Greater Korea

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Greater Korea


Flag of Greater Korea
Motto: {{{motto}}}
Region Korean Empire
Capital Nung Seoul
Official Language(s) English,French,Korean Dialect,Chinese
Leader Joseph Jung Stargill(current)
Population 700 million(including provinces)
Currency Greater Korean Dollar 
NS Sunset XML


The government of the I.S.G.A. is a Bipartisan Imperial Monarchy. It hasn't been that way forever though. In 1999, a year after the fall of the Bavarian Kings Regime, the newly created chancellory made a change to the Articles of the Imperial Constitution. The absolute law was abolished, and the Bipartisan law was put into to effect. The current leaders are: Emperor Joseph Jung Stargill, Prime Minister Lee Alec Woo, Chancellor Han Jshiu Omanisa. The Executive Branch is made up of the Imperial Family. The Administrative Branch, is the recent combination of the Judicial and Legilative Branches. What the Administrative branch does is it issues laws, and enforce them. The Executive branch rejects bills and signs the laws.


The Hao Dynasty

In 1739, Kimg Jing Hoa(34 yrs old) became emperor of The Empire of Korea( the original name of The Imperial State of Greater Korea). He sent explorers all over Asia, and Raza-Austalia to claim new lands. When his explorers came back with routes to certain areas, he gathered his army of about 300,000 and sailed to Raza-Australia. He took over the whole country within 19 days killing abiut 70% of the Razaboriginies living there. 10 years later, he married Princess Takamota(22 years old) of the Japanese empire. At the Imperial Wedding of the house of Hao and the house of Toshibua, the new empress of Korea, passed out. She was rushed to the hospital and they discovered that she was pregnant. She gave birth to a boy named Prince Hakota, and a daughter named Princess Imari. Emperor Kimg wrote the Male Ascension Law, and what this law said was that the first male of the emperor reigning, becomes the next emperor. Prince Hakota was given the new title of, Crown Prince Hakota Hao-Toshiba. On September 5,1769, Emperor Kimg Jing Hao, died of cancer, and the country went into mourning for the month.After the Imperial Memorial, the Imperial Coronation began, and the Imperial council of suitors , sent Crown Prince Hakota three princesses to choose a bride from. The Princesses were: Princess Victoria of Britain, Princess Susan of Denmark, and Crown Princess Katherine of Spain. After he was crowned Emperor Hakota Hao-Toshiba, he told the Imperial Council of Suitors to send back Crown Princess Katherine, and to prepare her for their mariage. On March 9,1770, Emperor Hakota married Crown Princess Katherine Julia Balboa, and she was given the title : Empress Katherine Julia Balboa-Hao-Toshiba. The reign of the Emperor and Empress was very short because while on a visit to Stargill, Korea, an angry mob killed them saying that they had the rightful Emperor to the throne of the Empire of Korea. They said that Emperor Kimg, had took the power as new emperor from his half brother, Joseph Gaos Stargill Hao. With no other people to become the next Leader, they gave Ming Satrgill the title of Lady Ming of Stargill. Then, when she turned 18 on April 12,1778, they coronated her in the Imperial Capital Palace of Hao. Her first act as Empress was to make the Female Imperial Act, which stated that there could be an empress in head of the government and state. Also, she got rid of the Male Ascension Law, to really put the Female Imerial Act. To start the Stargill Dynasty, she created the Stargill Imperial Palace, and The Imperial Stargill Park.

The 1st Stargill Dynasty

Empress Ming, married Emperor Ching Sung of Chinandia on April 9,1788, and on April 8,1790, the Korean and Chinandian Empires were joined together and the size of the Korean Empire Quadupled. They renamed the country The Imperial State of Greater Lamossa. On June 13, 1791, Empress Ming gave birth to a boy whom she named Joseph Ching Jung Gaos Stargill-Sung. He was given the title of Crown Prince Joseph Ching Jung Gaos Stargill-Sung in 1792 on his first birthday, and to the people's surprise, she was pregnant again. Over in the neighboring country of Getty, the Army and Emperor Ching were fighting to add an additional province to Lamossa, after diplomatic solutions failed. What people did not know about their emperor, was that he was very diplomatic, but when the was not opossible, he turned to war. On March 7,1793, Empress Ming gave birth to her first daughter named Princess Imari Ming Stargill-Sung. Emperor Ching and the Lamossan Army, finally took over Getty, and he renamed the new province: Gettysburg.