League of Small Regions

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League of Small Regions
Headquarters: LOSR website
Members: 37 regions
Type: Inter-regional Alliance
Forum: LoSR forum

The League of Small Regions was founded on November 4th, 2004, and is over 6 months old and subsits to this day. They adhere to a strict non-region crashing policy, as the goal of the League is to combine people for leisurely, sometimes political, activity.

On the political end, they have their own consitution, code, and laws, drafted up by their members. They all enjoy a bit of good old fashioned political RP and try to pretend they know more about the reality of politics than they actually do.

On the leisure end, which constitutes the predominant purpose of the League, they are an eccentric bunch of people who enjoy a good bit of fun and hanging out together on their forum.

The League believes that each nation and region has the right to govern itself the way its leaders decide and will not interfere with running of member and non member nations and regions for any purpose.

Although they are essentially a non militarisic organization, the only time they will take action is if one of their member regions is attacked by a hostile force

The league has certain requirements for joining members

  • Have an account/nation/region on Nationstates
  • Run or belong to a region with no more than 40 members (Exceptions can and have been made)

Current leadership

  • (acting) President: Kazikamimoto
  • Head Judge: Dhulus
  • Assistant Judges: Great Sphinx, Private Dunkum
  • (acting) CIC: Lapse
  • Intelligence director: Lapse
  • (acting)Minister of Foreign Affairs: Kazikamimoto
  • (acting)Minister of Recruitment: Private Dunkum