Zara Alwood

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Zara Alwood
Inspector, Cheka
Dyelli Beybian

Very little is known of Zara Alwood prior to the Dyelli Beybian Civil War. A former slave, she rose to notoriety as one of the most ruthless Commisaars in the early Cheka. Although unconfirmed, it is rumoured that she presided over the execution of over 100 Tzarists and Tzarist sympathisers.

Commisaar Alwood was seen as a rising star in the Cheka, however, unconfirmed involvement in an aborted coup attempt by Adelle Collins (wife of the High Chancellor) and Sidney Reilly, saw her transfered from CSD-5 to CSD-1, where it was thought she could do less damage (for further information on Sub-Departments see Cheka).

Her current role now extends to escorting foreign dignitaries around the country, and despite her talent for spy work, it seems unlikely she will be transfered back to one of the more Covert Sub-Departments - due to the fact that her photograph and description are now readily available.

The Commisaar is described as 'a strikingly attactive woman in her mid to late twenties, with blue eyes and chestnut coloured hair. Minor scaring on the right shoulder shows where a slave's tatoo has been removed.'

She has no known family or friends outside of the Cheka.