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Flag of Hirgizstan
Motto: War, Its Fantastic.
Region New York
Capital Hirgizstan City
Official Language(s) English(s), North Germanian
Leader The Fuhrer
Population 9.2 Billion
Currency National Credit Note 
NS Sunset XML

A View of the Commonwealth

The Commonwealth of Hirgizstan is a growing an expanding Nationalist and deeply conservative nation. It covers many millions of square Kilometers and includes 3 Colonies. The Current population is over 9 Billion and is still growing. The people of Hirgizstan itself have a rich and varied history stretching back to the 14th Century when the nomadic tribe of the Hirgizstanii finally conquered the Imperial and Feudalistic forces that had purged the land and almost destroyed a people.

In the 16th Century a Civil War broke out in Hirgizstan over the ethnic claims of a small tribe, separate from the Hirgizstanii. Old rivalries were renewed and what was a small problem exploded into a 4 year long Civil War in which hundreds of thousands were killed. The Army of the Union of Hirgizstan eventually won the war and the Hirgizstanii and other tribes settled into their peaceful existence once more.

Since then the Hirgizstanian nation has arisen as a World Leader in both economic and military might yet has maintained its realist-isolationist stance in global politics. It has become a key figure on the international stage. Originally playing a significant role in the Smolny Civil War, the Commonwealth of Hirgizstan (Then the Dictatorship of Hirgizstan) has slowly but surely expanded its horizons and began to form the Commonwealth that it is today, expanding firstly across the island chain known now as Hirgizstanian Nations, then annexation and a bloody 2 year long war brought the rugged nation of Legionnaires into the Hirgizstanian Commonwealth. The latest Colony to become part of the Commonwealth was Victories, a vast nation and long-standing ally of the Dictatorship of Hirgizstan, its people voted to amalgamate themselves with the Commonwealth.

Since the war in Legionnaires and the anschluss with Victories the people of Hirgizstan have enjoyed an un-tainted period of calm and prosperity. The Citizens of the Commonwealth live well and are allowed to live mostly as they please and complain very little. In annual surveys conducted by the Government the people are most concerned with Security and Crime. Over 90% of all Commonwealth Citizens feel that they are safer than many other places in the world, both from domestic and international threats. Third on the list was Economic stability and Prosperity, and from the figures it would seem that people in the Commonwealth live well, and with rising prosperity and economic strength this can only get better.

The Government

The Government of the Commonwealth of Hirgizstan is highly centralized. The Government does not subscribe to any particular Right Wing movement, rather it subscribes to a hybrid doctrine of its own engineering.

For efficiency the Government is tiered, down to the lowest point. The lowest form of Government is local, towns and villages etc, ruled by Mayor's and Councils. The candidates are Government chosen but are elected by the populace of the town or village. The next tier up is the City which are organised in a similar fashion. Counties are the next tier up and are ruled by a Council, presided over by a Gauleiter, the Gauleiter and the Council are chosen by the State Governor, quite a high position. The Province Governer is the next step up the, fairly close to the top positions. Provinces are higher than States. The next tier is the Colonial Ministers, appointed by the Fuhrer. There are three at the moment and they are called '1st Ministers' of their respective Colonies. They are presided over by the General Officer of the Commonwealth (GOC), who is appointed by the Fuhrer and is a member of the Cabinet. The Highest Tier is the Commonwealth, ruled, of course, by the Fuhrer.

The Ideology of the Commonwealth is a hybrid of numerous ideologies. It is Right Wing dynamism of the highest order, although older conservative values are still upheld. The Government is not democratic but the people of the Commonwealth live generally free lives as long as they stay within the confines of the law, which is the Governments top priority, on a par with Defense. The general consensus in the people's minds is that the Government should stay mostly isolationist, which keeps the Commonwealth relatively secure and allows the people freedom from such damaging enterprises as the United Nations.

The Fuhrer is the the Leader of the Commonwealth, he is at the top and the people are in no doubt as to this fact. They know that if the Fuhrer choses to become involved in an International Situation then it will be for the good of the Commonwealth, the people do not believe that there is world order, only a few select states have order and it is in the interests of the Commonwealth to get involved only where the effects would directly impact on the Commonwealth itself.

The Commonwealth

The Commonwealth of Hirgizstan can be divided into four separate areas, all of which are directly part of the Commonwealth. Three of these areas are Colonies or Regions, while one is the central nation of Hirgizstan itself, which of course is not a colony. The three Colonies are Victories, Legionnaires and Hirgizstanian Nations. Colonials are considered Citizens of the Commonwealth of Hirgizstan but there are certain differences when it comes to Legislation, for example a Colonial cannot serve in certain branches of the Hirgizstanian Military, they can however, serve in Colonial Formations.


The Commonwealth is based in Hirgizstan, the first and oldest of the four regions. The region of Hirgizstan was formed after 1350 when, after numerous tribal wars, the many tribal regions were settled into a united country known as Hirgizstan, after thr Hirgizstanii tribe that were the main protragonists in the nations formation. After the Civil war in the 1500s the nation became known as 'The Dictatorship of Hirgizstan', and it is now the Commonwealth of Hirgizstan.

The Capital City is Hirgizstan City, which is one of the largest cities in the world, and its second largest city is Freedom City. The region of Hirgizstan currently home to one third of the Hirgizstanian Military.


The Hirgizstanian Commonwealth of Victories is the most recent region to be proclaimed part of the Commonwealth. It was annexed not too long ago after a decision by its people and its President to become part of the Commonwealth of Hirgizstan. The leaders of Victories and Hirgizstan had been staunch allies for many years and its people and leaders felt that their combined interests would be served better as part of a strong Commonwealth, where the forces of both nations would be combined.

The economy of Victories has greatly improved the overall wealth of the Commonwealth as Victories currently has a larger population than the region of Hirgizstan, but on a smaller land-mass. Victory City is the Commonwealth's second largest city, after Hirgizstan City. Victories is home to one third of the Hirgizstanian Military and is home to two quarters of the Colonial Military Forces.


The Hirgizstanian Commonwealth of Legionnaires was founded in 1640 by a large group of nationless Soldiers who called themselves Legionnaires. This state was founded by soldiers and its people carried on a tradition of being tough and rugged, unflinching in the face of adversity.

However in recent times the traditional Federal Government of Legionnaires fell to a Communist Dictator who oppressed the people's and denied the nations history and oppressed the people. The Commonwealth of Hirgizstan saw and oppurtunity to be exploited and took it.

Hirgizstanian Troops fought for 2 years in a brutal and bloody war against Communist insurgents and guerillas before finally declaring Legionnaires a Colony. The people of Legionnaires believed that the Commonwealth had done them a good turn but the people keep a healthy skepticism toward the Hirgizstanian Government. This attitude is most apparent in the military Legionnaire Formations, the Foreign Legions. Their troops are fiercely loyal but arrogant, believing themselves to be of tougher stock than other troops.

The largest city in Legionnaires is Aquilla. Legionnaires is a favourtie tourist destination of many Commonwealth Citizens as it has an extremely warm climate and is a place of absolute natural beauty. The Fuhrer himself has a number of residences there, including the White Palace, a huge, grandoise marble structure of truly epic architectual proportions. Just under one third of Hirgizstanian Military forces are based in Legionnaires. One quarter of the Colonial Military is based in Legionnaires

Hirgizstanian Nations

The Commonwealth of Hirgizstanian Nations is a large island chain that was once many individual nations that were allied to each other through one Alliance. Once one of these small nations was conquered, in a short, almost bloodless, military campaign, it was apparent that the main income of these nations was the Drug Trade.

The Drug Trade owned everything, including the politicians and the military and they didn't take kindly to the Commonwealth invading one of their customers, thus they started a small scale war against Commonwealth forces.

Hirgizstanian Military forces quickly ascertained that if the Drugs were destroyed then their war effort would certainly fail. Thus large volumes of Agent Orange, Agent Blue and Agent Red were sprayed over the drug fields. Cocaine and Heroin were the first to suffer, followed by cannabis. The war had dropped off slightly but an Aerial bombing campaign on a remote jungle island in the chain of islands eventually stopped the manufactured drugs and alcohol from being procduced.

The Military then island-hopped and added the entire chain of island nations to the Commonwealth in a relatively short time. The nations then became obsolete and is now known as Hirgizstanian Nations.

The largest city is the city of Fue, which is on one of the larger islands. Some Hirgizstanian Military forces are based in Hirgizstanian Nations. One quarter of Colonial Military Forces are based in Hirgizstanian Nations.