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Flag of TISNoBob
Motto: "With great power comes great potential to abuse it."
No Map Available Yet
Region Small Ineffectual Rulers
Capital Ankhara
Official Language(s) English
Leader His Majesty Emperor Bob I
Population 1 billion
Currency TISNoBober 
NS Sunset XML

The Tiny Independent Sovereign Nation of Bob


The TISNoBob is a temperate coastal nation, with large mountains dividing it naturally from its neighbors. A large plain between the mountains and the sea is cut through with wide fresh-water rivers and deep springs. To the south, the plain gives way to a large bay where fish are abundant.


The TISNoBob was consolidated by Bob Reagan following a failed military coup against the weak government. The government surrendered control of the divided nation to Bob, who used his influence to reunite the military with the rest of the country. With the support of almost one hundred percent of the population, Bob took control of the country over the protests of the former government. Since then, he has ruled with a benevolent but iron hand.


English is the official language of the TISNoBob, although Spanish, French, and German are also spoken in various regions.

Governmental Structure


The TISNoBob has a Constitution, but it is not effective.


Emperor Bob I is the absolute ruler of the TISNoBob. He has ruled for the last four years, and in all likelihood will continue to do so until his death.

Voting and Citizenship

Small local elections are the only elections allowed in the TISNoBob. All other elections have been outlawed by Emperor Bob I, who appoints positions in government.

Citizenship is granted in one of four ways:

1. The citizen is born is the TISNoBob.

2. The citizen is born to citizens of the TISNoBob.

3. The citizen is naturalized after an involved process.

4. The citizen is specially bestowed citizenship by Emperor Bob I.


Parliament exists under the defunct Constitution, but no Parliaments have convened since the outlawing of elections three years ago.


The TISNoBob is divided into five geographic prefectures.

1. Hammenheim Prefecture is in the north, where German is widely spoken.

2. Las Belles Fleurs Prefecture is in the east, where French is widely spoken.

3. Los Cruzes Prefecture is in the west, where Spanish is widely spoken.

4. Icthyum Prefecture is in the south, along most of the coast.

5. Ankhara Prefecture surrounds the capital city on the southernmost coast.

Judicial System

Three Judges make up the Supreme Court of the TISNoBob, with an Underjudge presiding over seven justices in each prefecture.

Defense and Law Enforcement

The TISNoBob has a large Army, a sizable Navy, and a respectable Air Force. All are responsible for the defense of the nation, and are under the command of Emperor Bob I through generals and admirals.

Each prefecture has a police force responsible for law enforcement. The Army is responsible for inter-prefecture law enforcement problems.





