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Flag of Cobdenia
Motto: Copra Sanctum
Region Liberal Atlantic Organisation
Capital Port Sir Richard
Official Language(s) English, Latin, Fragganoo
Leader Air Chief Marshall Sir Clive Cholmondsey-Cholmondsey-Smythe
Population 100,000,000
Currency Cobdenian Pound (£C) 
NS Sunset XML


Cobdenia was founded in 1886 by a small group of free trade advocates who had been expelled from their protectionistic home countries for their opposition to various governments. They decided to form a homeland on an large unchartered island formerly known as Los Kjarkos Llarando Se Fue, and the islander soon became part of the British Empire (more through the dersire of the islanders to become part of the Empire rather then the British imposing their will upon them). The Dominion and it's capital was named Cobdenia and Port Sir Richard respectively in honour of Sir Richard Cobden, a British Economist and Statesman noted for his advocation of international free trade and his belief, shared by the Cobdenians of the time, that free trade would lead to global peace and prosperity. To this day, Cobden is seen as a cult figure in Cobdenia in the same way that Marx and Lenin are in Communist states, and there is a famous statues of him and Riccardo (another economist) located in the Great Square in Port Sir Richard, in front of the Governorate-General and the Parliament. In 1976, Cobdenia became independent, but this was very much against the wishes of the population; hence it has retained it colonistic flag, and the former British Governor-General (Air Chief Marshal Sir Clive Cholmondsey-Cholmondsey-Smythe) and his deputy (Rear-Admiral The Honourable Leslie Featherstonehaugh-Michelwhaite) have retained their position, and they are now considered to be the Head of State, although they have no real power. (see Politics)


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The Political System of Cobdenia

The Dominion Cobdenia has only one house, known as the House of Advisors (as historically those elected to the parliament merely advised the Governor-General as to which course of action to take), although it is general called the Parliament. Members are elected for four years, and they themselves elect the Prime Minister following a general election. It is the Prime Minister appoints Ministers. Currently there are 200 MHAs (Members of the House of Advisors). The House of Advisors consist of both the Legislative and Executive Branch, the Judicial (the Law Lords who elect the Lord High Justice) are elected by the Judges, who are themselves elected by the people. The Govenor-General or his Deputy are required to sign any legislaion before it becomes law, but this is a mere formality. It is assumed that when the current Governor-General dies, his deputy will become Governor-General and the post of Deputy Governor-General being abolished. Luckily, the Governor-General's son married the daughter of the Deputy, and it is generally assumed that the Head of State will become a hereditary position from this lineage.

Heads of State

HM Governor-General: HE Air Chief Marshall Sir Clive Cholmondsey-Cholmondsey-Smythe KCMG DFC (Since 1974)
HM Deputy Governor-General: Rear-Admiral The Honourable Leslie Featherstonehaugh-Michelwhaite CMG DSO (Since 1974)

Head of Government

Prime Minister: The Rt. Hon. Dr John Snipe-Maddox MHA (since 1997)

The Cabinet

Chancellor of the Exchequor: The Rt. Hon. Mr Michael Johnstone-Jones MHA
Secretary of State for Defence: The Rt. Hon. General Sir Robin McPherson-Jebby MHA
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs: The Rt. Hon. Mr Rory Relp MHA
Secretary of State for the Home Department: The Rt. Hon. Mrs Bernadette Wilkinson MHA
Secretary of State for Education and Healthcare: The Rt. Hon. Mrs Francine Mole-Howe MHA
Secretary of State for Transport: The Rt. Hon. Mr Richard Starr-Fudgewudden MHA
Secretary of State for Trade and Industry: The Rt. Hon. Mr Juan Kindonqi MHA
Secretary of State for the Promotion of World Free Trade: The Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Godleming-Noodles MHA

Political Parties

The Libertarian Cobdenist Party (Leader: The Rt. Hon. Dr John Snipe-Maddox MHA): 170 seats
The Socialistic Cobdenist Party (Leader: The Rt. Hon. Mr Douglas Fredelo-Cheeseman MHA): 25 seats
The Church Party (Leader: His Grace The Rt. Hon. Archbishop Lewis Mainstray of Port Sir Richard MHA) : 5 seats

It is worth mentioning the Protectionist Part, led by Dr Vijay C.J. Petrehpetel, who are the only political party who oppose the views that the country was founded on. However, his following is widespread and he has so far been unable to gain any Parliamentary seats. The Protectionist Party is believed to be the political wing of the Protectionist Alliance Terrorist Organisation

The Church party has only one objective: to change the national motto, Copra Sanctum (Holy Poo), which was believed by the secular settlers to be Jesus Christ's words after he had been told he was to be nailed to the cross. Archbishop Lewis Mainstray disputes this.


Air Chief Marshall Sir Clive Cholmondsey-Cholmondsey-Smythe KCMG DFC, RAF

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Sir Clive Cholmondsey-Cholmondsey-Smythe in 1951.

Sir Clive was born in 1919 in Muckworth, Buckinghamshire. He was educated at Muckworth College and St Muhammed's College, Cambridge. In 1939 he joined the Royal Air Force, and attended RAF Cranwell (the British Air Force Academy), and was trained as a bomber pilot. He flew 15 sorties, and earnt the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) in 1945. By 1969 he had reached the rank of Air Chief Marshall, and he retired from the RAF in 1970 and was made British Governor-General to Cobdenia in 1974. When Cobdenia became independent in 1976, he retained his position and became the head of state, although he has (and never had) any real power.

Since 1974, Sir Clive has become incredibly popular in Cobdenia. His outspoken belief in Cobdenism, and his reputation as a great orator have endeared him to the population, and he is seen almost as Sir Richard Cobden's heir. However in recent years he has made very few public appearences due to ill health.

Dr John Snipe-Maddox MHA

John Snipe-Maddox was born in Port Sir Richard in 1950 and attended The Port Sir Richard School for Boys and the University of Economics, where he earn a doctorate. He joined The Libertarian Cobdenist Party in 1975, and in 1990 he was made Chancellor of the Exchequer. When Prime Minister Sebastian Doyle retired in 1997, he replaced him. The The Libertarian Cobdenist Party have been in power since 1994.

Sir Richard Cobden

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Sir Richard Cobden

Richard Cobden was born in 1804 into a farming family at Heyshott near Midhurst in West Sussex. In 1814 his father had to sell the farm and Richard, the fourth of eleven children, was sent to a school in Yorkshire which he described as "Dotheboys Hall" in reality. In 1819 Cobden went to work in his uncle's warehouse in London where he proved to be an adept clerk and salesman.In 1828 he and two friends went into partnership to sell calico in London; in 1831 they opened a calico-printing works in Lancashire. In 1832 Cobden settled in Manchester but went on to visit America and the Levant. Consequently he published England, Ireland and America in 1835 and Russia in 1836. In them he preached free trade and economic non-intervention by the government.In 1837 he stood as a parliamentary candidate for Stockport on a free trade platform but was unsuccessful. In 1838 he became one of the seven founding members of the Anti-Corn-Law League in Manchester. He conducted lecture tours all over England and he became an MP for Stockport in 1841. His parliamentary speeches were clear, quiet and persuasive; he was an ideal partner for the other leading MP and Anti-Corn-Law League member, John Bright. Cobden was the only man ever to beat Peel in debate in parliament and in 1846 Peel acknowledged Cobden's role in the repeal of the Corn Laws.He refused to merge the Anti-Corn-Law League with wider programmes of reform because he saw the advantages of a single policy, and saw the appeal to new industrial areas. He was so committed to the cause of free trade that he became bankrupt. A public subscription of £80,000 was raised in recognition of his services and in 1847 he used the money to buy back his childhood home and farm.Cobden did not hold Cabinet office although in 1860 he was responsible for arranging a commercial treaty with France. He spoke out strongly in favour of the north during the American Civil War. Cobden died in 1865.


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The Dominion of Cobdenia
</div>The Dominion of Cobdenian is an island nation located within the Arrabelic Sea and the West Neen Ocean. The island is bi-peninsular, with Port Sir Richard at the apex between the two.

The island is mainly fertile fields, with large area's of forest to the south. The island is generally flat, although it does rise slightly from the see into the centre, reaching a maximum elevation of 50 feet above sea level.



Total: ~$114,000,000,000 (based on this calculator:[1])
Cobdenian Army: ~$50,000,000,000
Gubernatorial Navy: ~$35,000,000,000
Gubernatorial Air Force: ~$29,000,000,000

Cobdenian Army

Total Manpower: ~400,000

Corps and Divisions of the Cobdenian Army

Roughley 50,000 men in each Corp and 10,000 men in each division unless otherwise stated

  • Armoured Corps
    • Northern and Western Tank Division (~25,000 men and 3,000 Excallibur Mk 1 tanks)
    • Southern Tank Division (~16,000 men and 2,000 Emancipator tank destroyers)
    • Eastern Tank Division (~9,000 men and Excallibur Mk 2 tanks)
  • Southern Infantry Corps
    • First Port Sir Richard Division
    • Second Port Sir Richard Division
    • Peelstown Division
    • New Hailsham Division
    • New Sheffield Division
  • Northern Infantry Corps
    • Riccardoton Division
    • Keynes Division
    • New Bristol Division
    • Adamsville Division
    • Segreena Division
  • Auxillary Corps
    • Gubernatorial Medical Division
    • Gubernatorial Logistical Division
    • Gubernatorial Anti-Air Division
    • Gubernatorial Nursing Division
    • Gubernatorial Transport Division
  • Corps of the Elite (~40,000 men)
    • Covert Operations Division
      • Covert Paratroop and Air Brigade (~5,000 men)
      • Covert Amphibious Attack Brigade (~5,000 men)
    • Paratroop Division
    • Gubernatorial Military Police
    • Guards of the Governorate
      • Governor's Own Cavalry Brigade (~5,000 men)
      • Governor's Own Infantry Brigade (~5,000 men)
  • First Education Corps (~80,000 men and women; all going through one year national service bar instructors)
    • First Instructors Division
    • First Port Sir Richard National Service Division
    • Second Port Sir Richard National Service Division
    • Peelstown National Service Division
    • Peelstown National Service Division
    • New Hailsham National Service Division
    • Riccardoton National Service Division
    • Keynes National Service Division
  • Second Education Corp (~80,000 men and women; all going through one year national service bar instructors)
    • Second Instructors Division
    • New Bristol National Service Division
    • Adamsville National Service Division
    • Segreena National Service Division
    • Montroozer National Service Division
    • Maxwellton National Service Division
    • First Nursing National Service Division
    • Second Nursing National Service Division

Gubernatorial Navy

Manpower: ~200,000

Ships of the Fleet

  • Aircraft Carriers
    • GS (Gubernatorial Ship) Sir Richard Cobden
  • Frigates
    • Arrabelic class x 8
    • West Neen class x 4
    • Gulf of Cobdenia class x 3
  • Destroyers
    • Peninsular class x 4
  • Fast Attack Craft
    • Duck Class x 10
    • Goose Class x 10
  • Auxiliary ships
    • Riccardo class x 5
  • Submarines
    • Dolphin Class x 12
    • Shark class x 4

Gubernatorial Air Force

Manpower: ~125,000
Aircraft: ~550

Commands and Wings of the Gubernatorial Air Force

  • Strike Command
    • First Bomber Wing (50 Vindicator Bombers)
    • Second Bomber Wing (50 Victory Bombers)
    • First Fighter-Bomber Wing (50 Reprisal Fighter-Bombers)
    • Second Fighter Bomber Wing (50 Reprisal Fighter-Bombers)
    • Third Fighter-Bomber Wing (50 Retaliation Fighter-Bombers)
    • Forth Fighter-Bomber Wing (50 Retribution Fighter-Bombers)
    • First Fighter Wing (50 Justice Fighters)
    • Helicopter Wing (30 Cholmondsey Attack Helicopters)
  • Training Command
    • Basic Training Wing(25 Initiate Trainers, 25 Inculcate Trainers)
    • Advance Training Wing (10 Reprisal Trainers, 10 Vindicator Trainers, 5 Justice Trainers, 5 Herecles Trainer)
  • Logisitics Command
    • Support Wing (50 Chariot Transport Helicopters, 25 Herecles Transport, 10 Holman Executive Jets 5 Herecles Refuellers)
  • Signals and Monitoring Command
    • Reconnaisance Wing (10 Palmer Reconnaisance)


Pending Diplomatic Relations

If you wish to open Diplomatic Relations with Cobdenia, please post the name of your country and the name of the Ambassador below using the edit feature and the template below (maintain the formatting please). If you are accepted, Cobdenia will allow you to establish an Embassy and Cobdenia will establish an Embassy in your capital, and willl add your nation to the next two subsections. Alternatively, you can telegraph Cobdenia with the following information.

Rory Relp MHA

  • Your Country Name
    • Your Full Country Name
    • Your Proposed Ambassador
    • Your Capital City
    • Location of site for future Cobdenian Embassy in your capital:
    • Embassy or High Commision (HC for British Colonies and Members of the Commonwealth only)

Foriegn Embassies, Legations and High Commissions in Port Sir Richard

  • The Grand Duchy of Norbert Dentressangle
    • 5, Galbraith Place, Port Sir Richard
    • Norbert Dentressanglese Ambassador: HE Mr Jimmy James

Cobdenian Embassies, Legations and High Commissions abroad

  • Cobdenian Embassy to The Grand Duchy of Norbert Dentrssangle
    • 567, Nelson Way, Commodora
  • Cobdenian Representation in the United Nations
    • Cobdenian Representative: HE Mr Arthur Featherstonehaugh-Michelwhaite-Cholmondsey-Cholmondsey-Smythe
    • Cobdenian Ambassador to Norbert Dentressangle: HE Sir Charles Moony-MacLehose