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Psionics are a group of Posthumans with Psionic (Telepathy, Telekinesis etc.) capabilities.

The general abilities of Psionics can differ greatly, between almost godlike beings and almost normal humans. This may partly be based on the vast amount of different possibilities for Psionics to 'function'. Magic, Electromagnetism and other, even less explained ways are known to allow the possibility of Psionic entities to develop.


(It might be noted that the subgroups might not be exclusive, that is, some psionics may be members of several subgroups)


Telepaths are psionics cabable of reading or hacking another being's mind, as well as manipulating it. A very simple analogy would be a wireless LAN. What a wireless LAN is for computers, telepathy is for a human brain.

It might be noted that this kind of process does not usually happen instantaneous. Information needs time to be transferred, this is no different with telepathy.


Telekinetics are somewhat different from telepaths. Instead of reading or manipulating a human brain/ nervous system, they do it with normal matter, that is, mass, or also electric currents.


There are actually quite a few nations with significant percentages of Psionics in their overall populations.

Der Angst has, over time, developed electromagnetism- based Psionics, mainly telepaths (Telekinetics suffered from an unknown, incurable disease, although it seems like attempts to (re)create more advanced psionics have been partially successful.

United Indiastan does have a significant amount of Psionics (Only the female Psionics are able to survive the training without ending up insane, though), and the current Empress, Kestrel Amea is in fact a telepath that has been further enhanced by the Wikipedia:Vorlons. UI telepaths are comparable (electromagnetism based), but not similar, to Angstian telepaths.

GMC Military Arms has a population of about 10% Psionics. While its telepaths are not capable of controlling a mind, they have exceptional telekinetics, as well as other, odd forms. Nobody does really know where the abilities of GMC's Psionics come from.

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