The Golden Hills

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The Golden Hills
Forum: Here (old)
Population: 13 nations
Delegate: Salmonids
Founder: GMR
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

(Part of the Golden Hills factbook.)

Welcome to the NSWiki home of The Golden Hills.


In General

After being crashed by Morventree, the Golden Hills had found a good delegate in Landris and stability and order is returning. Thanks go out to Landris, JRV, and all of the nations in favour of a free Golden Hills.

The Golden Hills is a (usually) peaceful nation of mostly liberal and libertarian nations. However, those seeking a thrill should consider the Golden Hills a place to visit, as we have made some enemies and therefore TGH is in constant threat of war or regioncrashing. Nevertheless, it is a good, fair region, with a good, fair delegate (usually) and a decent number of member nations.

Nations with NSwiki pages

(please click the infobox Title or NSEconomy links for a current list of The Golden Hills members)

The Policies

We are critically left-wing, but some centrist and rightist nations have moved here. We tend to accept most resolutions.

Some of the nations here are members of the (dormant) Left-Wing Alliance.