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Flag of Runis
Motto: "A green world is possible!"
Region Anticapitalist Alliance
Capital Grand Runis
Official Language(s) Celdonian, Runis, Runin
Leader President Caylee Ehyru
Population 40 million
Currency Sun 
NS Sunset XML


National Animal: Giant Plains Tortoise

National Plant: Sunflower

National Anthem: Veru Dovi Ae Runsch

Neighbors: ???


Ancient History

Historically speaking, the people of Runis are comprised of five national ethnic groups: the Runis, the Runin, the Urunis, the Calegon, and the Diris. Each of these ethnic groups shared a similar language and relatively friendly trade relations with one another throughout the course of history. However, the region's history has seen several large wars both with internal factions and with neighboring tribes, and the southern villages of the Calegon people of the Anyagengi province developed a particularly effective millitary caste system that served that region well until recent times. Runis and Runin culture developed, at very early stages of anthropological development, around a sophistocated system of education and many claim that the Runis universities were the most instrumental part of the recent national revolution.

Recent History

In a response to foreign exploration and colonization into the greater Runis region led to the rapid spread of the National Revolution movement in the Runis interior. This movement led to a great deal of fear and loathing towards capitalist ideals, technology, and scientism as a result of a number of hostile collonialist actions. Several simmilar movements began in outlaying regions and gave rise to the foundation of five seperate nations with mutual defense alliances, each founded in roughly 1919 and led by national tribal councils. Influence from nearby nations persisted in affecting the regions' politics well into the nineteen hundreds and helped to shape the socio-economic bent of the region. With the advent of democratic ideals to the Central Nation of Runis as well as mounting fear of invasion and forced modernization the five nations called together a meeting of their treaty alliance and began the endeavor of uniting their nations under one banner. After a brief period of resistance, the three larger nations of Runis, Calegon, and Runin donated land at the union of their borders to construct a new capital as a testament to the nation's greatness. In the year 2003, the capital was completed and the five nations came together to elect the first president of the Free Land of Runis, marking the country's founding. Since then the country has displayed a strong anti-capitalist, environmental, democratic bent in all its policies. The country is still struggling to piece together it's constantly faltering economy and to provide effective infrastructure and civic works to all its people, particularly in the areas of public transportation.


The government of the Free Land of Runis is still under a great deal of change and in the process of surviving in the aftermath of the second national revolution, the current system is described herein.



1. Local Councils:

Each village, town, and city in each province has its own council body, these councils are perhaps the most important bodies for making decisions about local infrastructure and policy and are important in relaying the will of the grassroots population to the higher councils. For the most part these councils are open to the broader community and there is a great deal of social pressure to participate actively in government at this level. The local councils, by virtue of their knowledge of their own regions have been particularly effective at directing civic works projects and zoning laws to meet the needs of individual communities and help the central government make decisions reguarding the distribution of its meager resources to needy regions. (open membership)

2. Provincial Councils:

Local councils each, based upon local population, elect a representative or representatives into the body of their Provincial council. Each of the twelve provincial councils serve a dual function, first to arbitrate the legal and judicial needs of their province and educate their members to act as professional jurists for their individual communities to set up civil-law courts as they become needed. The second responsibility of the Provincial councils is to oversee and compile the census of both population, need, and resources for their province and relay it to the higher levels of government for assesment and action. Provincial councils have the power to engage in actions limiting the power of the central government to a certain degree by passing demands and setting goals for branches of the central government. The great challenge of the central government is often juggling the needs of each province in terms of national efficacy. (term 1 year, no limit)

3. Central Council:

The Provincial council elects a number of representatives to a small body known as the Central council which is the ultimate body of the Runis legal system. Made up of successfull jurists and experts of the Provincial councils, the job of the central council is to interperet laws and carry out federal law courts and ensure the fairness of administrative decisions (term 4 years)

4. House of Parties:

The house of parties is a central body for making law and policy in Runis. Known for its sometimes brutal debate and argumentation the moderators attempt to maintain a level of healthy dialogue that does not erupt into chaos. Members of the House of Parties are elected by the general population every two years and are generally endorsed by one of the many accepted political parties of Runis. These individuals are often identified in their debates by their names and their positions in debates and dialogues and rarely by their faces or any other facts of their lives to promote a rational and active choice in their election rather than emotional whim. The Green Socialist Party currently holds the majority of seats in the House of Parties, followed closely by the Socialist Labour Party, the Party for Peace, and the Social Democrats. The Runis Isolationist Party, the Neo-Conservative Party, The International Workers' Party, The People's Party, and the Progressive parties all hold a marginal percentage of seats in the house of Parties but continue to excercise their ability to make their views known.

5. House of Schools:

The house of schools is comprised of high ranking educators and Jurists in the Runisian universities around the country. These individuals set the prescedent for many of the arguments that go on in the house of Parties. The responsibilities of the hosue of schools is to advise the other government organizations and parties. All parties are required to have supporters in the house of Schools in order to begin attaining seats in the house of parties.

6. The Presidency

The President of Runis is elected out of the members of the House of Parties by the general population of Runis and serves primarialy to protect the interests of Runis in the areas of international policy and trade. The President serves in two year terms to a maximum of ten years.

7. The Ministry

The Prime Minister of Runis is elected by the general population out of the House of Schools and serves as the primary moderator for both Houses. Serves for terms of two years, cannot serve in consecutive terms but may serve for a total of six terms.

Current Important Figures

The following were sworn into office March 1, 2005

President: Caylee Ehyru (Green Socialists)

Prime Minister: Dr. Rowe Taran (Green Socialists)

Minister of Defense: Seth W. Montgomery (International Workers' Party)

Minister of Peace: Dr. Dovian Midh (Party for Peace)

Director of Transportation: Aldon Ven Vandonis (Socialist Labour Party)

Director of RCIRD (Runis Center for Inter-Religious Dialogue): Miriam Bargardos (Green Socialists)

Minister of Trade: Sien Vlagis (Social Democrats)

Central Council Speaker: Tianna LurNihm (Green Socialists)

Central Council Representatives (term served/province/party): Tianna LurNihm (second term/East Runis/Green Socialists) Evan Aetarin (first term/West Runis/Green Socialists) Maiya Farlan (first term/Santlan/Socialist Labour Party) Alamut Lukhan (third term/Dirislan/Isolationists) Accresil Lois (first term/East Runin/Party for Peace) Skrailos Majere (second term/West Runin/Socialist Labour Party) Vodel KaChel (first term/Ventrasuma/Green Socialists) Dr. Xiang Rei (first term/Anyagengi/International Workers' Party) Nathan Ehyris (first term/Urunis/Green Socialists) Shasta Whitran (second term/Calegon/Green Socialists) Raul Hara (first term/Magislan/Green Socialists) Gorak Garnan (first term/Mirislan/Socialist Labour Party)