International Bird Identification Society

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The International Bird Identification Society, IBIS is also a name of a species of bird.



Committee members

  • President: Pinguinum
  • Treasurer:
  • Secretary:
  • Vice-President:

Only committee members can put forward proposals for vote. In addition, these members also get one veto per each term they are voted in. Non-committee members are allowed to vote for the proposals and make suggestions. They also required to aid in improving the society under the instruction of the relevant committee member.

Ordinary members

Members are allowed one vote for each proposal put forward by the committee.


Elections have begun At the start, these members will be allowed to vote for two candidates (except of course themselves) for each position excluding initially the president. Eg. Nation A votes for... Nation B and Nation X for Treasurer, Nation T and Nation U for Vice-President, and Nation Q and Nation Y for Secretary.

Members who have voted

Members yet to vote

Members voted for

Number of total votes: 21 2 candidate votes were allowed for each position. Only 1 chose to forfeit the second three votes accounting for the odd number.

Job descriptions


  • Responsible for the day-to-day running of the society
  • Implements the society's image
  • Organises and chairs society's meetings
  • Facilitates the work of other committee posts - ensuring the society's objectives are achieved


  • Responsible for financial issues, including floats and budgets etc.
  • Budgeting of events
  • Keeps an accurate record of all society's records
  • Signs all relevant forms to hold the position of Treasurer


  • Responsible for all society's correspondence
  • Makes and keeps a record of all society meetings
  • Keeps accurate records of all the socety's affairs, essential for both current and future committees.


  • To alleviate some of the workload of the President (see description for President)