Saige Dragon

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The country of Saige Dragon was a state that was to be eventually reformed as the nation Donut to the Saige, but has since been deleted for inactivity.

Early times

Saige Dragon was formed in September of 2003 by real time. It originated in the South Pacific, after making several allies, including Nirvana, Saige Dragon relocated itself to a new region, The Sober South (created by Nirvana). Harassement was allegedly executed by Saige Dragon, towards the nation of VideoGames, resulting in a near dismissal of Saige Dragon by the Moderators, after which Saige Dragon along with Nirvana moved to the region of Alberta. Saige Dragon was known to have participated in region issues, elections and a few large world issues, in this region before was to fall into destitution (IC).

The demise of Saige Dragon

In August 2004 (RL time) Saige Dragon plunged into disaster. The economy was booming, the military continued to recieve a considerable proportion of the economic budget, just as it had for the past year. Accordingly, the populace came to resent the lack of funding for other programs such as those of social welfare and healthcare, and further that they were no longer permitted private enterprise.

Thus commenced a revolution. The populace cascaded and was ultimately able to subdue the well-equipped armed forces. In the midst of all the destruction and chaos — largely created by the launching of nuclear missles upon itself by the nation's army — several groups remained relatvely calm. One of which called themselves, the Donuts, were a private military group often hired to supplement the regular army in war, when the occasion called for it. Without delay, Donuts had managed to bring under their control, and to harmony through armistice, a considerable province of Saige Dragon, declaring independence from the whole.

A new nation is born

Ruled by the militaristic Donuts, firm upon the fundamentals of warfare, Donut to the Saige (a name that manifests their love of the homeland), is the currently existent state that was spawned from Saige Dragon, managing to finally recover from the toll of the conflict. This, of course, is different from the original Saige Dragon, which perished.