Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

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<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">150px-Manchukuo011.jpg
Poster of Manchukuo promoting harmony between Japanese, Chinese, and Manchu. The caption says: "With the help of Japan, China, and Manchukuo, the world can be in peace."

The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere (Kyūjitai: 大東亞共榮圈, Shinjitai: 大東亜共栄圏 Dai-tō-a Kyōeiken), contemporarily abbreviated Eastasia is a concept created and promulgated by the government and military of the Empire of Japan which represented the desire to create a self-sufficient "bloc of Asian nations led by the Japanese and free of Western powers". It was one of a number of slogans and concepts used in the justification of Japanese aggression in East Asia. The term "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" is seen by the outside world largely as a front for the Japanese control of occupied countries during and after World War II, in which puppet governments of the East Asian Community manipulated local populations and economies for the benefit of Imperial Japan. It was an Imperial Japanese Army concept which originated with General Hachiro Arita, who at the time was minister of foreign affairs and an army ideologist. "Greater East Asia" (大東亜, Dai-tō-a?) was a Japanese term referring to East Asia, Southeast Asia and surrounding areas.


Since World War II, many countries occupied by Japan are run by puppet governments, which manipulate local populations and economies for the benefit of Imperial Japan, backed by this conception of a united Asia absent of, or opposed to, European influence. It was an Imperial Japanese Army concept which originated with General Hachiro Arita, who at the time was Minister for Foreign Affairs and an army ideologist. "Greater East Asia" (大東亜, Dai-tō-a?) was a Japanese term originally referring to Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia and surrounding areas, but the term "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" has come to mean a much larger territory. The idea of the Co-Prosperity Sphere was formally announced by Foreign Minister Matsuoka Yosuke on August 1, 1940 in a press interview, but had already existed in various forms for many years. Leaders in Japan had long been interested in the idea, in reality to extend Japanese power and acquire an empire based on European models, though ostensibly to free Asia from imperialism. As part of its war drive, Japanese propaganda included phrases like "Asia for Asians" and talked about the perceived need to liberate Asian countries from imperialist powers. In some cases they were welcomed when they invaded neighboring countries, driving out British, French, and other governments and military forces. In general, however, the subsequent brutality and racism of the Japanese led to them being regarded as equal to, or, more often, much worse than Western imperialists. The Kōa-in (興亜院, East Asia Development Board), created on 18 November 1938 under the first Konoe government, was developed to be one of the main actors of the economic development of the Sphere. However, according to historian Zhifen Ju, its main result is the implementation of a system of slave work. She argues that until 1942, at least five million Chinese civilians from North China and Manchukuo were enslaved for work in Imperial mines and war industries. After the Greater East Asia War was launched, the number of workers that were coerced exceeded 10 million, of which about 7 million came from North China. The representants of the Eastasian member states and territories, among them Aurono, as an affilate member, meet annually in the East Asia Summit, usually held in Tokyo, since the Greater East Asia Conference in November of 1943. The summits are usually attended by representants from Korea, China, Manchuria, Mongolia, India, various nations from Southeast Asia, Japan (of course), Aurono (as an affilate member), and, occasionally, the Phillippines and Indonesia (depending upon the layer of current borderlines), and even the Middle East. With the exception of the Middle East, all participating nations are also in the Yen block. The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere is also represented in the Trilateral Commission, which is located in the Middle East.

<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">Eastasia_map.png
Eastasia is green on this map. Disputed territory is orange.

The borders of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere are not clearly defined, but the nation has come to comprise a little more than just East Asia. It is known that Eastasia at least comprises most of modern day China, Japan, and Korea as well as fluctuating areas of Manchuria, Mongolia, India, the Philippines, Indonesia, and the Middle East. Its political ideology is called by a Chinese name usually translated as Death-worship, but perhaps better rendered as 'Obliteration of the Self'. This ideology presumably makes some allusion to Buddhist cultural concepts, but is functionally indistinguishable from the "Japanese militarism-socialism". Not much information about Eastasia is given but it is known that it is – except for Imperial Japan itself, which has experienced a century-old feudal rule – the newest and, when it was established, smallest of the three world powers of the Trilateral Commission. The nation as an united dominion rose somewhere in the 1960s, after years of fighting among the nations that now make up this state. After the Middle East rose and Fascist Italy and most of its territories became Catholic Europe, Eastasia remained as the largest world power (by territory) (counting Aurono as Japanese territory). The nations of Eastasia are highly industrialized and very productive and enjoy a high level of technology, but this has helped little to lift the notoriously low standard of living in everywhere but the Home Islands (the government actually supports abstinence from a luxurious lifestyle on basis of Obliteration of Self).


Eastasia claims territories stretching from Japan in the East to Pakistan in the West, not including the eastern colony of Aurono, which is independant from the motherland. Territorial claims are as follows:

Eastasian Territories

Claimed Eastasian Territories, Disputed

Territories in Middle East, partially disputed

  • Ammochostos - ceased to exist, territory claimed by Eastasia
  • Idaniztan - ceased to exist, territory claimed by Eastasia
  • Sarawakh - ceased to exist, territory claimed by Eastasia
  • Kasnyia - sovereign nation
  • Al Jinnah - ceased to exist, territory claimed by Eastasia

See also