Kasnyian Republic

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The Kasnyian Republic is a theoretical entity often used in the writings and/or philosphy of those against the current Kasnyian monarchy.

The Birth of an Idea

The idea of the Kasnyian Republic is often nowadays credited to General Gassel, an infamous believer and promoter of the term, though it had been around for about fifty years before the rebel leader's birth. The person most historians recognize as the originator of the term is the famous Kasnyian philosopher and aristocrat Maximillian Tosch, who would often use the term both as the punchline or setting of his scathing political jokes and as a theoretical entity that would end up the sbuject of many papers, usually about his own philosophical theories. However, the idea didn't really catch on until twenty years after his death.

The Paradise of Revolution

Soon after Tosche's death, his works became voraciously popular, especially considering that during this time period, people were becoming sick of the self-imposed xenophobic rule that had been put in place nearly four hundread years before. As such, it wasn't too long before counter-government and other revolutionaries grasped at the idea of the Republic. And soon after that, it became a romanticised, almost utopian goal that dissidents could rally behind. Within a decade of Tosche's death his idea of the Kasnyian Republic, that of a fool's land and state of satire used as a backdrop for politicos he didn't care for, was soon forgotten as it's new definition, that of a revolutionary paradise, took hold amongst the dissident populations of the era.

Damnation of an Idea

With the lifting of self-imposed isolation by Grand Duke Karl Xavier XIII, the term was forgotten almost overnight. Kasnyia had just entered the world stage and it was an exciting time to do other things apart from political debate. However, it was around this time that the true committed dissidents were seperated by the more casual types. It wasn't long before the term was associated with radical republicanism and, soon, terrorism. By the time of the Crystal Harbor bombings, the term was considered taboo. Soon after the bombings, the term once again became popular..only this time in news reports regarding the COTPW action's and apparant claim to the term, which effectively made it instantly ineffable within Kasnyia.

Brief Existance

When civil war broke out between the Coalition of the People's Will and the Kasnyian Government, almost immediately the Kasnyian Republic was declared, with it's capital in Hermannstadt. As it was founded during a time of war, it's government was hardly ideal. Ruled by decree from the Council of Friends, led by Gassel, Valentin and Van Bein, most of the "government's" concerns were involved with running the long and harsh campaigns of the Kasnyian Civil War. For the first six months however, the COTPW tried to live up to the expectations of the utopian republic and as such, life was maintained at a level almost equal to that of the areas under Government control. Soon though, the war began to take it's toll. With Kasnyian, Norightsian, and Kiru Taoese forces closing in on all sides, the Republic had been reduced to a few pockets of resistance, the rebel capital of Hermannstadt and surrounding area, and large swaths of jungle deep in the hinterlands of then-unconquered India. With the Council of Friends splintered and infighting becoming more and more rampant, General Gassel called for an immediate cessation of hostilities, formally dissolved the COTPW and disappeared. With Gassel and Van Bein gone, the Republic's government went to Augersmann, who was charged with the mysterious Operation Phoenix. Augersmann himself fled the country soon after however and the government collapsed and all but disappeared, along with the territory itself as the war wrapped up soon after. A fact of note however is that the Republic has never been declared dissolved by either Kasnyian or Republicanist forces and, added to the few small hamlets untouched by Loyalist forces, still exists in theory along with the Coalition Army.

The Present

The Topaz Faction, the Proletariat Magnus and the Order of Jilla still lay claim to the idea of a Kasnyian Republic. Other former Coalition forces who have since split from these three main factions also lay claim to the entity. In reality the remnants of the Republic that still exist in small hamlets are under the control of Wilmar Reinhold, a former field commander on par with Augersmann, one of the few who did not abandon his post after the war. The Kasnyian Government has neglected to irradicate the Republic's vestiges, though they have (and still do on occasion) launched operations and raids in Hermannstadt, eliminating whatever power structure that had existed during the build up to war.

Emblem of the Kasnyian Republic (The State over a field of Blood and Toil)
