The Phillipino Azores

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The Phillipino Azores
Flag of The Phillipino Azores
Motto: Never give up....for free
Region International Democratic Union
Capital Puhulu
Official Language(s) English Tagalog Japanese
Leader President Daniel Jaques
Population 90 million (roleplayed)
Currency dram 
NS Sunset XML


The Phillipino Azores is a conservative, capitalist democracy located on a remote archipelago in an ocean somewhere. Most of the country-its people, its politics, its geography-is decided by which of the Original Six corporations that founded The Phillipino Azores is associated with a particular person, place or thing.


In 1922, a lost dirigible (zepellin) stumbled up the island of Karagatan and reported back that it had two sisters, Pulo and Sayaw. A young entrepeneur named Frank McFeely immediately bought the rights to the three islands and began formulating plans to build a society based on capitalism on the newly-discovered islands.

Being a practical man, McFeely started by looking for corporate backers: none bit until the stock market crashed and companies started scrambling to look for a place to keep their money safe before they lost it. Then, McFeely found himself overwhelmed with applicants, but he only took six: CanAmTranCo, the Canadian-American Transit Company; The Coastal Oil Company, abbreviated Cocoa Oil; the Heartland Telephone and Telegraph Service, colloquially called THATS; the Continental Motor Car Corporation, CMCC; the Horace McKnight Entertainment Corporation, HMEC; and his own McFeely Shipping.

Wanting to keep his customers interested in building a true society rather than just a convenient dump site, McFeely divided the island into seven sections: five large ones for each of his customers, one small area for his shipping company and one location for a "capital city", which he layed out on paper and divided up among the various companies. By 1934, the capital city's building materials were on board McFeely Shipping vessels and under way. Eventually, realizing that not having a true port was a problem, Frank McFeely had his brother, Dick McFeely, the nominal CEO of McFeely Shipping, call a meeting of the six companies, in which he proposed to build a shipping port, on McFeely land, that all six could use, if the other five would help build it. The members of the meeting all agreed, and the city that would become Pampasigla was built.

In 1956, another company, Canada Steel, wanted in on the deal. Offering $5 billion, Canadian, for a hundred-year lease on the island of Kargatan, half again its worth at the time, the CEO was grudgingly allowed in. Also, because the land was still owned by McFeely's umbrella company, McFeely Real Estate Dealers, Inc, the Original Six more or less had to let Canada Steel in on the "society". This would prove to be a good move: the new company brought new money to the dwindling economy.


The main island, Pulo, is divided into six provinces and one "special districts". Each of the provinces represents what was once the land owned by one of the Original Six companies, minus McFeely Shipping. The island of Karagatan is one province, with Baboy as its capital. The provinces are as follows:

  • Kabayo-Capital: Kabayo Governor: Casey Salinas (formerly owned by CanAmTranCo)
  • Langis-Capital: Samahan Governor: Dirk Combs (formerly owned by Cocoa Oil)
  • Sakit-Capital: Sakit Governor: Gerard Rivera (formerly owned by THATS)
  • Makina-Capital: Siyudad Governor: Jesse Houston (formerly owned by CMCC)
  • Pula-Capital: Bughaw Governor: Mohamed Sweet (formerly owned by HMEC)
  • Pampasigla-Capital: Pampasigla Governor: Shawn McFeely (formerly owned by McFeely Shipping)
  • Karagatan-Capital: Baboy Governor: Spencer McNeil (formerly owned by Canada Steel)

The islands of Sayaw, Pagkain and all other minor islands are considered "territories", but usually administered as one province. The inhabited islands are as follows, in order of size, with population in italics:

  • Pulo 50,420,039
  • Karagatan 22,125,162
  • Sayaw 9,705,143
  • Pagkain 4,636,861
  • Mataas 446,019
  • Kirot 256,032
  • Maligaya 33,220
  • Maigsi 19,077
  • Other islands 3,216,647

The largest cities are as follows:

  • Puhunan 30,122,064
  • Baboy 15,561,894
  • Pampasigla 8,908,988
  • Palibot 4,993,629
  • Damdamin 3,978,749