Snake Eaters

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Snake Eaters
Flag of Snake Eaters
Motto: 'Les Enfants Terribles - The Terrible Children'
No Map Available Yet
Region The Forest of Lorien
Capital Snake City, Snake Eater Prime,
Official Language(s) Basic, Snakkesse
Leader Lord President Jacius Barbarossa (Commonly called Lord Barbarossa)
Population 2.81 billion people (correct at time of writing)
Currency Snake Dollar 
NS Sunset XML


Largest City
Snake City - 80 million people
National Population
2.81 billion people (correct as of August 24th, 2005)
Tiravano, Hoeth, Coreth, Mamba, Lyn-da-Vid, Heuz, Fallius, Osea, Yuktobania, Belka
National Holidays
January 1st - New Years Day
February 17th - Workers Day
April 31st - Founders Day
June 10th - Veteran's Day
August 25th - Victory Day - 1st Helghast War
October 19th - Leviathan Memorial Day
December 25th- Christmas Day
April 31st, 2150
16 years of age, universal
Executive Branch
chief of state: Lord President Barbarossa (since November 12th, 2345)
head of government: Lord President Barbarossa
Current Year
Technology Level

The Assembly

Lord President
Jacius Barbarossa

Jacius Barbarossa is one of the oddest presidents ever to grace the political scene of Snake Eaters. In contrast to previous presidents, he has actually reduced defense spending by 10%, as opposed to the normal influx heralded by a new president. Elected by a nation that has fought many battles, and now wishes for peacful resolutions prior to conflict, he has managed to pull the nation from the brink of war on many occassions.

He has been criticised on many occasions for his dynamic style of leadership, which was born from a life in the military prior to his dismissal. Known as a radical Major-General in the Coldstream Guards, he won many battles, employing tactics that were more akin to shock troops. However, this complete turnaround of tactics also tasted bitter defeat on a number of occasions, but despite this he continued to advocate the lightning style of war as opposed to attrition.

During his time in office, which now spans two decades, he has enacted legislation that allows same-sex marriages and also adoptions by said couples. His most controversial act so far has been to abolish conscription, and instead introduce a National Service. Although some say that the the two ideals are in fact one and the same, studies have shown that under the new system, there has been a 50% drop in the numbers of people refusing to do service.

Vice President
Norman Soth

Norman Soth has been Vice-President ever since Barbarossa's re-election in 2350. Given that the year is now 2360, Soth has had the chance to be a part of the most succesful governments since the orginal Assembly when Snake Eaters came into existence.

He was a politician from birth, orginally a member of the extremist SLF (Snake Liberation Front) at a time when it advocated high-military spending and that war should be wage upon those deemed to be insults to Snake Eaters. However, he left the group as it started to manipulate the civilian population by faking propaganda, stating that the party was no longer the one he loved. Following this, he moved into the centre-right oganisation of the Republican Party. It was here that he met Barbarossa, and found him a worthy presidential candidate. However, that effort was rebuked, and he then abandoned politics for a time. He returned to the election campaign of 2350, following the resignation of former vice-president William Harvey. He returned at Barbarossa's request, and the two have enjoyed a harmonious relationship thus far

Home Secretary
Hugh Dowling

His tough immigration policies have resulted in only the most skilled and desireable people coming to Snake Eaters. As a result, Snake Eaters is a leader in technological innovation in the military and civil markets

Defence Secretary
Ramon Maschio

Maschio has been hailed as a saviour for Snake Eaters military personnel, somehow managing to keep the military at the top of it's game despite reductions in manpower and spending. By imposing cuts on certain areas, such as the Air-Force squadrons deemed as surplus to requirement, he has allowed the remaining units to have a greater spending power, thus allowing the Army and Navy to continue to advance their technology even further

Education Secretary
Susan Grant
Foreign Secretary
Frank Boyle

Widely regarding as a genius in this field, Frank Boyle has managed to help Lord Barbarossa foster relationships with nations that would have otherwise been regarded as pointless endevours

Finance Secretary
Teressa Hughes

The recent fall in trade exports has caused questions to be raised about her competence for the job at hand

Health Secretary
Gavin Davis

Recently criticised for his failure to contain the spread of Nurgle's Rot in Snake Eaters, his position is now precarious.

Child Secretary
Rosemary Smith
Religious Secretary
Michelle Fisher

Recently, Ms. Fisher has been under immense pressure to allow the so-called 'Chosen One' to father a child with one of Snake Eaters' own women, as opposed to his marriage to a resident of Kaymiril (a nation of Drow).

Snake Eater History

Origins: 2050 - 2150

In 2050, with the advent of faster-than-light travel becoming commercially avaliable after decades of military usage, a group of disillusioned colonists, known only as The Assembly, took a sleeper-ship, the S.S Sri Lanka, and set a course out of the Sol system. With the warp drive at maximum, they cryogenically froze themselves, and set the timers for 100 years. The ship's engines failed in 2125, and thus it drifted through space until it came into contact with a planet sutible for human habitation. The ship's onboard AI decided that it's orginal programming was now invalid, and that it must save the crew. As a result, the ship crashed landed on what is now known as Snake Eater Prime.

Seeing as how they had been woken up twenty-five years ahead of schedule, and with the ship completley unservicable, the colonists set about creating a new society. It was here that the term 'Snake Eater' was first heard, for the leader of The Assembly, an ex-Green Beret, was famed for eating snakes to survive. Thus, the nation of Snake Eaters was born. It was during this time that the being known only as 'Kaelis Ra' emerged, and challenged the 'Snake Eater' to combat. During this time, it was noted that 'Snake Eater' appeared to bear a mystical Black Flame, which was later found to be magick manifesting as a result of a genetic mutation which had gone unnoticed at childbirth. 'Snake Eater' defeated Kaelis Ra, but was mortally wounded in the process. He was preserved in the only remaining stasis chamber until such time that it was deemed he could not survive any longer. The machine was shut off, and 'Snake Eater' finally died

The world turned out to be mostly tropical jungle on the interior of the landmasses, but closer to the ocean was habitable land. It was lush, good for growing crops and other such things. The colonists built small settlements across the planet, which then grew and grew. Snake City was the first city on the planet, and thus was declared the seat of government. The Shadowy State of Snake Eaters was born

Early Crisis: 2150 - 2200

Now that the nation was firmly established, with a industrial base similar to that of late twentieth century Earth, it was felt that the time was right to begin expanding into space. About 2175, the first manned mission for Snake Eaters was conducted, and was a tremendous success. The new Assembly, for the orginals had long since passed on, began building ships in earnest, in an effort to recolonise the stars. However, before the first ship could be completed, Snake Eater Prime was set upon by the Helghast, a militant offshoot of the human race, also looking to expand their own borders. They arrived from orbit, having demolished the space-dock and obliterated the ships. The Snake Eaters fought fiercely, and the battle reached a stalemate, not dissimilar to the trench warfare of World War 1. For twenty years, neither side could gain the advantage. Snake Eaters' technological prowess grew during the war, and they became highly militant themselves, in an effort to force the Helghast to retreat. This was eventually managed, but only at great loss to both sides. By the time the estimates came in and the Helghast had been forced back by the nuclear warheads, the death toll ranged in the hundreds of millions. It was a devastating blow to Snake Eaters, who had never seen such a bloody war in all their time on the planet. As a result, the nation became aggressive, withdrawn from galactic politics, and militant.

An Empire is Forged 2200 - 2330

Despite their refusal to take part in galactic politics, Snake Eaters carved out a name for themselves in the following years. They quickly fell upon worlds in neighbouring systems, creating a highly compact yet highly lethal empire. They subjugated those already living on the worlds they conquered, and yet their leaders wanted more.

The nation grew tremendously, gaining ground all the while. Key systems such as Tiravano, Hoeth, and Belka were taken quickly and effectively, each one contributing to the empire as a whole.

It wasn't until 2299 that the empire deemed itself large enough for the time being. This was the beginning of demilitarisation in Snake Eaters, although the process was so slow it was unnoticable. The armed forces were still kept to the highest standards, but their numbers dwindled slightly over the years.

Around 2327, there were reports of incursions by an unknown enemy along the borders of Snake Eater space. Investigations were carried out, and it was found that the Borg were responsible. Having assimilated a passing freighter, they believed that Snake Eaters would have benefitted the Collective. However, the resistance of Snake Eaters stunned them. The innovative technology and the sheer willpower of Snake Eaters actually forced the Borg to retreat, something which has only happened to them once more since, whilst fighting Species 8472. The loss was great however, and Snake Eaters still lives in fear of the day that the Borg return to her space

Recent History: 2330 - Present day

In 2333, the Helghast attacked Snake Eaters for the second time, causing the Second Helghast War. Whilst Snake forces held up farily well on many planets, it was at the heart of the empire that the Helghast struck their most crippling blow.

On the 19th of June of that year, an unknown number of Helghast ships translated from the Warp into normal space just outside the Cobrian system, the bastion of strength for Snake Eaters, and also the seat of government. Stretched thin, the only Navy ship in the area was the S.E.N Chimera, under the command of Arthur Cougar. Although the ship was not battleworthy, he took it into a fight with the Helghast regardless. The ship was lost with all hands, although it did slow down the Helghast offensive enough for Snake Eater Prime to prepare defences. The advance guard of the Helghast landed at 17:56 Snake Standard Time, and began a push that culminated in an all out offensive on Snake City in the early hours of the 30th of June that year. They were eventually beaten back by reinforcements from Tiravano, but the damage had been done. Almost 500,000 people lost their lives in the attack on the city. From there onwards, the Helghast were fighting a losing battle, which culminated in a cease-fire on the 31st of Decemeber, 2333.

Since 2353, Snake Eaters has entered into a long standing friendship with the Queendom of Kaymiril, a relationship that has resulted in the widespread acknowledgement of magick within the nation. In 2355, Kaymiril launched it's first intersteller craft, and a representative of Snake Eaters was there to bear witness to this historic event. Since then, relations have only increased between the two nations, with Valsharess Kaymiril VII and Lord President Barbarossa developing a geniune friendship. Also, as of 2354, Snake Eaters has been a part of The Wizards Council, an organisation based upon the world of Riptide which is under the control of the Eternal Domain of Warhaven, which is attempting to broaden the horizons of those already practicing magick and also attracting new students to learn the ways of the arcane arts.

Military Power


The Snake Eater Army is the land force of Snake Eaters, able to fight in any terrain under almost any conditions. It's organisation is simple in esscense, and follows the structure shown below. The strcuture is that of an infantry regiment

  • Section - 8 men, commanded by a Corporal or Sergeant
  • Platoon - 30 men, commanded by a Lieutenant
  • Company - 150 men, commanded by a Captain
  • Battalion - 750 men, commanded by a Major
  • Division - Unspecified number, commanded by a Lieutenant Colonel
  • Brigade - Unspecified number, commanded by a Brigadier
  • Task Force - Unspecified number, commanded by a General

The standard infantryman wears the Tactical Infantry Warfare System (TIWS)&trade, which is manufactured to the highest standards in Snake Eaters itself. The suit comprises multiple plates of titanium and adamantium, which have been fused in a secret process, to create an incredibly strong yet incredibly light alloy, perfect for armour. Capable of stopping a 7.62mm round at five paces, the armour is unique in it's method of protection. When struck, the affected plate becomes momentarily rigid, spreading the shock over the entire surface. If the suit is breached at all, self-diagnostic systems located throughout the armor detect and respond to this change, like a network of autonomic reflex nerves. This acts as a damage control response system, performing functions such as rerouting signals through auxiliary circuits. At the same time, any holes and tears in the armor are repaired to some degree by a kind of "nanopaste" that's secreted automatically from valves near the damaged area. This makes the suit appear to be bleeding. The suit is also equipped with a powerplant, to enable the support systems such as GPS tracking, IFF target designation and identification and life support systems. Featuring a fully-closed rebreather system, enabling the wearer to operate underwater or in the vacuum of space for a limited time makes this one of the most versatile systems to come from Snake Eaters. Further information on this system can be found at this link

The Snake Eater Army (Commonly shown as S.E.A) uses the latest in battlefield technology. The primary infantry weapon is the Cobra Weaponry PR-10 (Pulse Rifle Mk.10)(Middle and Lower images only - See PMG-7 for Top weapon). This almost unique weapon uses similar technology to the Tau pulse rifles, and is derived from the same principle of pulse technology. A particle is propelled using an induction field and reacts by breaking down into a plasma pulse which then leaves the barrel. This plasma pulse is capable of doing severe damage to most humanoid species, and pentrating up to medium body armour with minimal reduction in power. The weapon is fitted, as standard, with a 1.5 power sight, which has Trilux imbedded inside to enable limited nightvision capability. The power packs can offer up to five hundred shots per time, allowing for variations upon exact power settings. There is also a Rail Interface System (RIS) on the weapon, allowing for a myriad of add-ons to be attached to the weapon, inluding a white light, visible red-dot sight and a 35mm Grenade Launcher. The pulse carbine, again produced by Cobra Weaponry and designated the PC-5(Pulse carbine)uses the same principle, but sacrifices range in exchange for greater rate of fire.

For heavier fire support within squads, two options are avaliable: the addition of a semi-automatice battlefield sniper rifle, such as the Cobra Weapons MSG90-A2, which is an improvement over the orginal produced by Heckler&Koch in the 20th century, and is now produced under license by Cobra Weaponry. The A2 is made from improved polymers to help prevent barrel warping during sustained firing, but still retains the octagonal, free floating barrel of the orginal. Many of the working parts have also been upgraded, being made of high quality titanium and thus given a longer working life. The weapon is lighter, more responsive and above all, more accurate. The standard scope is a 10x40 Schmidt&Bender optical scope, with thermal and night imaging modes as standard.

The other squad support weapon is a light machine gun, based upon the PR-10. Reworked, it is heavier than the standard rifle as it carries a much larger power pack than the pulse rifles, allowing for up to two thousand shots. The PMG-7(top weapon, with vertical foregrip and collapsible buttstock) is once more produced by Cobra Weapons, and has a cyclic fire rate of over three thousand bursts per minute. In an effort to allow old style bullets to be employed, all Cobra Weapons are able to be quickly altered to fire 5.56mm or 7.62mm rounds. Magazine housings are fitted, and can take NATO STANAG magazines.

When it comes to heavier fire support, Tau Crisis suits are used. By employing exactly the same technology, it makes the suits easier to maintain than if they were manufactured by human hands. Imported from Mal-Caor, these suits can sport a vast array of weaponry, which when coupled with the jump-packs built into the suits, allows them unprecendented battlefield mobility and tactical flexibility.

The SEA uses a number of support systems to ensure it's survival on a rapidly evolving battlefield. The Main Battle Tank (MBT) of Snake Eaters is the SE-12, codenamed 'Viper'. For details of this tank, follow this link. However, this does need support of it's own, which is provided by a upgraded version of the 'Warrior'. For artillery fire support, an upgraded version of the AS-90 'Braveheart'system. However, the Braveheart is also being supplanted by the 'PantherClaw' system. Details on Project: PantherClaw&trade are currently top secret, and will be revealed at the appropiate time.


The Snake Eater Navy (SEN) operates a total of 2000 ships, which are subdivided into four sub-fleets. These fleets are under the command of a Fleet Admiral, who reports to a High Fleet Admiral. The current assignments, commanders and flagships of the fleets are shown below:

  • 1st Fleet - Fleet Admiral Montgomery - Guarding all major Snake systems - Leviathan's Fury
  • 2nd Fleet - Fleet Admiral Rommel - Undergoing refit following the Civil War - BelDragos' Wrath
  • 3rd Fleet - Fleet Admiral Patton - Border patrols - Maril's Wisdom
  • 4th Fleet - Fleet Admiral Strangeways - Devastated in recent conflict. Out of service until further notice - Warfare's Compassion

Each fleet consists of:

These are the theoretical layouts for each fleet. However, taking into account combat losses and upgrades to new ships, these may vary wildly from the above listings.

For statistics on these ships and others, please follow this link

Foreign Relations

Current Allies of Snake Eaters

  • The Queendom of Kaymiril
  • The Empire of Balrogga
  • The Eternal Domain of Warhaven
  • The Domain of Theao
  • The Rogue Nation of Mal-Caor

Current Enemies of Snake Eaters

  • The People's Republica Celtica of Camel Eaters
  • The Unholy Empire of Kajeenith

Friendly Nations

  • The Very Aggressive Space Empire of Outer Heaven MK II

Current Alliances

The Wizard's Council