Disciplinary Committee (Methody Region)

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The Disciplinary Committee of the Methody Region, often abbreviated to "DC", is an adjudicating body set up under the Methodian Constitution. It consists of varying numbers of members. They include the Regional Foudner, Peteronia, and the current UN delegate (subject to change), who are the only permananent members and other elected members. The number of elected members is calculated based on the number of nations in the region. These members are elected every two months. These act a Supreme Court, judging whether another country's action is constitutional. Peteronia acts as a neutral go between for claimants who wish to remain anonymous. If not, they make their own accusation on the regional forums.

The current DC members are

Peteronia (Regional Founder*)

Kamsaki (Regional UN Delegate)



(*Note: Peteronia is a permanent member of the DC.)

Recent Times

Due to the state of emergency, the DC has not been functioning as it should and the case of Kamsaki v. Boxianing was decided solely by Peteronia. This was unconstitutional, and since the reformation of the Methody Region Boxianing sentence has been quashed and Peteronia has himself had a chance** removed.

(**For clarification of chance, please see Methodian Laws.)