Ufanua Fo'u

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Ufanua Fo'u
Nation: Pa'atua
Function: provincial capital of Los'vi
Population: 355
Leader: none

Ufanua Fo'u is the capital of Los'vi island, and was built by the Alfegan authorities specifically to house climate refugees from Pa'atua. The Pa'atuans named it Ufanua Fo'u: "New Ufanua". Literally, the name means "our new land" or "our new home", since Ufanua means "our land" or "our home" (from fanua, meaning "land").

The Alfegans built 800 dome-shaped residences, as well as a dock and other elements of infrastructure. Personnel from Horizon Island also assisted in building and supplying the new settlement.

Upon arriving, the Pa'atuans all resided in Ufanua Fo'u at first, but most began to set up small villages all around the island. The island's land was equitably shared between all the population's masa'i (extended families), and many chose to build a home on their own land, living off its natural ressources (agriculture, fruit and plant gathering, fishing). Ufanua Fo'u remains the island's only town, and de facto capital. It is Los'vi's political, administrational and educational centre. It has a resident population of 355 (out of 879 Pa'atuans living on the island).