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Flag of Payal
Motto: What Does Not Kill Us, Makes Us Stronger
Region Zaval
Capital Tuya
Official Language(s) English, Latin, Portuguese
Population 88,000,000
Currency Paya 
NS Sunset XML


The Armed Republic of Payal is a very large, devout nation, known for what people would care to call barren-like environment. A population booming the millions this nation has come further from its blood stained path throughout the ages, having different main languages in the countries brings difficult concepts into the country as racist or black & white vision people have bursted out but are kept in order by the nation all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare.

The nation is based on two sister islands with a small land mass inbetween them both, the islands are called "Speranza" and "sogno" standing for Hope and Dream in Italian, the small island is "caçador" meaning hunter in portuguese. Both sister Islands have lakes on them but Speranza has the biggest lake named Grande Red which is situated 34 miles away from the capital of Tuya. The smaller island "caçador" has on it what it known as Payian largest Dry dock where some of its largest ships have been constructed and sent out into the sea.

Payal is known for its military service as it is compulsory, any youth that is covicted of a crime will be sentenced to military service to teach them a lession, the lession of life as if you do the crime, you must be prepared to do the time.


Payal is a tiny island in the mediterranean, payal has last for over three hundred years, through a time that payians refer too as "New Age" or "Age of Blood". This was a war between minor factors including payal in which payal stayed and did not leave the region but with great victory comes great loses and payal was no exception as their population was damaged by the years of wars.

Another major war for Payal was the Payian-Condurian War, Condure was a part of the Payian empire during the Age of blood. Never brought into the conflict condure lay there silent, unsupervised and finally became self-independant but Payal didnt wish for this at all and started to be up forces within Condure.

After the wars had ended Payal became the Armed Republic Of Payal, where a council of generals became the voice of the people to make sure the "Age of Blood" would never happen again.

After the bloodshed, crime in all its form increase at an alarming rate, this is where the countries Complusory military service came in, Youth crime drop along with all the rest of them, giving cizitens the time to breathe and go outside withour fear of rape, murder or robbery.

Euthanasia is illegal in Payal, even though it is horrible to watch someone go through so much pain day after day still on the road to life's end. Life is a treasure that is given to the people of Payal and we respect that even if pain takes your body life is top of the list.

Age of Blood

The Age of blood was a war during the medieval times, the Zaval reigon had been ravaged by war and the nation of Payal had suffered a price was that of their own citizens. War between Payal and its other hostile neighbour of Partheya, Partheya lead by the war tyrant Sultan Muhammed Kasaba had set his eyes on the islands of Payal but had the problem of getting past her battle hardened navy.

The War between Payal and Partheya broke out when a Payian merchant vessal was on its way to a allied nation and was attacked by the Sultans boat. The Sultan had everyone killed and the cargo burnt, he sent the head of the captain back to Payal with a offer of surrend but King Gregorios Platon was enraged by this insult and declared full war upon Partheya and her people, this made other countries weary of who Payal would strike next as they understood that Payal was a people who ate, slept and crapped war.

The warriors in their culture renowned for their no-mercy fighting was the Scarabs, they were an elite fighting machine that worshipped the Scarab God "Rey del escarabajo" Meaning The Scarab King, These warriors carried a scimitar sword and a shield shaped/looked like a scarab. They were the Elite of the Elite in fighthing and were King Platon finest soliders but they did not protect him personally. He had his own soliders for that job but they were his second line of defense in war, The Vanguard elite.

The Vanguard Elite were taken as children at a young age, it was a honour too be chosen to become apart of the vanguard elite but even better to be taken as a scarab, warriors of the scarab king and protecters of the sands.

King Platon's navy had roamed their seas for decades, they had fought many battles which included the battle of ghost stretch, this involved ten Payain warships against twenty-five Mantish warships, the battle last not long due to the Mantish not knowing how harsh Ghost stretch is and lost half of their fleet before reaching the Payian warships but even then they didnt last long as the Payian fleet just sailed right into them and caused havoc. At the end of the battle seven Payian warships were left and the Mantian fleet was at the bottom of the sea.

No army had ever set foot on Payian Soil till this era in time, due to some freak storms and some luck the Partheyian fleet had reached the top island near the present day Shanville is located and had secured a beachhead within half a day, Sultan Kasaba had landed over one hundred thousand troops on the shore of Payian soil, when the new reached King Platon he was enraged and ordered his army to march on the enemy straight away and butcher them all, while the amry marched towards the Partheyian army, the Payian fleet surrended the Partheyian fleet on its way back and destroyed it leaving no soul alive.

When both armies meet on the fields of where modren day Shanville is settled, the battlefield was silent as both armies stared each other down holding there weapons tighter waiting for the call to charge. The Partheyian Army had plunder the Payal land between the battlefield and the sea but had lost few men doing so, while the Payian army had been waiting for them for over a day. one hundread fifty Payian warriors agianst the smaller force of one hundred thousand stood in a field that no other could afford to enter without the sacrificing their soul.

The battle ended with all Partheyian soliders being slaughtered and the Payian suffering alot of casualties, but this was not the end of this war it raged on for over twenty years and ended with the surrender of the Partheyian people after a revolt against the sultan finishing with his death by his own bodyguards.

Payian-Condurian War

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