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Wendenol Flipin the Third

Wendenol Flipin the Third
Flag of Wendenol Flipin the Third
Motto: Je ne Speak French
Region Carteria
Capital Devil's City/Angel's Music
Official Language(s) English
Leader Wendenol Flipin the Third
Population 98 million as of June 30/05
Currency Psycotic zebra 
NS Sunset XML

The Early Years

Wendenol Flipin the Third was born during the War of the Unnatural on March 29, 1989 in what is now known as God's Place. He was born into a typical war-torn family, with only the clothes on his back to call his own. Being a very stubborn man, he would never let people tell him he was not good enough to become the ruler of the nation, which then only consisted of Holyboy This stubborness would get him in much trouble in his younger years, often getting into fist fights at school. The amazing this about Flipin was he never purposly hurt the person he was fighting with. As he grew older, he kept his stubborness without getting into fist fights, even though his family was still poor after the war. Then, one day, and amazing thing happened

Going to School...For Politics

Due to his excellence in his school work especially in his Political Science, Flipin was scouted for a program called The Future Politicians at the age of 10. Flipin was to be sent of to the city of Devil's City/Anglel's Music which was then just called Angel's Music (the HB's won it during the war) for his continued training in politics. This was a big break for Flipin, because if he stayed in God's Place he would never have gotten the money to be able to leave the city and go pursue his dream in politics. He attended The School for Future Politicians until he was 20.

Death and Policies

When Flipin was 20, a devestating event happened for Flipin...his hometown of God's Place was devestated with a huge avalanche. This big tumbling combination of snow and ice wiped out the entire poor population of God's Place because they did not have the sufficiant housing for their protection, due to their inability to find work in the city. Flipin's whole family had died in that avalanche. It was that day that Flipin dedicated himself to welfare, so everyone would have enough money to protect themselves. Flipin still holds true to that policy to this day, even though he has created a capitalizt country of Holyboy and the 666s

From Enemies to Brothers

Flipin spent a few more years in and out of politics, until one day a fateful phone call came. Flipin was contacted by the Unite Holyboy and 666! foundation, who was commited to bringing these once fighting countries together as one big country. Flipin was asked by the leader of the foundation to be a moderator between the talks, as Flipin had lived near the bordor of the two countries all his life, and would be able to relate to both sides. Flipin agreed, and he became one of five people in the negotiations of the two countries of Holyboy and the 666s. On April 29, 2005, Flipin announced to the world that the two countries were united, and that the first general election for The United Socialist States of Holyboy and the 666s would take place on June 19 2005, and the country would officially unify on June 20 of that same year. This was big moment to Flipin, as he was an active person in the negotiations, and he heard all of the details while they were being hammered out, and suggested a few ideas of his own. The next day, Flipin decided to run to be the first Prime Minister of Holyboy and the 666s on his welfare platform, and his ideas to help the poor. On June 19 2005 he was pronounced winner of the election, with a 5% lead of the second place finisher. His first bill was to create a welfare program, which is still in existance today.