Frenular Delta

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Frenular Delta
Flag of Frenular Delta
Motto: "Magnus Dux aliter visum"
Region The Equatorial Alliance
Capital Uzbustokk
Official Language(s) Frenulan English
Leader HRH Grand Duke Zeckoslav
Population 240 million
Currency corona 
NS Sunset XML


The Grand Duchy of Frenular Delta is a huge, economically powerful nation, renowned for its absence of drug laws. Its compassionate, hard-working, cynical population of 341 million are proud of their wide-ranging civil freedoms, and those who aren't tend to be dragged off the streets by men in dark suits and hustled into cars with tinted windows.

The government -- a sprawling, bureaucracy-choked, corrupt morass -- devotes most of its attentions to Education, with areas such as the Environment and Defence receiving almost no funds by comparison. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 31%. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Automobile Manufacturing, Soda Sales, and Arms Manufacturing industries.

People reciting Shakespeare have become a common sight, religious organizations are being forced to leave the country or pay income taxes like everybody else, 'Mountain Doobie' is widely regarded as the nation's favourite drink, and major cities are suffering under water rationing. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is a problem, and the police force struggles against a lack of funding and a high mortality rate. Frenular Delta's national animal is the mandrillus sphinx, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the corona.


The history of Frenular Delta began when the expansive, barren Frenular Mountain Range and Delta was made a titulary Grand Duchy in 1928. At that time, King Bragom III of Tyzymistan, who as a prince had been the Duke of Uzbustokk, extended the list of subsidiary titles considerably. The new title Grand Duke of Frenular Delta did not result in any increase of Frenulan autonomy immediately. However, in 1940, as an indication of resolve to keep Frenular Delta within Tyzymistan in the face of increased Mossian pressure, King Bragom IV gave the title to his new-born son, Prince Ladroslav.

During the Blue War between Nutarea and Tyzymistan and Mossia, the five Estates of occupied Tyzymistan were assembled at the Diet of Uzbustokk on May 9, 1960 to pledge allegiance to Poylaw IV of Mossia. Following the Nutareans defeat in the war and the signing of the Treaty of Fotrerk on October 7, 1962, Frenular Delta became a true autonomous grand duchy as a part of the Mossian Empire. When the Mossian Empire collapsed in the 1990's, the Grand Duchy of Frenular Delta found itself economically powerful and in possession of a vital, strategic position on the equator. On April 13, 2007, HRH Grand Duke Zeckoslav founded The Equatorial Alliance, a fast-growing NS region with over 300 nations at this time.

The Royal Family

The Grand Dukes of Frenular Delta

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