Bao You

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The Holy Empire of Bao You, Chinese:保佑圣洁帝国 Pinyin:bǎoyòu shèngjié dìguó Vietnamese:Đế quốc Thánh thần của Ban phúc, is a cultural nation located in the small southern continent of the Liberty Alliance. It is a lush forested area with warm summers and cool winters. It has the world's longest continuously used written language system.

Bao You
Flag of Bao You
Motto: Flowers bloom over and over. So shall we.
Region Liberty Alliance
Capital Latin: Regius Urbs


Pinyin:Huángjiā Chéngshì

Vietnamese:Thành phố Hoàng gia

English: Royal City

Official Language(s) Mandarin, Vietnamese, Latin, English
Leader 廖玉生 pinyin: Liào Yùshēng

廖莲花 pinyin: Liào Liánhuā

Population 217 million
Currency yuan 『元』 
NS Sunset XML


The Capital City is Regius Urbs (Royal City);Other Major Cities are Civitatis Vaticanae (the Holy See), Inconcessus Urbs (Forbidden City, also known as Zijin Cheng) and Moenia in Divum (Castle in the Sky), and Amplitudo Ducamen Misericordia (The Grand Duchy of Mercy); Bordering nations will be added soon; Major bodies of water will be added soon.


The Climate is Temporate. Rains occasionally. Has no extreme weather. It can get up to only 30 degress Celsius (about 85 degrees in Fahrenheit) during the summer and about 15 degrees Celsius (59 degress in Fahrenheit) during the winter.


Bao You is a lush forested country with beauliful clear lakes. Town are found very close to major cities or by the coast. These major cities are usually built on higher ground and are towering fortresses that peak up behind a surrounding, massive wall. Many small villages are scattered around these cities and are typically agricultural based communities.

Natural resources

Jade, steel, porcelain

Natural hazards

Not much except for high wind advisories and occasional swells along the costline.

Power Sources

Predominatly Natural: Wind Power and Solar Power


Dominated by the Automobile Manufacturing industry


Here in Bao You we emphasize greatly on public education Education, Social Welfare, Social Equality, Religion and Spirituality, and tolerance towards one another. Bao You also enforces strict Environmental laws. Bao You has always been a country where many people flock to in there time of need. About 20%, and the number is rising everyday, are refugees from other countries.(usually countries that are unstable)


Imports: Western Furnishing, Cattle, foreign things.

Exports: Rice, Spices, Fabric (usually silk), Automobiles, Jade, fish, fruit and vegetables indigenious to Bao You.


Public Transportation is widely used and ranges from Metro Stations in the city to Ferry Boat across streams and rivers. Carpooling is a common sight.


Bao You was first founded by hundreds Native Indigineous tribes that over the course of time formed together through war. The two main tribes were the Han 『汉族』(from the north which spoke Chinese) and the Kinh『京族』(from the south which spoke Vietnamese). Bao You has a written history of about 5,000 years and was one of the first civilizations with a developed writing system based on the use of characters. At an early age Bao You was introduced to both Roman Catholicism and Buddhism; oddly enough both religions thrived prosperously together. Since then most cities and provinces were given a Latin and Chinese/Vietnamese name.



Esercito Terra(Army)

Marina Militare (Navy)

Aeronautica Militare (Air Force)

Carabinieri (Military Police)

Service in the military has recently become voluntary. Categories of militaries include: rapid deployment air/ground; "traditional"; state police; air/space umbrella. Additionally, the military most effective on a defensive setting.

Government Type

Currenly it is an Democratic Socialist Nation. The Parliament is Broken-up into different branches which are the Council of Theologians, The House of the People, and the Royal Courts.

Administrative divisions

Status Vaticanae:梵蒂冈的省:Fàndìgāng De Shěng: Tỉnh của Vatican: Holy See

Regius Suggero:皇家省:Huángjiā Shěng: Tỉnh Hoàng Gia: Royal Province

Olympus Suggero:天堂的省:Tiāntáng de Shěng:Tỉnh của Thiên đàng: Province of Heaven

Medius Regnum:中王国:Zhōng Wángguó: Vương quốc Trung: The Middle Kingdom

Pacis Suggero:和平省:Hépíng Shěng: Tỉnh Hoà Bình: Peace Province

Legal System

The Legal System is highly ritualized and takes place in a court of two judges. The Supreme Court, for example, is ruled by the ArchBishop of Bao You and the Emperor/Emperess. Most Supreme Court proceedings are held in the Basilica Perperam Reus (The Cathedral of the Falsely Accused). It is here where statues of the Saints Blandina, Dominic de Guzman, Dominic Savio, and etc. are held. The trial is speculated by a jury of peers. Bao you does not practice any kind of execution for it is frowned upon.


Requirements for voting eligibility All citizens at the age of 18 can vote.

Political Parties and Leaders

The People's Republic of a Socialist Society (PRSS): the controlling party Bao You expresses Socialist ideology where all major industry is controlled by the government itself. About one-quarter of the party's members are clerics of all faiths, thus the party is very anti-communistic and promotes voting.

Democratic Republican Party: the second largest party has some Capitalistic ideologies yet its main focus is on Civil Rights and Voting policies. This party also, mainly of its nature, is very anti-communistic but takes it to a greater extent than the PRSS by denouncing any practice os communism.

Ethnic groups

Bao You Ren『保佑人』: 80% of population

Undocumented Refugees: 10% of population

Sanzarian: 5% of population

Finnish: 3% of population

Others: 2% of population


Roman Catholicism:53%

Buddhism: 40%

Taoism: 5%

Others: 2%


Latin (official) Used in Government-80%

Chinese/Mandarin (official) Used in Everyday life-94%

Vietnamese (official) Used in Everyday life-94%

English(official) Used in Everyday Life esp. with non-native people of Bao You.-78%

Other languages include German and Italian-12%