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Forum: N/A
Population: 20 Nations
Delegate: Yissing Scalies
Founder: Mackenzie Wolves
Info: NSEconomy RC XML


General Information

A region of consisting of furries, scalies, otherkin, therianthropes, or otherwise demi- or non-human in some way, and welcoming it. Along with a general trend of average to right civil rights for the citizens, the leaders are, for the most part, peace-loving isolationists, preferring to stay in Furnation and not take part in invasions, defending, or extreme interaction as a whole.

Though a relatively small region of ~20 nations, the regional motto is "Strength through diversity."

Goals of FurNation

FurNation is a laid-back nation with no primary goals or plans for the future. Run by people who throw keg parties on a weekly basis, the region is neither famous nor vital to the future of the world. However, the keg parties the nations throw are considered to be the best parties an archipelago of nations could throw.


This is a massive history of the region. Every nation is asked to contribute.

Prehistoric BCE

The source of many of the region's ancestors. Probably the first split of Yissing Scalies and Snuggly Dragons into two seperate clans.

Mesozioc Era 251,000,000BCE-65,500,000BCE

Dominated laregly by the rise of the first empire of Yissing Scalies

Triassic Period 251,000,000BCE-200,000,000BCE

Experts believe the anthropomorphics that arose late in this period were small tribes of presentient reptiles. The fact that everyone in Yissing Scalies is able to read the writings at the various ruins suggests that Reptillian was around before this period and perhaps was even the language of nonanthro dinosaurs.

Jurassic Period 200,000,000BCE-146,000,000BCE

The rise of Yissing Scalies under the inital leadership of Krell (see entry on SilverScale). Recent excavations have found a network of strange floating orbs of liquid that appear to have been a creation of the empire of this time. Further studies have shown these orbs were used for transport of citizens, military and goods. Every orb was found underground siphoning energy from something such as a volcano or spring and are connected by some kind of very small tube like passages. The actual borders of the first empire of Yissing Scalies is unknown, but many of these orbs have been found across the region, although the scaleys guard the secrets of its operation closely. Spies from various nations know only that it is somehow breaking the laws of current known physics and requires a priest of somekind to activate. To date no spy has been able to witness the use of these transport orbs and avoid capture.

Cretaceous period 146,000,000BCE-65,500,000BCE

The peak of the first empire of Yissing Scalies. Controlling a large portion of the land in the region, the empire began to dig underground and create settlements underneath the surface seeking warmth. It is speculated that these underground cities, often stealing heat from the inside of the earth and harnessing lavaflows from any avaiable volcano, were able to survive the K-T event that destroyed the rest of the empire.

Preclassical Age 1CE-499CE

The Preclassical Age began with the evolution of the first sapient mammals. The Lupine, Vulpine, Equine, and Ursine. These four peoples and the others that would join them, would soon become highly dominant in the region.

Classical Age 500CE-999CE

Nagian Empire 500CE-750CE

The rise of the second empre if Yissing Scalies called such because SilverScale, the Emperor of this time, was a Naga. This marked the first attempt at returning to the surface after the K-T event. Seeking to retake what they saw as rightfully theirs, groups of assorted scalies with occasionally one Naga would attack other tribes in an attempt to gain slaves and meat. The population of this empire was assumed to be massive although this was not the case. The transport orbs that remain in place from the Jurassic Period (see above) allowed rapid trasnport to targets and gave the illusion of a much larger force.

Equine Empire 750CE-873CE

Dark Ages 1000CE-1499CE

Dark Ages for Furries

Dark Ages for Scalies

There is no known relevent data.

Dark Ages for Avies

Renisscance and Tension 1500CE-1799CE

Ursine Renisscance 1500CE-1600CE

Gryphonian Renisscance 1600CE-1750CE

The End of the Ursine Renisscance sparked a new era of learning in the Gryphonian Empire

Advent of Nuclear Powers 1750CE-1799CE

Furred Wars 1800CE-1899CE

Lupovulpine War 1800CE-1817CE

The Lupovulpine war was the invasion of Foxtopia by the Drakonian Republic

Drakonian Civil War 1819CE-1828CE

The Drakonian Republic was split by a massive civil war, deviding into the Nations of Drakonia, the Schwartzwaldklan, and Subby and Edible Foxes...

High Tensions Period 1832CE-1847CE

The Period before the First Great War was marked by the rise of militarism in

First Great War 1848CE-1873CE

The First Great War claimed 300 Million lives. Started by assasination of Archduke Fritz Ferdinand of the Schwartzwaldklan...

Great Rending 1870CE-1880CE

The Great Rending was a time period of strife, as species sperated into seprate nations, usually with much bloodshead.

Second Great War 1882-1897CE

The Second Great War was the greatest war ever seen in the region, nearly 2 Billion were killed. It opened with the invasion of Snowcat by troops from...

Armistace 1897

The end of the Second Great War came in 1897 when ambassadors from all nations agreed to stop fighting and negotiat e a permanent peace treaty...

Interspecies Peace Accord 1899

In 1899, the great convention finally achived it's goal, a peace treaty for the region

Early Development of the Interspecies Peace Accord 1900CE-1949CE

The interspecis peace accord, which ended all wars in FurNation, was signed in 1899 and has never been violated. It is the terms of this treaty which allow for the massive international kegparties that the region is famous for.

Return of Yissing Scalies 1900CE

Although scouts had been watching the previous wars the third empire of Yissing Scalies chose not to take part. Yissing Scalies returned to the surface but maintains its underground capitol of over 80,000,000 years. It is wise to note that Yissing Scalies did not sign the peach accord as it was not present at the signing. Some take this to mean that Yissing Scalies, with its ability to trasnport troops nearly anywhere in the region in a matter of minutes is planning to take over again. The current emperor, SilverScaleNaga denies this. Most nations have yet to complain however, as the nation uses them for rapid trade and transport of diplomats to and from the current UN office, stationed in the underground capitol.

Entry into the UN 1947CE

Recent History 1950CE-Today

Kegparties, the Harem... lots of silliness...

WTF Invasion 2005CE

Its UN Delegate, The Scalepile of Yissing Scalies, was elected after an illegal invasion by misguided humans. As soon as the law-breaking nations were shut down, Scalies rallied the original nations of FurNation to vote the nation in as the UN Delegate. Since then, several keg parties have been thrown and a growing harem has become extremely active.

The founder, Mackenzie Wolves, no longer exists in NationStates. No one will ever know why the region was called FurNation when it's a region, not a nation. Though Speculation points to some evil hidden plot.

Nations of FurNation