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Flag of Cruhad
Motto: Deus Maximus
Region Menotomy
Capital El-Hattal
Official Language(s) English, Arabic
Leader Barry Al-Dar, Rahman Al'Saud
Population Over 1.8 billion
Currency Gold Piece 
NS Sunset XML


The Cruhadi people are almost enirely of Arab descent, with Arabs making up 98% of the population. A small slavic minority once held power but this is no longer the case. The society is very urban, as the Cruhad is relatively small, and lax industrial control laws have allowed the pollution of much of the countryside. The small amount of rural farmers and ranchers do get generous government subsidies however.

Racial tensions have never been extreme due to the relative homogenous nature of the country. This has infact led to high nationalism and a sense of national pride, which has occasional become a hindrance in international affairs.


Cruhad has the misfortune to be situated in a very arid section of Menotomy. However, due to the difficulty of living in these conditions, Cruhadis are hard-nosed, and hard-working. Most of the fertile land borders the Saleh River which flows through the middle of the country. The capital, El-Hattal is built on the coast where the Saleh meets the ocean.

Mountains on the eastern border contain uranium deposits.


Neutral territory to the east and, north. Oltramar to the west.

The Flag

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The Cruhadi Flag

The Cruhadi flag is made up of two horiztontal stripes. The top one is teal and the bottom one is white. A tiny red strip also runs along the bottom. A white crescent moon is in the top left corner of the teal stripe. The moon represents Cruhad's islamic heritage, the white represents the goodness of the people, the teal represents the strength and determination of all Cruhadis, and the red stripe represents all the blood shed for Cruhad.


The current government of Cruhad is a single party republic. A senate is elected by the people every 5 years. Two consuls are then elected by the senate to be the executive branch. A unanimous decision between both consuls is needed to pass any bill. The serving consuls are Barry Al-Dar and Rahman Al'Saud, who were former leaders in the glorious revolution. They have been the only two consuls in Cruhadi history and have been serving for the past three senates.

Other government positions (such as foreign minster), are appointed by the consuls.


Early history

Before Cruhad was formed, only nomadic tribes lived in the vast deserts that now make up most of Cruhad. Then these tribes banded together to form a group of nine tribes led by their nine high clerics. The clerics decided to settle down in the desert they called their home. Thus Cruhad was born.

The Cleric Age

For many years these nomads turned Cruhadis were content to live under the benevolent of the nine high clerics. For years the clerics ruled wisely and justly. They did not overly opress the citizens and the average Cruhadi lived a good life.

This peace and tranquility did not last however. Following an economic recession and more oppressive laws being put into place, a growing majority of the populace grew displeased. Even members of the government such as popular foreign minister Barry Al-Dar, and high ranking military figures such as Rahman Al'Saud, became disillusioned with the high clerics, although took care to hide their feelings. This anger came to a head when the high clerics went against popular sentiment and declared war on the theretofore allied state of Burgia.

The Glorious Revolution

After the declaration of war on Burgia, Al-Dar and Al'Saud knew they had to do something. So they devised an ingenious plot. Feignin obediency, Al'Saud's 1st legion "marched" towards Burgia, but actually stayed hidden withing the country. Al-Dar then led a crack team of commandos and captured the high clerics, forcing them to abdicate. Al'Saud's legion swiftly destroyed any pro-cleric resistance. The tyrranous high clerics had been brought down with little bloodshed. The Cruhadi people rejoiced. The knew government was quickly assembled and Al-Dar and Al'Saud were elected as consuls.

The Mushif Incident

For the first few years after the new government was in place, all seemed well in Cruhad. Then tragedy struck. A group of heavily armed men, claiming to be from the regional terrorist syndicate Lemonade Stickups, captured the city of Mushif in northern Cruhad. When the Cruhadi military arrived, the terrorists revealed that they had a nuclear weapon and would detonate it if the Cruhadi military tried to retake the city. Days of stalemate followed, as the army could not take the chance of a nuclear detonation, which would claim a vast number of lives. Finally, the military planners came to their grim conclusion. They ordered the go-ahead on operation magic carpet. Operation magic carpet entailed that a large amount of bombers would carpet bomb the target until there was nothing left. The plan worked with grim efficiency. When it was over, Mushif was completely leveled and the terrorists were dead - along with thousands of Cruhadi civilians. The whole country as well as the region at large mourned the loss of these brave "martyrs".

Recent history

In recent times Cruhad has been mostly involved in crushing rebellions both at home and abroad. The high clerics, aiming to get their power back, have started a rebellion. The Cruhadi army managed to push them out of Cruhad, using massive artillery barrages, but their advance stopped at the border between Cruhad and the nuetral territory north of Cruhad, where the clerics have gained a large following. The Cruhadi army also assisted in the Oltrmarian rebellion a long with many other countries in the region. Thanks to the bravery and the unity of the many nations in Menotomy, the Oltramarian rebels failed to overthrow the Emperor of Oltramar.

Diplomatic relations


  • The Galaxy Spanning Holy Empire of Oltramar

Good relations

  • The Federalized Premiership of Juthopia
  • The Incorporated States of Schwaliland
  • The Jingoistic Factions of Izgimmer

Average relations

  • The Star Alliance of Cosmic Provinces
  • The Grand Duchy of Ejackistan
  • The Jamtastic Protectorate of Exponents
  • The Democratic Republic of Indoprathika
  • The Republic of Johnny Awesome
  • The United Socialist States of Lithuanian Immigrants
  • The Alcoholic's Paradise of Little Ossipee
  • The Kaiser's Grand Republic of New Deutschlandia
  • The Occupied Territories of New Menotomy
  • The Ancient Illuminated Seers of The Eschaton
  • The Empire of Wyczestr

Bad relations

  • The Holy Catholic Empire of Polska and BaltoSlavia


  • The Theocracy of Lemonade Stickups


Cruhad's economy is currently the strongest in the region. It's GDP is $73,229,298,944,521.75, and it's GDP per capita is $41,372.49. Both of these figures are highest in the region. Cruhad operates on the principles of capitalism, and an almost completely free market. This has however led to pollution and the low wages paid to workers has resulted in one of the highest rich poor divides in the region. Cruhad's leading industry is arms manufacturing, but also has substantial Uranium Mining, and Automobile Manufacturing industries. Cruhad's unemployment rate is 2.61% which is the lowest in the region. Cruhad also has the distinction of having the highest trade deficet in the region, due to their having to import food.


Cruhad has a strong military and has been active in inter-regional peace-keeping and putting down internal revolts. It's armed forces are divided into Legions, each legion being one million strong. Current estimates have put the total number of servicemen at around 37,000,000 (including reserves). The army by far is the largest branch but the air force and navy are not neglected. Cruhad has always been and has pledged to continue to be a volunteer only army.


Each Legion is made up of 1 million troops. Each Legion is then broken up into divisions of 100,000 each. These divisons are then broken up into 10 corps each consisting of 10,000 troops. Each division will contain a corps of support personel. In each Legion the first division is made up of Immortals (elites). Depending on the branch of military, vehicles will be assigned to Legions as needed.


The Basic Cruhadi Soldier is armed with
  • AK-74 assault rifle
  • Desert Eagle
  • Combat Knife
  • Kevlar Vest
  • Armored Helmet

Sniper Armament:

  • Barrett Model M99

Anti-Tank Armament:

  • RPG-7 grenade launcher
  • Dassault Mirage 2000-5 mk2
  • Mig-29 Fulcrum
  • B2 Bomber
  • B52 Bomber
  • T-90 MBT
  • BTR-60 PB
  • M44 SP 155mm Howitzer
  • AH-1F Cobra
  • CH-47 Chinook