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Flag of Vigorithia
Motto: Vi-ecië capacä spail, eca capacä rael.
Not avaliable Yet.
Region North Western Syorda
Capital Yeillë City
Official Language(s) Vigorithian, English, Altarian
Leader Brent Lerwick
Population 4,670,345 (2003 Estimate)
Currency Vigorithian Danza 
NS Sunset XML

The Constitution of Vigorithia (Vigorithian: Vigureë) is a borderless nation in the Nothern Lantian Ocean, located between the continent of Unista-Empress and Laslundy.


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The Beginning:

Vigorithia has been an civilised Island that's been through many years of Civilisation. It's growth has thrived throughout the years and has been settled by many different people across the centuries.

Vigorithia is believed to have been discovered around 150AD. A fishing group led by Thornnasur from the Northern tip of Laslundy set out to sail to the Northern Islands which at the time was famous for fishing, but the crew were caught by the Northern Laslundic storms at set off course to Vigorithia.

When landing, Thornnasur and his crew at first believed they had infact landed on the Fishing Islands, however while exploring they realised the size of the Island and the amount of Snow and Mountains which is not seen on the Fishing Islands. Thornassur realised that he and his crew had discovered a new island, and not being the accomplished explorers that would be ideal in this situation, they fled the Island eager to inform Laslundian Explorers.

However, the idea of sailing out to the North rough seas to many Laslundians was surreal and the idea of another land more northern was rejected and the Island was a waste for several years until Thornnasur's crew decided to prove them wrong and set sail back to Vigorithia and claim it as their own.


The crew arriving in Vigorithia had about 100+ people, they were very organized and settled into Vigorithia very quickly, they got used to it's cold climate and created a society that was at first, alienated to the rest of the word. Thornnasur was the commander of the country. During this time of his leadership, Thornnasur was keen to give Vigorithia an identity of it's own and he set up the Old Vigorithian Language and set up an organized society.

The Island of Vigorithia remained untouched by anyone else during 150AD to 600AD. No explorers dared face the Northern Seas and Laslundians that saw Thornnasur's crew leave assumed he died in the ocean currents. However, in 623AD a group of North Hexvonians set sail to leave the corrupt dictatorship that controlled the country. They had planned to set sale to Laslundy but the Hexvonians had little direction and ended up on the Western Coast of Vigorithia, believing at first to be Northern Laslundy they were shocked to find out it wasn't, and also shocked to discover the people that lived there. They were accepted into Vigorithia and became very important characters in exploration of Vigorithia, and the group successfully set up many smaller settlements across the country.

Shown the light:

It wasn't until 937AD that Vigorithia were discovered and known by other places around the world. Many different Laslundian exploration groups were eager to find out the fate of Thornnasur, most believed he died, but some believed that he had discovered Vigorithia and settled there. It took many different exploration groups, but eventually in 937AD, they were discovered by a Group of Explorers led by Hubert Sandon, who eager for fame and fortune reported straight back to Laslundy.

'Vigorithian's entry into the New World' was a book created by Hubert Sandon. This detailed book convinced people that the existance of Vigorithia was indeed accurate and prompted many Laslundians and Hexvonians to emigrate into the country for a better life, as the book described. Many important figures also arrived into Vigorithia trying to convert the country into many different religions and some trying to enforce the global language of English on the country, so that it was able to communicate with other countries much more easily. Vigorithia took this on in 1334AD and became an established nation.

Trouble in Paradise:

In the 13th (1234) Century, the whole country suffered and extra-ordinarily cold winter which killed many people and almost destroyed the economy. Various towns located in the centre were left as Ghost Towns. Danovians and Hexvonians at the time saw this as a good opportunity to take over the country and claim the country as their own, Which is exactly what Danov did.

Danov appointed Sr. Heiger Boldomuke as the Leader of Vigorithia after convincing the local Vigorithians that it was for the best. Boldomuke had a strong influence on Vigorithia and got Danovian recognized as their first language. He also managed to get 65% of Vigorithian goods exported to Danov and almost used the nation as a production service.

What Danov forgot to do was remember that they had only taken the Vigorithian shorelines and did not explore into the centre and the Northern Parts. Many Vigorithians in the North were not aware of the Conquest of Southern Vigorithia and in the late 13th Century (1289), led by a famous Vigorithian called Hyrnnai Ysarrā they attacked the Danov strongholds at the Southern Part of the Island, destroying all military units including Heiger Boldomuke.


Hyrnnai Ysarrā and his solidiers had won back Vigorithia. But he did not stay on as a commander of Vigorithia. He continued his life as a Fisherman, and put it up to the people, he conducted the most famous speech ever heard across the world. He put Vigorithia down as 'avaliable', he had created the very first democracy. A Government Group naming themselves the Vigorithian Influentials took command of Vigorithia and had no set leader. Vigorithia was back and better than ever, and they had their language back.

After the reformation of Vigorithia, Danov had sent many troops back to Vigorithia in an effort to get what they had back. However, they did not count on Vigorithia's fantastic navy and ability to fend off what they threw at them. A peace treaty was eventually signed in 1436, which put the hatred of each country behind allowing each country to trade with each other.

Vigorithia was unaffected then for two centuries. Quietly trading with Danov, Hexvonia, Laslundy, and many other regions. In 1478 A famous explorer team named the "Ysajjitt" had discovered the island in full and printed out an accurate map of Vigorithia. The 'Open Willed' act was established in 1534, which allowed freedom of Religion. Vigorithia was the first country to do this. A small disaster occured in 1567, which an avalanche from Mt. Tsarrāl destroyed a small town, killing thousands.

In the early 17th Century, Vigorithia became aware of the increasing poverty of the Southern States and the wars going on against the two countries. Vigorithia were the first country to send aid to the poor and help against poverty, many countries around the world including Danov and Altaria joined in with the effort.

In 1758, Vigorithia joined the 'World Meetings Arena' for the first time. They signed a host of new laws, and since this very day have faced much critiscm from the country of Krystagia. The year of 1806 saw the High Tides where many costal regions suffered much loss of people and economy. 1837 saw Vigorithia find new forms of power and oddly enough the most famous leader was appointed in charge of Vigorithia: Roltus Hannuk. He was the most successful leader of Vigorithia.

Recent Times:

In more recent times, Vigorithia have kept themselves largely out of action. The conquering of Oakenfeld by Krystagia was largely ignored by Vigorithia who spent much of their time trying to solve Global Pollution and focusing on the Borderline and stopping the conflict down there.

The protection of the Animal Wildlife Act was backed by Vigorithia in 1934. In 1965, another act by Vigorithia was to stop the exploitation of the central mountains.