Freedonia First Bank

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Freedonia First Bank
Headquarters: Freeburg
Nationality: Freedonia
Specialty: Bank
Storefront: None
Freedonia First Bank
Freedonia First Bank - This bank, with the central seat on Freeburg, was created on 1844. Principally occupied on industry and agricultural loans, it was guided in the first times by director H. E. James W. Podenf. After 1870, when it incorporated the Freedonian National Trust, it became the principal bank on this Turtlish province. Famous is the Rocktell scandal (1898), when the governor of Verrici was nearly to put it in bankrupt.

After the creation of the Republic (1919), the bank was nationalized and transformed in the Central bank of Freedonia, with power over all banks and with the function of treasury of the State. The present director (usually called governor) is Charles A. Champs.