The Xheng Dynasty

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The Xheng Dynasty
Flag of The Xheng Dynasty
Motto: Obediance ot the Throne, benevolence to the people.
[Map URL], or No Map Available Yet
Region The Xheng Dynasty
Capital Xi'an
Official Language(s) English/Chinese/Common Speak
Leader His Imperial Majesty the Emperor Xheng
Population 200 Million
Currency Xheng 
NS Sunset XML

The Dynasty

After the fall of the Yuan Dynasty in China a handful of loyalists to the noble family of Xheng isolated themselves in central China. The Ming Dynasty that followed permitted some local rule by the Xhengs as they swore loyalty to the Mings with absolute devotion. For their loyalty the Xheng's were given great autonomy. Through the process of flourishing silk and porcelain trade they branched into more profitable and necessary businesses such as the wealthy salt and spice trade.

The Ming Dynasty era allowed the Xhengs to exploit maritime technology. During the era they constructed massive grain ships and huge convoys of vessels to transport goods with the permission of the Emperor. This trade was valuable even after the fall of the Ming Dynasty. The Xhengs were forced to relinquish their loyalties to the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. Secretly the Xheng family and their masses of followers planned to leave China, possibly for the new world of territories discovered during Zheng-He's voyages.

The Qing Dynasty set three centuries of preparations for the Xhengs. They pooled resources and wealth into secretly hidden underground chambers, that stored their masses of treasure and wealth. Massive rooms of gold and silver, jade and the greatest laquer, jade and porcelain artwork were kept hidden from the Qing.

The fall of the Qing dynasty, the era of warlords and the civil war brought great danger to the Xhengs as many of them were forced to be conscripted into warring factions but their goods and treasures were secured and only were handed to the royal family. After the Communist takeover and into Deng Xiaoping's reforms later to the end of the cold war, the Xheng's re-emerged as a powerful and wealthy family. Utilizing the modern construction methods of many international corporations, they began the construction of massive ships called Xheng-Class worldships. Their corporate empire was taking physical form as they bought more and more land from the communists. Eventually they realized that the Communists would never allow their existance as a monarchy and departed their ancient lands for the unknown. The Newer Lands of Europe awaited the Xhengs.

The Arch-Imperium

Twenty Xheng-Class Worldships filled with treasure and wealth with a fleet of more than 100 military vessels and 200 cruise liners and transoceanic ships. 50 million people had to depart and they did so with a massive oceanic voyage all the way past many regions to Europe. As they arrived they were not in posession of any land until the European Union Territorial Commission permitted them land. For a time they had to settle with creating their own territory. The Xhengs started to construct Tsing-Ma, the first mobile platform.

Tsing-Ma revolutionized the way of living in much of the European region. States there had never seen a floating steel and glass city like Tsing-Ma before and sovereignty was a definate issue. On top of that the fact that the new Arch-Imperium considered that their massive vessels were considered to be sovereign territory caused some controversy.

The construction of the Dynastic-Class Worldships to the civilian market opened up new possibilities for the commercial enterprise of the Xheng Economy. The Xheng Emperor himself had a ship comissioned for himself. When the Land was granted the Xheng Arch-Imperium took no time to construct their new cities, scrapping many ships and unloading their massive trasures so that they could form a powerful economy. Though compared to other nations their GNP was low their standards of living and lifestyle were based on resources not currency.

Culture and Commerce

The Xheng Dynasty rules over an Arch-Imperium, which is a federation of 3 provinces and 1 territory. The Territory is under the control of the Xheng Family while the other 3 provinces are nominally under the control of the 3 smaller dynastic clans. In truth most of the families are members of these 4 groups, but realistically this has no impact on their lifestyles. Except for the Royal Family, most people within the Arch-Imperium live rather simple ilves. It is a highly commercialized yet socialist style culture. The ancient culture of Oriental traditions is very prevelant and classical confucian ideas still flourish. The religions of Islam, Mahayana and Zen Buddhism, Taoism, Shinto and Ancestral Worship are still the most dominant of religious forces.

The culture of the Xheng Arch-Imperium allows for a very high standard of living with minimal income required. This makes the Arch-Imperium unique as the government is heavily responsible for providing shelter and community resources such as energy and shelter for its population. The wealth of the Xheng Dynasty comes from various sorts of industries, primarily manufacturing and mineral refinement. The advent of the massive construction of sea cities meant that mariculture was also a significant industry, exporting food and raw materials from the ocean which Xheng Technology seemed perfect for.

The construction of the Xheng-Class Worldships was a breakthrough for manufacturing of large scale vessels and construction projects. The technology required to create such huge vessels was put to later use when the construction of cities took priority. At an astounding rate cities throughout the Arch-Imperium's territory were springing up with fully functional facilities. Hydroelectric, solar and wind power were used to make the entire region enviornmentally friendly. Geothermal energy sometimes was also exploited to be used for heat generation. The need for energy sources allowed the enviornment to be targetted but the government was adamant that the enviornment was a definate issue that could not be disputed. As a result the Arch-Imperium has some of the most strict laws regarding enviornmental protection.

Cities made of steel and glass seem to be the more popular but also other construction materials like concrete and wood and even bamboo are common place. A mixture of their ancient curved roof architecture and compacted earth may still be seen in the building of traditional gardens and temples. For the most part modern grey and glass structures are more common. To allow for beauty, asthetic appeal is of pivotal importance. Gardens and plantlife of various colour variations are highly favored.

The Xheng Dynasty itself owns many large corporations which are highly profitable.

Dynastic International: Construction of large oceanic workprojects such as the Xheng-Class and Dynastic-Class Worldships as well as the artificial floating cities.

Dynastic Fleet Works: