The House Of Ellison

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The House Of Ellison
Flag of The House Of Ellison
Motto: Fear Denies Faith
Located to the west
Region Red Vs Blue
Capital Aerius Castellum
Official Language(s) Gothic
Leader Emperor
Population 7 million
Currency The Imperial Credit 
NS Sunset XML

The House Of Ellison

Rather than a country as such, the Holy Empire is comprised of the territories of the family of Ellison, the victors of the regional religious civil war which had kept the area divided and ravaged by war for some time. Having crushed the opposition, the head of the family, one Garikus Ellison became Prime Minister of the United Ellison Territories, but his reign was short-lived. Elements in the army and Divine Church, dissatisfied by Garikus' moderate policies, staged a coup, establishing his brother Harkon Ellison as Emperor.


The Holy Empire of the House of Ellison is a militaristic theocracy- military service is compulsory for seven years for all males between the ages of 18 and 25. Society is organised along militaristic lines and justified wth Divine Church propaganda. At the very top of the hierarchy sits the Emperor, both head of state and supreme spiritual authority. His immediate subordinates are the Lord Templar, highest ranking general in the Holy Empire, and the Grand Cardinal, in charge of confessional affairs. Slightly lower in rank come the Cardinal-Ministers, the heads of the Ministries of Enlightenment, Foreign Affairs, the State, Transportation, Health and Commerce, of which the first three are the most powerful.

The Divine Church