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Flag of Turinas
Motto: Be Free
No Map Available
Region United Freelands of Gutlich
Capital Turranica
Official Language(s) Turinian (Official), English (In practice), Russian (Occassionally)
Leader Grand Count(-Elected) Gutta
Population Approximately 75,450,000
Currency Decca 
NS Sunset XML


The People

The people of Turinas are hardworking folk, quick to take up pitchfork and torch is they spy somethign wrong with their government. They are suspicious of capitalist countries, and mostly they do things for the wellbeing of humanity. Of course, every Turinian remembers their roots, and most secretly long for a day when they can once again claim a huge empire.


As well as being highly supportive of the UN, Turinas prides itself on being the leading nation of the UFoG, a left-wing region which is effectively an alliance of closely placed nations. Turinas uses its Freedom Fighter units on the world stage to overthrow dictatorships and fight for people's rights abroad.

As to the politics of Turinas, it is a confusing affair. Run by a series of democractically elected councils, as well as elected leaders from each County ('Count' is their title, but normally '-Elected' is added when conversing with an outsider). Anyone may stand for Grand Count, but all Counts are automatically nominated.