Operation Heavy Sweep

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Operation Heavy Sweep
Date: 9th September 2025 -
Locations: Austria-Edwardia
Casus Belli: Austro-Edwardian population turned into zombies.
Result: Ongoing
Deaths (approx.)
WDyW-USEC Joint Force Austro-Edwardian Zombies
Edward City
Work Damn you Work
Austro-Edwardian zombified people
Albert Mainzer
310,000 Soldiers, 115,000 Marines, 10 Aircraft Carriers, 10 Battleships, 950 Aircraft Hundreds of millions of zombies

Operation Heavy Sweep, also known as the Zombie War, is the first attempt to reclaim and recapture Austria-Edwardia from zombie hordes.


9th September, 2025

  • 0000 Hours: Fighter and Bomber aircraft take off from Edward City's aircraft carriers.
  • 0015 Hours: Bomber aircaft reach their objectives at Austro-Edwardian main cities.
  • 0020 Hours: Bomber aicraft proceed with bombing their ground targets.
  • 0035 Hours: Bomber aircaft end it's task and return to their home bases.
  • 0100 Hours: Edward City's battleships start bombing Austria-Edwardia's main cities to make sure that all zombies have been eliminated.
  • 1400 Hours: 310,000 Soldiers enter the WDyW - Austro-Edwardian border and start with the invasion.
  • 1900 Hours: With sun coming down, troops build an steel fence around the rest of Austria-Edwardia to make sure that no zombies will retake what soldiers have reclaimed. Troops have advanced 15 Km into Austro-Edwardian territory.

10th September, 2025

  • 0900 Hours: Bomber aircraft bomb zombie positions.
  • 1000 Hours: Soldiers start advancing trough zombie territory.
  • 1900 Hours: Soldiers build another steel fence after having advanced 20 Km.

11th September, 2025

  • 0000 Hours: Battleships bomb zombie positions near the coast.
  • 0700 Hours: Marines land at Austria-Edwardia.
  • 0900 Hours: Army men start cleansing another zombie infested area.
  • 1700 Hours: Soldiers move the steel fence another 15 km.
  • 1730 Hours: Marines capture a 30 Km long, 2 Km wide coastal area.

12th September, 2025