Northern Expanse

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Northern Expanse
Forum: [1]
Population: 15 nations
Delegate: Grigori of Sibastia
Founder: Sibastia
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

The Northern Expanse is a cold and desolate tundra, characterized by a towering rocky mountain range which extends across the upper borders of the region. Opposed to most regions, where many of the nations inhabiting it are similar in governmental styles or religion, the northern expanse is the windy and treacherous home to an extremly diverse grouping of nations. From religiously fanatical dictatorships, to the peace loving consumerist states, and the war loving lawless barbarian nations, to the civil minded and governmentally sound republics, all different forms of nations can be found.

No stranger to confrontation, the northern expanse actually wars amongst itself over voting priveledges, trade preferences, and even personal vendettas. Although, it remains a chaotic and seemingly obtruse region, over-all balance is preserved through a strict guideline of codes which are enforced by the firm, yet compassionate United Nations Delegate, Grigori.

Link to a map of the Region: Our Region

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