The Indonesian States

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The Indonesian States
Flag of The Indonesian States
Motto: Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
Region Asia
Capital Kota Laut
Official Language(s) none(de facto: Indonesian)
Leader President Johann van Dyke, Sultan Nikolas AndiKasim
Population 805 million
Currency Rupiah 
NS Sunset XML

The Constitutional Sultanate of the Indonesian States(indonesian:Sultanate Indonesia Serikat) is a nation consisting of all the islands in the Indonesian Peninsula.

It is the world's largest archipelagic state. The population is approxamately 805 million. The Indonesian States is 80% Muslim, 12% Christian, and 8% Hindu. The Goverment capital is located in Kota Laut, an Under water city created so it could be protected from any attacks against it. The Kings palace, however, is located in Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan State.


The Beginning

The history of the nation began in about 800AD, when the King of Srivijaya had a great idea. He read through his archives, and read about the Greek sailors landing in Palembang, his capital, almost 700 years ago. He read about city-states, seprate governments united by one, and thus the States of Indonesia was born. He sent Envoys to each of the Kingdoms in the Archeapeligo, and most agreed to join the "Pulauan Indos Nesus Seriakt". Yogyarkata agreed to join only if they were allowed to recognise the Kings of Yogyarkata as their leader. Aceh refused altogether.

The Conversion

By the 1500's The Indonesian States was a great, powerful nation. Trade with China, India, and Arabia made Indonesia even more powerful. the Arabs brought not only goods, but also Islam. At first the Acehnese Empire converted, but soon most of the Indonesian Archeapeligo followed. Mosques started popping up in Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi islands. The Nusa Tengarra Islands stuck with Hinduism, and the Arabs did not go to Kalimantan, so they stayed with their Indiginous religions.

The Colonialists

For Hundreds of years there was peace in the Indonesian States, then in the 1660's, the Dutch "discovered" the "East Indies" and planned to colonialize the Archeapeligo. They conquered the Archeapeigo for 80 years. Most Indonesians were slaves and until a man named Sultan Hasanuddin of Makassar rebelled against the Dutch Colonialists. After 2 years he was imprisoned but Sultan Hassanuddin escaped from his prison in Batavia (Jakarta) and raised a local Militia to fight against the Dutch. He fought a gurellia war in the mountains surrounding Bandung and soon his Makassarese Army and Navy came. Only a month later the Dutch summer capital Bandung was captured and Indonesia Serikat was freed.

The Great Age

After the Dutch failed to control the Indonesian Archeapeligo, the European Empires looked at the Indonesians higher that other Asian nations, most of which they have conquered. Then, the current leader, Yusuf Amin, decided to create a colony in the "new world" as the Europeans called it. Indonesians, as well as Chinese, knew all about "America" with the help of an explorer named Zheng He. So, a colony was started about 25 miles north of what is now Los Angeles.

As well as new world colonies, they conquered land in Asia and Africa as well. Malaysia, Irian Jaya, the northern tip of Australia were all new territories of the Indonesian States. SIn the American colony, little wars were being waged between Spain and in 1738, they took control of all the Spanish colonies on the Southern Californian coast. In 1750 however, The two Empires made a treaty and Spain took everything south of Los Angeles, The Indonesian States took what was north of Los Angeles, and they both shared the city.

In the Early 1800's, The Indonesian Empire consisted of Malaysia, Irian Jaya, and the northern tip of Australia as well as South Africa(Gained by making a treaty with the Dutch), Somalia, The Southern Half of the Phillipine Islands, Sri Lanka, Maldives, and California north of Los Angeles. The US was becoming a real nuciance, settling in Indonesian and Spanish territory. Soon, a war broke out and the Indonesian States' American colonies were given up to the United States.

The World Wars
