User:Star City

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Revision as of 23:04, 12 November 2004 by Frisbeeteria (Talk | contribs)

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Who Am I?

I'm the former Foreign Relations Minister of The Proletariat Coalition and have done bugger all since, but you can read about that here.

Who Am I, Really?

In RL, I'm from Scotland where we have running water, electricity and television... oh, and News International has made it here. Thus, I read proper newspapers - The Glasgow Herald and The Independent. Politically, I am militant far-left (or at least I encourage that impression) and personal politics are the way of militant atheism - all of which is reflected in my nation(s). My nom de guerre is Prijatelj.

I write a lot of essays, modelling myself after Orwell and teach myself vary amounts of other languages. ¡WIKIPEDIA IS KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!


I found this Wiki on the Wikipedia NS page. I also have an account there under one of my many psuedonyms - (Willard). Other than repeating my nation page, this sentence shall end here.