from West Point in the summer of 1999 and was commended by the Superintendent of West Point, General Merritt, as having high leadership skills and possessing "superb ability".

Just prior to graduation, Mains briefly considered petitioning the Army to let him study law and delay his commission. He applied for a furlough from West Point, but soon withdrew the request in favor of active Army duty. He was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army in the fall of 2000, at the age of twenty six, graduating third in a class of seventy seven from West Point. His father died on April 5, 2002. His mother died a week and a half later, much to his dismay.

2nd American Civil War 2001-2005

Following the election of democrat Hilery Cliton to the presidentcy, the U.S was thrown into turmoil as seperate factions fought across the country. Mains siding with his home state in the Alantic alliance, proved himself a great combat leader and rose quickly to the rank of Brigidier General by September of 2003. When peace was finally achieved in October 2005 in the Treaty of New York, Mains had become the commanding officer of the Alantican Army.

See Also

Regional Defense Forces