Dragon Cows

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Dragon Cows
Flag of Dragon Cows
Motto: Don't Let Mad Cow Disease Dragon
Region The Sword Coast
Official Language(s) English, Japanese, , Draconian, Cow
Leader Prince Nagomaki Hiroken
Population 7 Million
Currency The Bovine 
NS Sunset XML

The Dragon Cows


Hundreds of years ago, dragons roamed the earth. In about the 16th century, by the Gregorian Calendar, dragons began to die out. This was largely due to the fact that humans percieved them as a threat, and became very efficeint in eliminating them. By the mid-17th century, dragons were all but gone, clinging to life in remote, uninhabited pockets of the world. During these times of isolation, interbreeding with the local wildlife became a fairly common practise. Naturally, many versions of half-breeds were created - dragon eagles, dragon mice, dragon squirrels, etc. Only one of these half-breed species truly flourished - dragon cows with both red and gold dragon lineage. They were one of the few half-breed species to mate amongst themselves and could count on birthing a youngling with the same traits as the parents. Most of the other half-breeds would have children that would either revert back to the physical appearance and traits of the half-breed parent's non-dragon species, or would be born as some hideous mutation.

At first, the dragon cows were nothing more than your average bovine, but with red and gold wings, above average (even for a human) intelligance, and the ability to breathe a large and potent cone of fire. As they evolved (which was incredibly quickly) they took on more of a humanoid stance, their wings decreased in size, and their breath of fire was also reduced in size, but not in potency. Also, as a result of this evolution, the dragon cows became much more hardy than either of their ancestral species, allowing them to live almost anywhere.

Afther this sudden evolutionary change, the dragon cows began to fit in with humanoid society better. They learned the culture of the human groups most closely surrounding them. Due to their scattered dragon ancestry, The dragon cows were too scattered across the globe. After their evolutionary shift(which ended about 1850), they began moving into little clusters. These clusters developed mainly in Japan, South Africa, and Northern Canada. The dragon cows fit, however uncomfortably, into the society that had already built up in these areas, learning the people's traditions and beliefs. No matter how hard they tried, they nefer felt comfortable in their roles in society. They felt isolated and out cast. When mass communication and transportation rolled around in the latter half of the 20th century, the seperate pools of dragon cows becape aware of each other. It was shortly after this that te dragon cows decided to move to the Sword Coast in Antarctica, and start their own country.


The Dragon Cow society is a mixed bag of Japanese, South African, and Canadian ideals. Their government naturally arose out of this and the Dragon Cows natural instincts.


The Government consists of a Prince or Princess who is elected every three years. After the Prince is elected, he chooses 50 people from whom 10 will form the senate. Each seate cantidate chooses a representative from each of the ten provinces. The people then choose their favourite 10 senators. The representatives that each elected senator chose becomes the house of representatives. The house of representatives has the only veto power over passing bills in the government. The seats are arranged so that the Prince sits at one end of the room, the speaker (an arbitrary position, to control the house)sits at the opposite end. The rest of the seats are arranged in a circle around the outside of the room. In the ring closest to the centre sit the Senators. In the next few rows sit the House of Representatives, positioned so that no two representatives from the same province sit next to, in front of, or behind each other. A recorder is positioned in the middle of the room.

Passing a bill

A bill can be proposed by any Dragon Cow citizen, which than goes to vote. The first stage is the first reading. The Prince, the Senate, and the House of Representatives are all present for the first reading. No voting is done on the first reading. On the Second Reading, only the House of Representativres is present. This is when they can make their veto. If six or more representatives of any one provincevote for a veto, than the bill is scrapped. If the bill is not vetoed, than it is put to a general vote for the House of Representatives. The bill must pass by 50% to move on. The next step is the third reading, which is done only for the Senators. They then vote on it. Again it must pass by 50% to continue. At this point, it is technically Law. It is then the Prince's duty to sign the bill, and announce the new law to the public. The other duty of the Prince is as a tiebreaker for either the Senate or the House of Representatives. If either group should be split right down the middle, the Prince has the deciding vote. He is also present at all of the readings of the bill.