Das Germanisch Reich

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Das Germanisch Reich
Flag of Das Germanisch Reich
Motto: For the German Fatherland!
No Map Available Yet
Region German Alliance
Capital Berlin
Official Language(s) German
Leader Der Kaiser Heinrich V
Population Mostly ethnic Germans
Currency Deutsche Mark 
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The Empire of Das Germanisch Reich is fiercely nationalistic. The entire nation is devoted to the national Kaiser, Heinrich V. The empire encompasses the regions of Europe that have been historically part of Germany. Being the strongest country on the continent, Das Germanisch Reich is truly the crown jewel of Europe. Das Germanisch Reich belongs to the "German Alliance" region, a group of German nationalistic nations.


Das Germanisch Reich spans much of Central Europe. Its lands consist of Germany, Austria, German speaking parts of Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Alsace-Lorraine (from France), North Schleswig (from Denmark), the East Cantons (from Belgium), Limburg (from the Netherlands), South Tyrol (from Italy), territory from Poland (pre WWI border), the Sudetenland (from the then Czechslovakia), Luxembourg, and the Memelland (from Lithuania). Das Germanisch Reich consists of 33 Bundesländer. The empire borders Denmark, the Baltic Sea and the North Sea to the north, Lithuania, Poland (part of Poland that is not in German hands) to the east, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Croatia to the south (Switzerland had been partitioned by the Italians, French and Germans), and the Netherlands and France to the west (Belgium had been partitioned with Flanders going to the Netherlands, Walloonia going to France, and the East Cantons going to Germany). The ten biggest cities in Das Germanisch Reich in order are: Berlin, Hamburg, Vienna, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt, Essen, Dortmund, Stuttgart and Düsseldorf.

The Extensive History of Das Germanisch Reich's Foundation

In 1917, Germany and the other Central Powers were able to beat the Russian army and a treaty was signed to end the war on the Eastern Front. The terms of the treaty were Finland, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic States, Poland, the Caucasian countries, and the Russian Asian republics were to gain independence. These states were set up to be satellite nations to the Central Powers. Russia was to pay immense retribution funds to Germany, the Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Also, the Ottoman Empire gained some territory in the Caucasus, and Austro-Hungary gained some territory Russia's Poland. In the Western front however, things were not going well for both Germany and the Allies. Casualties were coming in on the thousands on each side per month. Fighting continued to about mid 1918, where diplomats from both sides got together to negotiate a peace. By then, the Allies had pushed the Germans completely out of France and Belgium, so the treaty stated the the French and Belgian border to the German border would include Alsace-Lorraine within France and the East Cantons from Belgium. The German Empire was allowed to keep their empire, (in Africa and the Pacific) although this had enraged the French. After much deliberation, the treaty was signed on November 11, 1918. On the Austro-Hungarian and Italian front, things were not going too well for the Central Powers. Italy had succeeded in the Trentino offensive and in the Isonzo. It seemed plausible that Italy would be able to march their way easily to Vienna or Budapest. By then, the monarchs had abdicated, and under pressure from the Germans, Austro-Hungarian went to the table to sign a peace treaty with Italy. In the treaty, Italy was to gain all the territory it had gained from the war, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire was dissolved into several independent states and some of its territory was given to other neighbouring nations and the newly created Poland. The treaty was signed in early 1919, thus bring WWI to a end.

In the 1920's, most nations in Europe were looking to their neighbours for territorial expansion. After the war, Germany was the largest economic, industrial and militaristic country in all of Europe. Germany's southern neighbour, the newly created Austria, became quite envious of Germany's power. Since the war, Austria had been involved in internal unrest and unstable economy. An Anschluss between the two countries seemed quite beneficial to each nations, so in May 1922, the formal joining of Austria and Germany came into place. A few months later, the principality of Liechtenstein, for a long time reliant on help from Austria, joined the then emerging "Das Germanisch Reich". By then, German nationalism had spread to almost all of Germany's neighbours; France, Switzerland, Italy, Czechslovakia, and Belgium all held protests from some of it's citizens who demanded that their land should be reclaimed by the mother country (examples: Walloons demanding Walloonia annexation with France, South Tyroleans in Italy wishing to be part of Das Germanisch Reich). Overall in the next couple of decades, the map of Europe would be seen with less countries.

In February 12th 1924, protestors in Czechslovakia gathered in front of the government offices in Prague, demanding the Sudetenland given to Germany, a heavily Polish area go to Poland, and the seperation of the country into the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The government refused their demands and ordered them to stop protesting in front of the government offices. The protestors did not comply, and after a week of waiting for them to leave, Czechslovak troops open fired on the crowd. Over a thousand people died that day, and a day after German, Polish and Ukrainian troops entered the chaotic country to bring order and peace to the nation. Within 3 weeks, the government had been overthrown, thanks in part to the lightning speed of German panzers advancing quickly to Prague and other government strongholds. The Treaty of Prague was signed in April 2nd. The conditions of the treaty were: Germany was to gain the Sudetenland and and Poland was to receive parts of Czechslovakia which had significant Polish populations. The country was split into two, the Czech Republic and Slovakia; both of which were to join the Eastern Bloc, a group of Eastern European countries that were satellites of Germany.

Switzerland and Belgium each held widespread protests similar to those in Czechslovakia. In 1926, Swiss citizens all over Switzerland, from Zurich to Geneva came to the capital, Bern for the dissolution of the government, and the division of the country to Germany, France and Italy. There had been reports that the Swiss government had been stealing money from the accounts of the world renowned Swiss bank, even money from the Kaiser, Wilhelm II. The corrupt Swiss government under Dr. Pierre Lacrosset ignored their demands and continued funneling money from the banks to their own wallets. In March 1926, in order to overthrow the corrupt Swiss government, German, Italian and French armies crossed the border and with the help with local Swiss citizens, overthrew Dr. Pierre Lacrosset and his cronies in two weeks. The famous Swiss bank just happened to be located in the German area, so the bank was renamed "Das Deutsche Schweiz Bank". The joy of victory would not last for long, for in Belgium, a king as oppressive and radical as Leopold II came to the Belgian throne.

After World War I, Germany embarked on a enormous campaign to create strong diplomatic and military ties with the United Kingdom and her commonwealth, the United States, and the Netherlands and the Scandinavian countries. He signed a "Pact of Friendship" with all the Scandanavian countries. Denmark finally gave up its claims to Northern Schleswig. For the other countries, Germany chose to "give land for peace" (note that Tsingtao, China had been sold back to the Chinese for 15 million deustche mark). Kaiser Wilhelm II realized that while the other imperial powers were busy looking after their empires, Germany could dominate the European scene. "A Pact of Solidarity" was signed by Germany, the Netherlands, the British Commonwealth and the United States in 1922 in Munich, Germany. For their absolute diplomatic, economic and military support of Germany, Germany was to relinquish her overseas territories as so; the Netherlands was to receive New Guinea, the United States was to receive all the German Pacific islands other than New Guinea, and the United Kingdom was to receive all of Germany's African colonies. All these nations gathered in Vienna, and became part of a military alliance called "The Revolution" in the belief that the entire world revolves around these nations. Thus by 1922, Germany had secured military help when the time came from Germany to reclaim all her stolen lands.

When Alfred IV assumed the Belgian throne, he was to hold the same oppressiveness of his grandfather, Leopold II. When he came to power, he immediately ordered that the complete exploitation of the Congo was to take place and that any Belgians that protested this action were to be arrested as "enemies of the state" and to be executed. Many Belgians believed he wouldn't do such a thing and thus protested. They protested in front of the King's palace, but were greeted with bullets from the Belgian guards. It was rumoured that Alfred IV himself came out of his palace and shot some citizens with his own shotgun. This enfuriated the the European countries, so in 1928, Dutch, French and German soldiers broke through the border in order to stop Alfred IV from killing the innoncent lives of Belgians. The Belgian army was no match for the combined forces of Dutch, French and German soldiers plus a British naval blockade, and within two weeks Alfred IV was arrested and his government overthrown. The citizens of Belgium all voted to have their nation dissolve, with Flanders going to the Netherlands, Walloonia to France and the East Cantons to Germany. Within the "Revolution" it had been agreed upon that the Netherlands would receive the Congo, as it had always wanted an African colony. In a sign of friendship, the Netherlands handed over to Germany the province of Limburg, which had been a member of the German Confederation. But by now, all of Germany's eyes were set on the one last country that could hold a threat to it's domination of Europe: France.

France had always been enemies with Germany. From the Battle of Waterloo to WWI, contempt between the two nations was widely known and demonstrated. All members of the "Revolution" wanted to see the French colonial empire fall, and their were plans to create a puppet state run by the Germans. From 1928 to 1933, "Revolution" military strategists covertly planned the invasion of France and her colonial empire, to be simply known as Operation: Guillotine. The German and Dutch armed forces would cross the border at lightining speed, keeping the French caught in surprise by the sudden assault. The British and Americans were to land on beaches all along France's Atlantic coast, hopefully capturing all the strategic ports to allow reinforcements to come in. Canadian troops would take the small island of St. Pierre and Miquelon of the coast of Newfoundland. Dutch soldiers operating from Suriname (colony of the Netherlands) would invade neighbouring French Guiana. American forces would make amphibious landings on French Polynesia and the island of French Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic, both still owned by France). British and Dutch forces in Africa were to invade the French colonies all over the northern half of Africa. South Africans would send a amphibious force to capture Madagascar. British forces in the Middle East would seize Lebanon and Syria from the French. From British India, those troops would cross the border and invade French-Indochina. This plan, although very ambitious and huge would virtually eliminate the country as a world power. In June 1933, with all the preparations set for Operation: Guillotine, battles all around the world started, starting what is to be known as "The Franco-Revolution War".

The Franco-Revolution war lasted for almost 4 years, until in 1937, with all of her empire gone and the Revolution approaching Paris, the French surrendered. The French accepted that their empire would be liquidated and distributed to the countries within the Revolution. France would remain occupied for ten years and Alsace-Lorraine would be rightfully annexed with Germany. A puppet government was created in France, headed by the pro-Revolution Pierre Cousman. Italy expressed interest in gaining the island of Corsica and the Savoy region of France after the war, and a deal was brokered. In exchange of the island of Corsica and the Savoy region of France, Italy was to hand over South Tyrol to Germany. The Treaty of Milan, signed by Germany and Italy in 1938, formally completed the transfer of these territories. Thus in 1938, Das Germanisch Reich was born.