Tuade Lue

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Tuade Lue
39 (as of World Cup 21)
Iskara Daii Manager
Fun Fact
Lue'he is a Two-Time World Cup Winner

Tuade Lue came to Iskara Daii as a young man searching for a place to play his football. His parents had come to work in Starblaydia from their homeland of Rejistania, as such it was the Daii who signed him on his first professional contract. Employed on the Right-hand side of midfield, Lue'he became as solid and dependable a player as one good ask for, with more than a hint of skill.

Lue'he went on to selection for the Rejistanian National Team and appeared in three World Cups: 17, 18 and 19. Incredibly, he came away with two winner's medals from his first two appearances, staking a claim to 'legend' status. He was no less successful with the Daii, as he rose to Captain the side and was named Starblaydi Player of the Year for his efforts. His leadership skills on and off the field were second to none. It was only natural for Lue'he to go on into management, taking the reigns at the Daii and leading them to another Championship, this time from the Dugout.