UN Timeline

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The United Nations works from a body of International Law. The UN members vote to accept proposals into resolutions, and push for [[repeal]s of exisiting resolutions. Here is the current body of law as accepted by the United Nations.

  1. Fight the Axis of Evil
  2. Scientific Freedom
  3. Education for All
  4. UN Taxation Ban
  5. DVD Region Removal
  6. End Slavery
  7. Sexual Freedom
  8. Citizen Rule Required
  9. Keep the World Disease-Free
  10. Stop Privacy Intrusion
  11. Ban Single-Hulled Tankers
  12. Gay Rights
  13. Mandatory Recycling
  14. Child Labor
  15. Protect Historical Sites
  16. Elimination of Bio Weapons
  17. Required Basic Healthcare
  18. Hydrogen Powered Vehicles
  19. Religious Tolerance
  20. 'RBH' Replacement
  21. Fair Trial
  22. Outlaw Pedophilia
  23. Replanting Trees
  24. Metric System
  25. The Child Protection Act
  26. The Universal Bill of Rights
  27. Due Process
  28. Free Education
  29. The IRCO
    Establishment of the International Red Cross Organization
  30. Common Sense Act II
  31. Wolfish Convention on POW
    A History of Wolfish Convention on POW
  32. Global AIDS Initiative
  33. No Embargoes on Medicine
  34. Oceanic Waste Dumping
  35. Stop Dumping - Start Cleaning
  36. Freedom of Humor
  37. World Heritage List
  38. The Rights of Labor Unions
    A History of The Rights of Labor Unions
  39. Alternative Fuels
  40. Banning the Use of Landmines
  41. End Barbaric Punishments
  42. Increased Access to Medicine
  43. Legalise Euthanasia
  44. Fair Treatment of Mentally-Ill
  45. UCPL
  46. Legalize Prostitution
  47. Definition of 'Fair Trial'
  48. Save the Forests of the World
  49. Rights and Duties of UN States
    A History of Rights and Duties of UN States
  50. UN Space Consortium
  51. Children in War
  52. Ballast Water
  53. Universal Freedom of Choice
  54. UN Educational Committee
  55. World Blood Bank
  56. BioRights Declaration
  57. Reduce Black Market Arms Sales
  58. SPCC Regulation Act
  59. The 40 Hour Workweek
    A History of The 40 Hour Workweek
  60. Public Domain
  61. Abortion Rights
  62. Female Genital Mutilation
  63. Freedom of Press
    A History of Freedom of Press
  64. Tracking Near Earth Objects
  65. Refugee Protection Act
  66. Illegal Logging
  67. Needle Sharing Prevention
    A History of Needle Sharing Prevention
  68. Ban Trafficking in Persons
  69. The Sexes Rights Law
    A History of The Sexes Rights Law
  70. Banning Whaling
  71. Sustainable Energy Sources
  72. Reduction of Greenhouse Gases
  73. Habeas Corpus
  74. The Law of the Sea
  75. The Nuclear Terrorism Act