Donald Witzenberg

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Donald Witzenberg
Political Position
Date of entering office
28th August 2004
Current popularity levels


Donald Witzenberg is the current Head of State of Andrehervia. He is also the General Secretary of the Communist Shield of the Andrehervian Proletariat and the Commander-in-Chief of the Andrehervian Defence Forces.

Early Life and Politics

Donald Witzenberg was born in 1952 to a peasant family, his father being a farmer and his mother a milkmaid. The third of four children, he urked an existance in a rundown farmhouse in the South Russian sector until the age of 14, where he left school and moved to Andre City to live with his uncle. Here is began working as a market trader and began dabbling in politics, studying the works of Karl Marx. At 20 he joined the Andrehervian Communist Party and immediately impressed the leadership with his ruthlessness and determination. Three years later, when Witzenberg had acheived the position of leader of the ACP in the Central Gonard region, the ACP was shut down by security forces under the orders of the extreme right-wing Albert Smithson, who had recently seized power. Witzenberg was forced to go into hiding in the south of the Gonard Peninsula. He continued working for the now illegal underground ACP whilst using the job as a fisherman as both a source of income and a profession. He also changed his name to Gilbert Rothwell. In 1983 he married to his girlfriend of 5 years, Laura Gilani, and has since had five children: Basil, 20; Josef, 17; Elaine, 14; Jeremy, 11 and Anne, 8. In 1993 he cancelled his membership to the ACP, complaining that the bureaucracy and inefficiency of the ACP was slowing down its' development. He was unable to return to normal life, however, for he had been marked down as a dissident

Fall of Smithson

In 1999, still working as a fisherman, a popular revolt managed to oust Smithson and was replaced by Jim Southern, a more moderate leader who allowed the reformation of parties dissolved under Smithson and removed names blacklisted for member ship to them, including that of Witzenberg's. Because of this, Witzenberg and his family moved north to Hage where he started a job as a technician. In 2001, after hearing of his accomplishments and skills from another ex-APC member, the Communist Shield of the Andrehervian Proletariat contacted him and asked for his membership, telling him of their ambitions and their manifesto. He signed up straight away.

Rise to power