Ironscale Heavy Lift

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Ironscale Heavy Lift (IHL) is a Khrrck-based corporation run by the Ironscale clan. It specializes in cargo aircraft and rigid airships.


RA 12 “Hydra” UCAV carrier

The Hydra is a rigid airship, approximately 210 meters in length, which carries 20 IHL unmanned combat drones. UIT three chaingun turrets and an arsenal of countermeasures, the Hydra is a virtual fortress. Added to this is a variety of missile bays for long-range support of the UCAVs, making it a dangerous weapon, as well as the most expensive military aircraft built by IHL.

  • Missile Load: 4 SMP slots (1-2-1)
  • Thrust: 4 HOMF turbojets (2-2)

RA 7 “Fort Knox” Area Control Airship

The Fort Knox class of rigid airships is approximately 180 meters in length. Specializing in heavy anti-air weaponry, a Knox airship will hover in a fixed area, shooting down any intruders. Its four point-defense chainguns provide excellent protection against enemy fire when coupled with its battery of electronic and physical countermeasures. For offensive weaponry, it sports eight Standard Missile Pod slots, backed up by a 40mm autocannon.

  • Missile Load: 8 SMP slots (1-3-3-1)
  • Thrust: 4 HOMF turbofans (2-2)

RA 4 “Lancer” Missile Platform

The Lancer is specialized for one purpose; delivering long-range missile firepower. While it is the only IHL airship equipped with multiple 4-slot SMP slots, the Lancer has nothing in the way of defensive weaponry and is generally kept well out of the action.

  • Missile Load: 8 SMP slots (4-4)
  • Thrust: 2 HOMF turbojets (1-1)

RA 9 “Ballista” Missile Platform

The Ballista class of IHL airship is solely intended for short- and medium-range missile support roles. Equipped with two chainguns for point defense, the Ballista also sports an array of active countermeasures for defense against enemy missiles. Loaded with an impressive array of 10 SMP slots, the Ballista can spit up to 250 missiles at its target.

  • Missile Load: 10 SMP slots (3-4-3)
  • Thrust: 4 HOMF turbojets (2-2)

Systems, Weapons and Equipment

Standard Missile Pod (SMP)

The Standard Missile Pod is a rectangular module designed to fit into one of an IHL airship’s missile bays. Pods vary from one to four slots in length. This allows for extensive customization. A 4-slot bay can hold:

* 1 4-slot pod
* 1 3-slot pod and 1 1-slot pod
* 2 2-slot pods
* 1 2-slot pod and 2 1-slot pods
* 4 1-slot pods

A SMP incorporates all needed launch mechanisms. Guidance and other electronic tasks are handled by the airship’s computer.

Midge air-to-air missile

The Midge is the smallest missile in the IHL arsenal. Intended for use in swarms, the Midge uses simple but effective IR guidance to reach its target. Its low mass makes it extremely maneuverable, making it difficult to shake once it has acquired its target.

The Midge is available in fighter and SMP variants. The SMP launcher takes up 1 slot and holds 25 Midges.

  • Range: 6km
  • Payload: 10kg conventional OR KASS

Moonbeam air-to-air missile

The Moonbeam air-to-air missile is a versatile anti-aircraft weapon, fitted with advanced radar and IR guidance systems. IHL guarantees a one-shot kill on single-engine aircraft.

The Moonbeam comes in fighter and SMP versions. The SMP launcher takes up one slot and holds twelve missiles.

  • Range: 8km
  • Payload: 15kg conventional OR KASS

Sunbeam air-to-ground missile

The Sunbeam is a powerful air-to-ground missile, usable with IR, visible-light, or laser guidance. IHL guarantees that one Sunbeam will be sufficient to kill a light tank. Use of the Sunbeam in an anti-aircraft role is possible but not recommended.

The Sunbeam comes in fighter and SMP versions. The SMP launcher takes up one slot and holds twelve Sunbeams.

  • Range: 20 km
  • Payload: 20kg conventional OR KASS

Python air-sweep missile

The Python air-sweep missile is a low-yield tactical fission warhead. Its guidance systems are poor, and the weapon runs on a timed fuse instead of a proximity or contact fuse, but the weapon’s huge blast radius makes up for the lack of accuracy. The weapon is intended for use against large groups of fighters or other aircraft, although it can be used for many other purposes. Use of the Python as a defensive weapon is possible but not recommended.

The Python is available in heavy fighter and SMP versions. The SMP launcher takes up two slots and holds eight Pythons.

  • Range: 85 km
  • Payload: low-yield fission

Spike cruise missile

The Spike cruise missile is a long-range antishipping or anti-fortification missile. Guided by “smart” visual, radar, and IR tracking, the Spike provides accurate delivery in any weather.

The Spike is available in fighter/bomber and SMP versions. The SMP launcher takes up three slots and holds four Spikes.

  • Range: 250km
  • Payload: 120kg conventional OR tactical fission

Javelin Medium-Range Ballistic Missile

The Javelin is an air-launched, medium-range ballistic missile, intended for much of the same roles as submarine-based missiles but offering the unique advantages of an airship-based platform.

The Javelin is only available in a SMP version. The SMP launcher takes up four slots and holds three Javelins.

  • Range: 1,500km
  • Payload: Single fusion OR multi-warhead fission.

Spear intercontinental ballistic missile

The Spear is the largest and most deadly missile produced by IHL. Intended for intercontinental use, the Spear is primarily a deterrence weapon, and has never been fired. Guided by an advanced computerized targeting system, the Spear delivers multiple fusion or fission warheads with stunning accuracy.

The Spear is only available in SMP or ground-launched form. The SMP launcher takes up four slots and holds two Spears.

  • Range: 5,250km
  • Payload: Multi-warhead fusion or fission.