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Flag of HeathenHurst
Motto: "Reductio Ad Absurdum"
Region Conservative Paradise Reborn
Capital Gothenburgh
Official Language(s) Common,Trade,Anglish
Leader Chief Executive Willam Randolph Heathenhurst III
Population 154 million and rising
Currency Heath,Contract 
NS Sunset XML
HeathenHurst,a nationstate formed from the dreams of a man some call a genius,others call a madman.A nation where corporations rule.Every aspect of life controlled by a vast corporate empire that provides everything necessary to survive and thrive.In turn each citizen has a sworn loyalty to the empire,happily agreeing to be a small cog in the vast machine known as The Empire of Heathenhurst* or HeathenHurst Combine Inc *.
  • please note: The Empire of HeathenHurst®™ and HeathenHurst Combine Inc®™ are duly registered trademarks of HeathenHurst Inc. Any unauthorized use or misuse will result in swift legal action.

Historical Facts

1795-In what was the relatively uninhabited eastern half of Warzhaas numerous mining operations and fur trading operations flourished in the mountains and prairies.Largest among them was the Wilhelm HeathenHurst Mining and Fur Company.

1802-The Great Company War-Early in the spring of 1802 a series of bloody skirmishes broke out between The Heathenhurst Co. and several smaller operations over a variety of turf issues. The smaller companies were beaten into bloody submission by HeathenHursts company troops known as The Ghost Legion. The smaller companies surrendered at Iron Mountain. In a treaty known as The Treaty of Iron Mountain the companies agreed to merge all assets into The HeathenHurst Co's coffers. News quickly spread of the fierce aggressive tactics of HeathenHurst's troops.

1803-1805-The remaining competing companies were gradually dissolved into the ever growing HeathenHurst empire either through further bloody skirmishing or careful diplomacy.One exiled company leader told The Ossland News and Herald I don't know which is more vicious "The Ghost Legion" or those damned negotiators.

1806-Vilhelm HeathenHurst II sends out a telegram to neighboring Ossland and Warzhaas,the latter being his former homeland declaring a new sovereign nation known as The Empire of Heathenhurst and declaring himself Emperor of said nation securing the borders of the new nation with heavily armed troops.He declares that any hostile action will be met with brutal retaliation.Warzhaas begins marshalling troops and gearing up for war to reclaim their territory.Ossland decides to remain neutral at this time.Within a weeks time Warzhaas forces attempt to cross the border and true to his word are met with brutal and bloody opposition.Warhaas forces suffer heavy losses at the hands of Heathenhurst's superior forces including a division of strange mechanized machines mounting huge twin gatling guns.After three days of relentless bloody fighting Warhaas raises the white flag of surrender and signs a treaty with HeathenHurst dropping all claims to the disputed land thus ending The Border War .

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