The House Of Ellison

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The House Of Ellison
Flag of The House Of Ellison
Motto: Fear Denies Faith
Located to the west
Region Red Vs Blue
Capital Aerius Castellum
Official Language(s) Gothic
Leader Emperor
Population 7 million
Currency The Imperial Credit 
NS Sunset XML

The House Of Ellison

Rather than a country as such, the Holy Empire is comprised of the territories of the family of Ellison, the victors of the regional religious civil war which had kept the area divided and ravaged by war for some time. Having crushed the opposition, the head of the family, one Garikus Ellison became Prime Minister of the United Ellison Territories, but his reign was short-lived. Elements in the army and Divine Church, dissatisfied by Garikus' moderate policies, staged a coup, establishing his brother Harkon Ellison as Emperor.


The Holy Empire of the House of Ellison is a militaristic theocracy- military service is compulsory for seven years for all males between the ages of 18 and 25. Society is organised along militaristic lines and justified wth Divine Church propaganda. At the very top of the hierarchy in the tallest tower of Aerius Castellum sits the Emperor, both head of state and supreme spiritual authority. His immediate subordinates are the Lord Templar, highest ranking general in the Holy Empire, and the Grand Cardinal, in charge of confessional affairs. Slightly lower in rank come the Cardinal-Ministers, the heads of the Ministries of Enlightenment, Foreign Affairs, the State, Transportation, Health and Commerce, of which the first three are the most powerful. These men are the heads of their respective departments, and below them lie a morass of governmental bureaucracy dedicated to the upholding of the rule of the House of Ellison. Ellison, the northern province of the Empire, is ruled from Aerius Castellum, the seat of the Emperor. Maynard, the southern province, is ruled from the city of Arx Meridianus.

The Divine Church

When the military staged its coup, it did so with the help of the Divine Church, a fundamental religious denomination which believes that only the strong are righteous and will ascend to meet God. It was the Divine Church which devised the nation's motto, "Fear Denies Faith," which showcases their aggressive nature and endears them to the military. The link between the Divine Church and Ellisonian society is now such that to suggest the seperation of Church and State seems absurd- indeed, suggesting such a thing can lead to the swift disappearance of the one who had such a heretical thought. The House of Ellison has fused the Church with government to make use of its all-pervasiveness in Ellisonian society, and has combined fervent religious belief among the populace (instilled through a rigorous system of childhood education and indoctrination) with loyalty to the state, making its grip on power seemingly un-challengable.

The Military

The Imperial Army

The Imperial Army is comprised of 35,000 medium infantry. Standard armament is the S-5 assault rifle, but squads can be issued with limited specialist equipment including anti-tank and anti-personnel weapons (e.g. missile launchers, flamethrowers). Training is of an average quality- the Empire places strong emphasis on military ability and has compulsory military service, but this is tempered by the fact that recruits’ length of service in the Army is five years before they are discharged and become reservists. This means that (short of a protracted war) Imperial infantry will have a maximum of five years training and, most likely, no combat experience, making it less dangerous then it perhaps would be otherwise. Initial morale is usually high thanks to the presence of Battle-Preachers, but it cannot be stressed enough that lack of experience is the Imperial Army’s biggest weakness.

The Imperial Army is broken down thus: 20,000+ men to a Crusade (Brother-Marshal) [comprised of 4 or more Companies]; 5,000 men to a Legion (Brother-Captain) [comprised of 10 Companies]; 500 men to a Company (Brother-Major) [comprised of 10 Platoons]; 50 men to a Platoon (Brother-Lieutenant) [comprised of 5 Squads]; 10 men to a Squad (Brother-Sergeant).

At present, the Imperial Army contains: 1 Brother-Marshal; 7 Brother-Captains; 70 Brother-Majors; 700 Brother-Lieutenants; 3,500 Brother-Sergeants; for a total of 4,278 officers.

The Imperial Army also has 5,000 Battle-Preachers who fight with the men, exhorting them on the greater deeds with their chanting of hymns and inspirational presence, and ensuring that they do not retreat.

The White Templars

The White Templars are the elite within the Imperial Army, and were initially drawn from veterans of the House of Ellison’s fighting in the Imperial Civil War. The best recruits into the infantry are given the finest training, the finest weapons and the finest armour, as well as the most intense system of religious conditioning the Empire can offer. As a result, they are superb troops, disciplined, obedient and fanatically dedicated to the Divine Church. Thorough training means they can handle nigh-on any situation they are called on to deal with: they can be relied upon to storm strong points, hold off vastly superior numbers of inferior quality troops, take objectives, hold their ground and even perform limited special-ops missions (although the Clerics usually take a dim view of other units encroaching on their territory). Unlike the Imperial Army, Artillery and Cavalry, which all falls under the Brother-Marshal’s authority, the overall strength of the White Templars is controlled by the Lord Templar and is rarely all committed at one point- a commander would be rash to risk such fine troops in one encounter.

The White Templars are broken down thus: 1,000 men to a Battalion (Templar-Master) [comprised of 2 Companies] 500 men to a Company (Templar-Captain) [comprised of 10 Platoons] 50 men to a Platoon (Templar-Champion) [comprised of 5 Squads] 10 men to a Squad (Templar-Sergeant)

At present the White Templars contain: 5 Templar-Masters; 10 Templar-Captains; 100 Templar-Champions; 500 Templar-Sergeants; for a total of 615 officers.

The Imperial Artillery

The Imperial Artillery is in the process of being modernised after a period of being largely ignored in the predominately-city based fighting of the Imperial Civil War. The government’s objective is to provide it with an image of being as credible an arm of the war machine as the Imperial Army and Cavalry, since at present it is looked down upon by other soldiers as a very un-Divine profession. Being unable to sustain personnel turnover in the same way that the Army can, those in the Artillery serve out of choice and for a career. Given time, this will hopefully ensure an efficient and destructive Artillery Corps; for now, the lack of personnel and modern equipment means that the Artillery remains a substandard part of the Imperial forces.

The Imperial Cavalry

If not quite giving the close-combat opportunities of the infantry, the Imperial Cavalry’s capacity for swift sledgehammer blows endears it to the Divine Church. The specialisation of the job, combined with considerably depleted ranks following the Civil War, means that the Cavalry is in the process of returning to full strength, although the Church’s favour ensures that it does so considerably quicker than the Artillery. Armoured assault fits with the Empire’s doctrine of ‘Smite hard, smite fast’, and so the Cavalry receives a considerable amount of attention, with the net result that modernising is taking place quickly. That said, funds are limited, much to the frustration of tank commanders nationwide, so replenishing of the ranks is still moving at a slow pace.