Second Empire of the Golden Throne

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Revision as of 00:31, 7 February 2005 by Macabees (Talk | contribs)

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Second Empire of the Golden Throne
Flag of Second Empire of the Golden Throne
Motto: Motto
or No Map Available Yet
Region Junker Reich
Capital Macabea
Official Language(s) German, English, Hebrew, Spanish
Leader Emperor of the Golden Throne Jonach I
Population As of Febuary 06, 2005 - 3.529 billion
Currency The Shekel 
NS Sunset XML

Macabee Government
Country Name: The Empire of the Golden Throne, The Macabee Empire, The Second Empire.
Government Type: Empire - Right Wing
Capital: Macabea
Administrative divisions:Ten Imperial Territories: Hassel, Soburguntia, Macabea, Targul Frumos, Sidi Rezegh, Mosnoi Bor, Arras, Darfel, Zorafia, Loj Bagtos.
Date of Founding:January 27th, 2005. Yes, I know I'm a 3.5 billion nation, and almost two years old - I restarted my history.
Legal System:The Emperor is the law.
Suffrage: No need to vote!
Emperor: Jonach I

Macabee Economy
Largest Markets: Tungsten, uranium, lumber, steel and iron, coal, gold, petroleum, copper, tin, natural gas.
Unemployment rate: .9% (not including cyclical unemployment).
Agricultural Products: Wheat, grapes, olives, fruits.
Currency: The Sheckel

Macabee Foreign Politics
Official Allies

   * Dumpsterdam
   * Zarbia

Unofficial Allies

   * Tyrandis


   * Kahta
   * Xeraph

Macabee History NOTE:To be completed soon -

Macabee Geography
Land Area: Seven Million Square Kilometers
Terrain: Everything you can imagine.