The Mindset

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The Mindset
Flag of The Mindset
Motto: The mind is the most powerful weapon of all.
Coming soon
Region The Restored ESUS
Capital M-1 Cityship, Midna Beta, 14.7ly from Sol
Official Language(s) Mindsettian
Leader The Trinity (of The Mindset)
Population 4.3 billion as of 5034AD
Currency Commercial Credit 
NS Sunset XML


There is just one life for each of us: our own. - Euripides

The Infinite Star Empire of The Mindset is an expansive union of six systems, comprising four partially colonised farming worlds, one long-range sensor outpost and the heavily defended capital world of Midna Beta. The Empire, which formerly suferred the tyranical rule of Prime Nurik Dancos, who illegally stole power from his father, Prime P'Varia Dancos. The economy briefly slowed, and anarchy began to grip as funds were shunted from many public industries to fund an expansive military upgrade.

The Empire was founded approximately two-thousand five-hundred years ago, and it considers itself one of the major political powers of space. Initially a small political party in socialist Scotland, the movement known as The Mindset grew swiftly and advanced technologically in a very small space of time.

National Information

  • National Titles
    • Traditional Long Form: The Grand, Atheist Star Empire of The Mindset
    • Conventional Long Form: The Infinite Star Empire of The Mindset
    • Traditional Short Form: The Empire
    • Conventional Short Form: The Mindset
  • Population: 3.5 billion, growth of 2.8% per year,
  • Age Structure
    • 0-14 years: 18%
    • 15-64 years: 66.3%
    • 65 years and over: 15.7%
  • Life Expectancy
    • Total Population: 178.27 years
    • Male: 175.84 years
    • Female: 180.83 years
  • Religions: None; organised religion is outlawed
  • Government Type: Constitutional Non-Hereditary Monarchy
  • Capital: Midna Prime, Midna Beta system
  • Executive Branch


The Early Years

The Formation Wars

Prime Brett Dorrans

On May 12th, 1987, a very special man was born to a country which he would later call his own. Brett Dorrans was born into a poor, working class family in Central Scotland. During the 1980's, Scotland underwent a severe economic downturn, and his upbringing reflected this. However, as the nineties progressed into the twenty-first century, his mother underwent a dramatic transformation into a rabid Socialist, campaigning with the Scottish Socialist Party for independance from the United Kingdom, and the formation of a Scottish Socialist Republic. Brett, a hard Capitalist, rejected his mothers ideals, and formed a small company selling middleware AI applications to major corporations. Twenty years later, he was the richest man in the Western Hemisphere, with a total wealth exceeding $800 billion, as he is universally recognised as a the founder of modern sentient AI. Retiring aged forty, he forms his own political party, preaching an independant capitalist Scotland. His is successful in local elections, but is thwarted in 2027 as the Scottish Socialist Party is elected to general office, and seceeds from the UK, completely destroying the entire Scottish economy in the process.

The System of The Mindset

Around this time, he finished his first book, The System of The Mindset, a 1,883 page book detailing the answer to every question ever asked, or could be asked, as seen through his system of logic. He rapidly gained several million followers, totalling over one third the Scottish population, and subsequently breaks away from his country of birth, Scotland, and sets up his nation, The Republic of The Mindset, in 2032. He is immediately declared a traitor and enemy of the Socialist State, as he rapidly claims the majority of the Capitalist, industrialised lowlands of Scotland as his own. He is arrested in 2037 in the Mindsettian city Glasgow by Scottish military police, on the charge of high treason. He is found guilty without trial and sentenced to execution the following day. However, Mindsettian operatives successfully infiltrated the prison he was being kept at, and broke him free barely six hours after his arrest. He orders the execution of every Scottish civillian within a twenty-mile radius as punishment for his imprisonment. The day is remembered as Bloody Twenty, and is an offical public holiday of The Mindset to this day.

Gaining Ground

By 2045, almost 75% of Scotland is under Mindsettian control, with only the outlying islands and some Northern territories unconquered. On March 2nd 2046, The Republic of The Mindset is officially internationally recognised, and is granted a seat on the UN. The Mindsettian capital is relocated to the small island of Orkney, off the Northern Coast of Scotland, to act as a forward supply base to the Mindsettian Army fighting Scottish rebels in the North.

The End of an Era

May 13th, 2048 is remembered as the day Scottish militants successfully infiltrated a government building, and suicide bombed Prime Brett Dorrans, aged 61. Around this time, Mindsettian territory in the South is lost to English troops, as Scotland appeals to their old allies for help. With no effective leadership, Mindsettian borders begin to shrink under the approach of English and Scottish troops from opposite ends of the country. In an act of desperation, Prime David Smith seizes power and offers Scottish forces an unconditional surrender. They accept. After a brief period of Scottish occupation, Prime David Smith is forcefully removed from office by a military coup as General Prime Privar Dando I forms a new Mindsettian government. He is highly respected as a war hero from the Formation wars.

Cease Fire Ends

Peace with Scotland is broken on December 25th, 2051 as Prime Privar Dando I leads 520,000 men to the Scottish capital, Edinburgh, to take it by force. The seige lasts three months, ending in a Mindsettian victory. Scottish airforce begins selective bombing of Orkney, the Mindsettian capital. Troops pulled back leaving Edinburgh with minimal defences. March 28th sees the Mindset recieve allied help from France and Germany. Scottish and English forces begin shore bombardment with Cruise missiles. Several major government buildings are destroyed in the ensuing firefights, resulting in the loss of several hundred thousand civillian lives. The citizens of both nations are outraged. With little navy, The Mindset is unable to mount an effective opposing force to counter the English Navy at sea. May 9th 2051 is recognised as the turning point of the war, as The Mindset captures a downed Scottish scramjet. The radio transponder helps Mindsettian scientists crack the encryption, allowing the locations of Scottish fighters to be learned from listening in. Shortly thereafter, The Mindset unleashes a devastating attack upon the northern territories of Scotland. Using the information gained about fighter locations, secret airbases are identified. Thirteen silos across the Mindsettian landscape open at 12:42PM, May 12th. All thirteen targetted military airbases are taken out with six kiloton nuclear detonations. The English fleet at sea is also nuked, to the universal condemnation of the world.

The Fights Heats Up

The Scottish and English forces severely weakened, The Mindset claims several key Scottish naval ports, and commandeers several nuclear submarines. On August 8th, Mindsettian nuclear submarines detonate the Clyde military shipyards near Glasgow, using a DDEM (Deep Driving Earth Mover) bomb. Cracks in the shore begin causing large portions of the city of Glasgow to slip into the sea. It is on this day that the Scottish parliment votes unanimously to use their nuclear arsenal "in any way necessary to protect the lives of Scottish citizens." On August 19th at 5:19pm a 6kT thermonuclear bomb is dropped over the Mindsettian city of Aberdeen. 31,279 civilians die in the initial blast, over 600,000 more from radiation poisoning. Protests outside the Scottish parliment in Dundee take place. Barely 24 hours later, 72 Mindsettian airbases along the Mindset-Scottish land border conduct coordinated raids simultaneously along the entire length of the border. The same night, 532,100 Mindsettian infantry storm through the border patrols, and the entire Mindsettian naval fleet moves south. Infantry begins advancing Mindsettian borders, air support taking out all heavy enemy resistance. The Mindsettian naval fleet begins shore to land missile bombardment of the English capital, in revenge for their aiding of Scotland. On December 25th at 2:11PM a 14MT thermonuclear ICBM is lauched from the MNF Katakahn nuclear submarine. It detonates over London, killing over 2 million civilians. South England surrenders to troops from the fleet. Infantry deployed almost two years ago encounters a severe weakness in the Scottish defences, and they manage to navigate around enemy main lines, and capture several major cities deep in enemy territory. The Scottish troops surrounded, they surrender to Mindsettian forces. At this point The Republic of The Mindset has been ruled by Prime Privar Dando I for 10 years. He forfeits his title to his son, Prime Privar Dando II. In an attempt to demonstrate his diplomatic prowess, the new Prime orders a full scale assault on the last remaining Scottish cities. Sensing defeat is near, the Scottish Prime Minister, Alfred Spoon, requests an audience with the Mindsettian Prime. It is set for a date the following year, so a temporary peace is drawn.

There Are No Rules of War

The Scottish Prime Minister and the Mindsettian Prime meet at Mindset House, the only remaining original Mindsettian government building on Orkney. After thirty minutes of discussion between the Prime Minister and the Mindsettian senate, Prime Privar Dando II requests that they speak alone. Approximately fifteen minutes later the Prime Minister is declared dead, and the Scottish enemies leaderless. At this point The Mindset controls territory from the most northern point of Scotland to Glasgow and beyond, as well as a substantial amount of southern England. Rebel forces are quickly crushed over the following decade and the last remaining Scottish territories hastily sign an agreement to hand over administrative control to The Mindset. The war is declared officially over after over forty years of conflict. It is the longest war in modern Scottish history. The Mindset grants independance to England in 2071.


Four years after being granted independance, England and The Mindset sign a peace treaty, and tensions are dissolved. Trading with England begins again, as the reformed EU readmits England, France and Germany after their breach of EU protocol years before. 2081 marks the year The Mindsettian senate votes to restore the original Scottish governmental powers in what little territory they now hold. Scotland is once again declared independant from The Mindset. A loose alliance of the British Isles is drawn up, comprising the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Scotland and The Mindset.

The First Golden Years

In 2078, The Mindset's annual trading profit reaches $2.2 trillion per fiscal year. The Mindset plans first man on the moon attempt, setting the date for the following year. On April 2nd 2079, the first Mindsettian sets foot on the moon. The team discovers that the USA never truly visited. 2081: The first moon base is established. Mindsettian trading profits reach $3 trillion per fiscal year. The year of 2081 sees the independant Scottish democratic government overthrown and a new monarchy is established, with King Galahad at the helm. The Mindset refuses to recognise his authority, and assumes administrative affairs over Scottish territory.

The Royal War

An Angry King

Angry at Mindsettian intervention, King Galahad begins launching small skirmishes along the Mindsettian borders. Mindsettian military spending reaches $700 billion per year. Conscription is implemented in case of a future war with King Galahad's forces, and the enlisted total reaches 2.5 million. March 19th 2085 sees the soveriegn nation of Omz222 officially declare war upon the forces of King Galahad. They later ally with the forces of The Sean Empire, and their combined airforces begin an intensive bombing campaign against Scottish territories. 2086 sees The Mindset become involved in the war, allying with Omz222 and The Sean Empire. King Galahad begins preemptive attacks upon Mindsettian military bases. The Mindset commits 120,000 infantry and 4,300 mechanized units to the war effort.

A Weakened King

After a decade of skirmishing, 2096 sees King Galahad's forces surrender. The second rebuilding of Scotland begins, with the help of The Mindset. Year 2100 marks the birth of the 100 millionth Mindsettian citizen.




Religion, in all forms, has been outlawed since 2066AD. Those caught practising or preaching within Mindsettian space, regardless of the religion or of nationality, are executed as per orders of the Prime. The law was briefly overturned by the Senate in 3114AD, after a law was granted by the Prime of that time allowing the Senate a say in national matters. The Prime overuled the Senate in this instance, and stripped all but local powers from the institution. The Senate and the current Prime have rarely got along since.


The majority of Mindsettian citizens (be they living within Mindsettian space or not) are indifferent to religion. They do not mind those who preach outside Mindsettian space, however, they will readily accept the 60,000CC reward for reporting violators of the law. They do not take kindly to having religion "rammed down their throats." Most Mindsettians identify as either officially Atheist or Humanist.



The economy of The Empire is generally highly advanced. It is currently one of the larger (though by no the means largest) economies currently active in space. However, it has been long plagued by a sizable trade deficit caused by much higher levels of internal trade than external. Exports generally consist of hydrogen, advanced alloys and technology. Imports are generally raw materials, food and technology. The currency is fairly strong, and exports tend to make healthy profits in foreign markets, where Mindsettian technology is seen as "unique" and valuable.

The internal market is not taxed, and is highly diverse. Major corporations help fund the defense of The Empire in pittance for a highly free market economy. The primary contractor for the Mindsettian Navy is the MUAND Corporation. Corruption is generally fairly low, though the lack of laws governing the growth of companies results in low levels of sucessful business startups. Approximately 95% of all products consumed within the Empire are produced by three major corporations.

Primary Sector

Four of the colonised planets of The Empire are primarily farming worlds, serving the massive Mindsettian Cityships of Midna Beta, which have no means of producing their own food products. Therefore, the Agricultural industry of The Mindset is highly important. Exports of food are not permitted by law, since it is such an important part of Mindsettian civilisation. Despite the level of importance of the farming worlds, they are very lightly defended, with only a few ships patrolling the space around them.

Secondary Sector

The majority of the secondary sector is internal. Very little secondary products are exported, since the economy of The Mindset is highly internal-orientated. This has resulted in fairly sizable (though controllable) inflation over the centuries, though what is exported makes a healthy profit for the economy as a whole.

Tertiary Sector

Highly developed, highly advanced, highly exported.